| - es un alien de ben 10 secreto alienigena
- Elemental eli elementti on malmi maksullisessa Runescapessa. Tästä voi valmistaa 20 seppätaidolla elemental shieldin tai elemental helmin. Elemental malmia ei voi myydä tai ostaa. Jotta voit käyttää elemental shieldiä tai -helmiä niin sinun tulee olla tehnyt elemental workshop 1.
- The elemental monster class is represented by the symbol E and consists of five monster types:
* Four proper elementals:
* E air elemental
* E earth elemental
* E fire elemental
* E water elemental
* One additional monster type:
* E stalker The stalker is quite unlike the others, and so the term “elemental” usually refers only to the four proper elementals. Stalkers are genocidable but the proper elementals are not, so using a blessed genocide on the E class will only wipe out stalkers.
- Elementals are non-physical beings relating to the four classical elements. These beings are said to exist wherever these elements are present. Each type of elemental corresponds to one of the elements, these individual beings are known as Gnomes (earth), Undines (water), Sylphs (air), and Salamanders (fire).
- Elemental: μαγική ζημιά που προέρχεται από fire, lightning bolts, κτλ.
- Es una canción de la segunda temporada en Phineas y Ferb.
- Elemental is a monster found in the Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) base game.
- The elemental creature type is a being composed of one of the four classical elements: water, earth, fire, or air.
- ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
- The Elementals was magical being associated with various classical elements (water, fire, et al.). Spike initially believed that the psychotic Slayer Dana was one when he encountered her in 2004, until Angel revealed her real nature. It implies that these creatures are capable of strength and speed similar to the Slayers.
- Elementals are often found in areas where their comprising element is prevalent. For example, Wind Elementals might be found in abundance on the great plains or canyons, while Fire Elementals may roam the desert or around the volcanoes in great numbers. There are four ranks of Elementals, depending on their power/energy. The most powerful ones are significantly greater in stature than their lesser brethrens. Certain character classes may be able to summon Elementals to their aid. The rank of Elemental they are capable of summoning depends on their skill level.
- [[Plik:Elementals.png|thumb|Żywiołaki. Od lewej od góry: Księżniczka Theradras, Ahune, Ragnaros, Książę Thunderaan. Poniżej od lewej: żywiołak ziemi, żywiołak wody, bagienna bestia, żywiołak ognia i żywiołak powietrza.]]Żywiołaki to żywe i niebezpieczne istoty stworzone z czystej energii żywiołów. Są one bardzo zróżnicowaną grupą. Niektóre są związane z dalekimi światami znanymi jako Plany Żywiołów i są przeważnie sługami potężnych Władców Żywiołów władających tymi światami. Inne są rdzennymi mieszkańcami świata Azeroth, związane ze stanem świata je otaczająego jako fizyczne manifestacje duchów żywiołów. Wreszcie istnieje grupa niezależnych żywiołaków, nie posiadających żadnego pana.
- Elemental kan verwijzen naar:
- Elementals are creatures of magic.
- Clark has to defend Luthor Mansion from a metahuman who can control hailstones.
- Name: Elemental Gender: Male Species: Squirrel Color: White (appearance), blue (actual *Elemental and Friends wiki only*) Age: 15 (appearance), 35 (actual) Relatives: *none known*
- An elemental is a powerful being from the High Plane. Its main form consists of one overall element which can be air, earth, fire or water in their various forms (e.g. there can be water and ice elementals). Their powers can be very devastating based on their elements, but the downside to that is that the opposite element of their own element becomes their greatest weakness. If weakened enough in combat, elementals generally return back to the High Plane although they can be trapped into various magical items through binding seals. Elementals like to hang out on the Beach of FLAME.
- The elemental hero is one of the 4 path's to choose from. Its first talisman is Ember in a Bottle and focuses on intellegence. Skills include: 1.
* Throw Sparks 2.
* Air Shield 3.
* Ice Bolt 4.
* Groundquake 5.
* Proper Hydration 6.
* Lightning Bolt 7.
* Fire Shield 8.
* Stone Armor 9.
* Tornado 10.
* Lifeblood Manipulation
- There are other variations of these elemental monsters present in later dungeons, which are the Elements, Spirits, Ghosts, and Servants, each with the same five sub-elements. These groups of elementals are often encountered at different stages of the game, with some appearing earlier in dungeons than others in the same family. However, every type behaves in exactly the same manner. For quotes, see Monster Quotes.
- Elementaalit ovat kaoottisia olioita, jotka ovat syntyneet elementeistä. Niitä johtavat Elementaali herrat. Elementaaleja on 4 eri lajia: kakka, pissi, yökki ja pieru. thumb|300px|Elementaalit vasemmalta oikealle: pieru, kakka, yökki ja pissa
- Elementals are incarnations of the elements themselves, just as dangerous as the forces that birthed them. There are several elementals, each corresponding to a particular element.
- An elemental is an animated form of an element, summoned by a wizard to this plane. Usually, they consist of one of the four classical elements: Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. There can be elementals that are a fusion of two of these, for example an ice elemental is a fusion of a water elemental and an air elemental, or a magma is comprised of earth and fire. There are many other types of elementals, such as storm and shadow elementals. The elementals known to have been summoned to Valhalla are: An Air Elemental, an Earth Elemental, a Fire Elemental, a Water Elemental, and a Greater Ice Elemental.
