| - KALI PART TWO Written by: Damian Kindler Directed by: Martin Wood INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY HALLWAY [Helen is on gurney giving Will CPR. Kate is beside them with Ravi close behind] RAVI I'm putting his blood sample into the system now! HELEN Come on! KATE Come on, Will! [Will regains consciousness and thrashes about] KATE It's going to be okay. RAVI Normal cardiac tach. HELEN Help me hold him! Will, it's Helen! Can you hear me? WILL Kali... She's out there! [Helen hops off gurney and runs beside it] HELEN God, what the hell did they do to you? WILL [IN HINDI] Let me go! HELEN He's in shock. RAVI Dr. Magnus... [Ravi hands Helen a slip of paper] HELEN Oh, my God. KATE What is it? RAVI His organs are going into systematic failure. HELEN His system's been flooded with toxic antibodies. Turn him! KATE What? He's been poisoned? HELEN No, the makri, it must have been removed by force. It would have released these toxins. KATE But I thought the hosts can't survive without it. HELEN They can't! Will! INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY INFIRMARY [Helen is checking on Will who is still unconscious not restless as before. Kate enters the room] KATE Hey... God, he looks terrible. HELEN Unfortunately the makri's absence from his nervous system is causing a hypersensitive immune response. I've stabilized him for now, reduced the fevers, prevented more seizures. We're running tests. I know of a few treatments that could slow his decline but we simply don't know enough about the makri or its effect on his physiology. KATE Any sign of Bertha? HELEN All our resources are being diverted to the search but it'll take time. She could be thousands of miles away by now. [Helen's voice wavers slightly on the last sentence] KATE Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You did what you had to do. [Helen smiles at Kate] HELEN I wish it were that simple. The truth is, I broke the rules that I myself set into place. I knew it would come back and haunt me sooner or later. KATE No, doc, there is a psychic link to a parasite and an ancient cult. Abnormals all over the world are acting crazy. I would say that your hunch about Bertha being connected to the eco-system is on the money. HELEN She could destroy millions of lives! KATE And by killing her, she could destroy millions of lives. So what kind of choice is that! [Helen nods] KATE Look, it happened... So we improvise, we fix it. What else can I do? HELEN Find out if Henry's made it to the lead search ship. Patch him through when he's ready. KATE Done. [Kate leaves and Helen looks upon Will and sighs] INT SANCTUARY LEAD SHIP [Henry is on video link with Helen and Kate] HENRY Bertha's magnetic burst definitely caused a spike in weirdness. I've adjusted our navigation systems to compensate. Also, Declan's reporting more incidents of abnormals appearing in public stirring things up. HELEN Yes, I've been getting messages from heads of sanctuaries all over the world. Things are only getting worse. HENRY Hey, doc, listen, about Bertha. I'm really sorry I wasn't there to help. HELEN You were in the air, Henry. There's nothing you could've done. HENRY Yeah... KATE Okay, so we lost round one. What's our next move? HELEN We need to re-establish contact with Bertha's tracking device. HENRY Yeah, bad guys have got her under some sort of a jamming cloak. None of my scans are picking anything up. HELEN Who the hell could've done this? KATE Someone with major connections in the abnormal world. HELEN It's far more than that. This is someone who has put together pieces of information that are thousands of years old... the cult of Kali, the makri, its connection to Bertha. KATE Who everybody believed was dead. HENRY Yeah, you know this whole cult thing, I mean that's got to be like biblical old, huh? HELEN Older in fact; there are legends of abnormals who were movers of earth, heralds of the great floods, the whisperers who could talk to all creatures. All these predate even the earliest Egyptian dynasties. Someone studied this as though it were all fact not myth and now they have control of the most dangerous abnormal on Earth. I want to know who we're dealing with and where they've taken her. Get us back in the game, Henry. HENRY Yeah. INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Asian man is studying his laptop