- Elemental is a quest in which you must get badges from games having to do with the four classical elements.
- Elementals são criaturas que dominam um certo tipo de mágica (Fogo, Água, Gelo...). Até agora, Blaze é o único Elemental, que domina a mágica do fogo.
- An Elemental is a demon of immense power, the most powerful type of all demons. Elementals are created when powerful formations such as ice rivers or mountains die. Due to their enormous size, the spirits of these structures are exceptionally powerful as they were very powerful in life. Demons formed from the death of these formations thus have more power than any other demon. In Wolf Brother, the Demon Bear which killed Torak's Fa had an Elemental demon trapped inside it, this made it very powerful and very dangerous.
- Elementals are incarnations of the elements that compose existence/
- Elementals are magical beings of the elements.
* Known elementals include:
* Sylphs
* Shades
* Salamanders
* Gnomes
* Undines
* Sometimes Lunes are claimed as elementals. Sources: Cult Compendium, HeroQuest: Glorantha
- Elementals are creatures made up magically out of a certain Element.
- De Elementals waren ooit onderdanen van de Old Gods. Toen het Pantheon de Old Gods versloeg en vastketende onder het aardoppervlak, werden de Elementals verbannen naar de Twisting Nether.
- Elementals are living spirits of nature that embody the elements often chaotic in nature and sometimes vile. When Chaos reigns, the vile evil spirits who rule the elements are free to cause mayhem o'er the land. Mortals find themselves trapped within rocks and stones. These spirits maybe ancient gods of the sea, and other deities of earth, wind, and fire...or controlled by those gods of the elements. Elementals may be represented by members within another race (such as the woodland faerie Culatha, the Spirit of Spring or the Nymphs).
- The Elemental is a fictional ranged class for Stick Ranger. It attacks using elemental essence stored in a staff similar to the Priest's. Though its attack style is remarkably similar to the Magician, its stats are a mixture of the Magician's, the Gunner's, and the Gladiator's, making it have a very different feel than the Magician to use. It also helps that its attacks do have some variation from the Magician's attacks, such as having all 6 types and not just 5 of them.
- Elementals are magical creatures embodying a single element. Mages may employ them as active participants in spells, or may summon their aid in a fight. Lesser elementals may be of limited intelligence by human standards.
- Once every hundred years, unseasonal natural disasters occur all around the world, and one elemental each must gather at the Circle of Gaea on the Night of Aeolus to perform the Ritual of the Guardians in order to neutralize them, or else the world will continue to worsen its condition until it splits apart. The fire elemental, Firestarter, is tasked with gathering the other three for the ceremony. When all four elementals are gathered, the fifth elemental (the human spirit) will automatically find them. Despite being non-magical, it was mentioned as the most powerful element of them all due to his strength of heart.
- Elemental m. andf. (plural elementales) 1.
* elemental
- O elemental é um conjunto de vários tipos de criaturas.
- Elementals are sentient incarnations of the elements that comprise existence. While most elementals are born on the plane of Lamannia, the fire elementals originate on Fernia, the Sea of Fire. Elementals are critical on the world of Eberron, where they are used to power things like airships and other eldritch machines. Over the years, the gnomes of Zilargo have mastered bonding elementals to create devices of wonder.
- Los elementales son potentes y volátiles espíritus elementales de puro energías elementales y una vez fueron los esbirros de los dioses antiguos (algunos aún lo son). Muchos están a las órdenes de los más poderosos lugartenientes elementales llamados Señores Elementales. - Ragnaros, Therazane, Al'Akir y Neptulon - mientras que el resto están a las órdenes de los llamados espíritus elementales.
- The Elementals are an isolated race, growing up in a private village far removed from the rest of the world. Each one is born with a specific element they can control that has a specific chemical make-up. For example, Eluin's element is water, which is actually H2O. The origins of the race are unclear and generally unknown. The other special gift all are born with is the ability to sense their soulmate. Each one is born knowing that there soulmate is alive and out there. They know nothing of name or personality but when the moment in their soulmate's life comes that they're needed, they perform a special magic that takes them to their soulmate's side. Once they leave the village, they never return.
- Elemental is a mythical race of beings whose appearance is related to an element of nature, some show a lot more humanoid appearance such as desmuestran the Spirits of Fire, possibly also may be related. Ethnicity has no definite origin, most apparently have a body constituted by an elemental magic while there have been human and Xan one whose body has been corrupted by the inappropriate use of Magic (In the case of this, Pyromancy) the latter might suggest that some Elementals are humans whose bodies have been corrupted by the Magic.
- The Elemental is a mobile armor with jump jets. Its armament are two crossbow missiles (SRMs) and either a laser, machine gun, or flamethrower. It was seen in the Mechwarrior series and in the Mechassault series. Even though it acts like a light mech, most militias don't use them. Despite this, it's able to take on a squad of tanks, and its small signature makes it hard for enemies to pick up. In the Mechassault campaign, (Size Matters) the Mechwarrior used an elemental to steal an assault Mech from the Word of Blake using it to destroy a palace where WOB dignitaries were having a celebration during a Wolf's Dragoon invasion. The Elementals eventually evolve into the Battle Armor. The Battle Armor is basically an upgraded version of the Elementals. Like the Battle Armor, the Elementals can
- The Elemental (精霊種(エレメンタル), Erementaru)? are the third ranked race of the Exceed. Every living thing born on Disboard contains traces of Elementals. (Sora and Shiro were not born on Disboard, thus they contain no Elementals.) It is most concentrated in the erogenous zones. The body of a Flügel is said to be entirely made up of elementals, and the Elementals are most concentrated in their wings. The network, which elementals form within a body, is termed as an Elemental gallery. It is from this gallery that the races of the Exceed below the Elementals' rank (with the exception of Imanity) can control the flow of elementals to generate their specific abilities according to their race. In the sixth episode, the siblings caused Jibril's Elemental gallery to disappear during materialization shi
- Elemental is the 18th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 2, not to be confused with Elementary, which is a level in Chip's Challenge 1. It was designed by Tyrethali Ansrath. Likely named for its use of fire and water to create mazes, with ice to make the bold a little more difficult, Elemental is breezy work, although it takes a bit of time.
- An elemental is humanoid shaped creature of the elements. Most often elementals are depicted as human-like creatures made of an element. For example a water elemental would be made of water and a fire elemental would be made of fire. They can usually summon there element into reality, like a fire elemental can shoot fire balls, an earth elemental can cause earthquakes, a water elemental can cause tidal waves and an ice elemental can freeze things. They are most described as being evil or unkind but are occasionaly described as nice. Traditionally, there are four types:
- Elemental is a Naruto/InuYasha crossover fanfiction created on fanfiction.net. It was created by Kurosu Yumi, and is in the process of being completed. Elemental takes Taisho "Higurashi" Kagome from the InuYasha world and places her in the Naruto verse. Her friends follow her, human and demon alike, except the humans have no clue who each other are, their memories having been taken from them.
- An elemental is a being composed of one of the four classical (or "pure") elements—air, earth, fire, and water—or of a combination involving classical elements. These creatures are typically inhabitants of the inner planes. The combinations can be either of two classical elements (the para-elementals) or of a classical element and the energy from one of the energy planes (the quasi-elementals). Neverwinter Nights only includes the four basic elementals, leaving the para- and quasi- elementals to the custom content makers.
- Electricals: Electricals have the ability to absorb electrical energy. They also project it from parts of their bodies [mainly the hands]. Electricals can absorb too much energy and cause themselves to explode.
* Examples: Brennan Mulwray (electrical energy projection), Ashley Elliot (electrical energy absorption), Barry "Kilohertz" Sterling (electromagnetic transmutation/cybernetic travel), Candace Rockwell (electrical shockwave projection), Patricia (electron speed manipulation)
* Example: Calvin Porter (superhuman hearing)
* Example: None Known
* Examples: None Known
- Elemental is an American gothic metal band from Washington, formed in 1997. The band consists of the two vocalist Michelle Elanovich and Michael Everett, guitarist Paulo Magriani,and drummer Mark Magolio. They released their first EP "Death Night" in 1997 under the name Shadow Summer, but changed their name in 1998 and released their first album Fire through Batched Records. In 2002 they signed to Vindictive Records and broke through into the mainstream with their second hugely sucessful album Bloom. In 2006 they returned to the charts with their third album The Ocean Is My Solace. In 2008 they released their fourth album In Vitro and recieved huge acclaim. They have been regarded to the likes of Lacuna Coil and Evanescence. The band are close friends with fellow Washington gothic metal ac
- Elementals are magically animated beings. Unlike Undead (which are an animation of a previously living creature), Elementals are an animation of non-living materials. This is usually in the form of raw materials, such as Stone Elementals. Unlike Golems, which are the creation of magicians, Elementals are created by the raw element itself, most commonly out of the earth, and can be found in areas where magical disturbances occur (like the Stone Elementals scattered through Ascalon near the large magical crystals). Elementals drop (besides weapons and gold):
- "Elementals, rise!" The five cats stood their ground, their backs arched, their lips pulled back into a snarl. A white she-cat with frost littering the ground in her wake advanced, and with a swipe of her paw sent snow whipping into the cat's face. It growled, shaking away the slap of cold material, and took a step forward. "Cold, come back!" a light gray she-cat shrieked. "It will kill you!" "If I do, it will kill us all!" Cold hissed back. "We are the Elementals, Air—with power like this we are all destined to die." "Graypaw! Graypaw!" a voice meowed loudly in Graypaw's ear. "Wake up, will ya?"
- The elementals are potent and volatile elemental spirits of pure elemental energies and were once the minions of the Old Gods (and some may still be). Many are commanded by the most powerful elemental lieutenants called the Elemental Lords — Ragnaros the Firelord, Therazane the Stonemother, Al'Akir the Windlord, and Neptulon the Tidehunter — whilst others are commanded by primordial elementals known as Elemental Spirits.