as Forsythe meditates. Rheka sits on a couch in silence watching Forsythe] ASIAN MAN We're almost in position, Mr. Forsythe. [Bertha continues walking across the ocean] INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY INFIRMARY [Helen has returned to watch over Will] WILL'S HALLUCINATION [Will is resting comfortably when he hears Kali's voice] KALI Durga... Durga? [Will sits up suddenly] WILL Kali? WILL [Speaks Hindi] [Will gets off the bed and starts walking. Kali is running away from him in the hallway] KALI [Speaks Hindi] [Will chases after her] WILL Kali? KALI Durga, find me. WILL Kali? KALI Come to me. [Will suddenly stops and grabs his side in pain] INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY INFIRMARY [Will regains consciousness and clutches at his side and thrashes about in pain] HELEN Ravi, I need two milligrams lorazepam! Hold him still, or he'll lose the IV! [Helen administer the drug into his IV as Ravi holds him still] WILL Help me! Help me find her! HELEN Will, talk to me. WILL Help me find her... [Speaks Hindi] INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Forsythe enters a dream state and sees the same room Will first saw but he can't find Kali] FORSYTHE Damn it... RHEKA You can't see her, can you? FORSYTHE Who? RHEKA Kali. You can't see her. FORSYTHE [Laughs] The Bhagavad Gita says the herald will see her as a beautiful enchantress when the connection is strong with color so vibrant so as to blind a man. RHEKA It does say that. FORSYTHE So why am I seeing nothing when I'm connected to Bertha? Come on. I brought you here as my tech support and it's my first time as a herald. I'm not going to get nasty with you...but he might. [Forsythe indicates the Asian man] RHEKA Kali only comes to the mind's eye when the makri wills it so. You are not its chosen host. You will never see her mind inside yours. FORSYTHE So I don't get fries with my happy meal, boo hoo. RHEKA You're not a herald and you never will be. [Spits] FORSYTHE Oh, really? That's funny, because I thought I was the one who, who made her crawl 200 miles across the ocean floor. I'm the one with the critter inside of me. I think Bertha will do whatever I want. RHEKA Such as? FORSYTHE What do the ancient texts foretell? The great flood will come and sweep away sins; the Earth swallowing up our unclean. Every single holy man has predicted Bertha's awakening since the beginning of time and guess what? They're right. They're right! Bibi... It's the end of days. EXT MUMBAI [Kate is walking around the city. She senses someone following her. Arjuna peers around a corner and Kate turns quickly with her gun drawn] ARJUNA Don't shoot! Don't shoot! KATE Ah... do not do that. [Kate puts her gun away] ARJUNA Do what? KATE Follow me like that. ARJUNA You're looking for the ones who hurt the white man; the ones who took my bibi. KATE You saw them? The, uh...the white guy is pretty sick right now. ARJUNA Sick? But he has a makri inside him. KATE Not anymore. ARJUNA [Sighs] That's very bad. INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY INFIRMARY [Helen sits by Will's bedside with a computer on her lap when Ravi enters] RAVI Dr. Magnus? [Helen stands and faces Ravi] HELEN Have you heard from Henry? RAVI Still trying to steal back satellites to pick up Bertha's trail. He's going through every ship in the area at the time she escaped. So far all their stories check out. He's looking for false registries, shell companies... HELEN It's taking too long. Bertha's been gone more than 12 hours now. Someone has control of her. Declan's reporting more abnormals worldwide wreaking havoc. RAVI Controlling the spin on that many sightings; not easy. HELEN And Will, he's speaking more Hindi now than English when he talks. He keeps calling out for Kali. RAVI Quite possibly a side effect of having the makri forcibly removed. KATE It isn't. [Kate enters the infirmary with Arjuna] KATE This is Arjuna. He says he's a member of the cult. Tell them what you told me. ARJUNA Your friend is still connected to Kali. HELEN Are you certain? ARJUNA If he still sees her, in his dreams, they can speak. Kali's an apsara. HELEN A sea spirit. KATE Bertha? ARJUNA Once the makri chooses its host that bond can't be undone even when the makri is gone. HELEN Can he sense this apsara, control it? ARJUNA Not without the makri to help him. HELEN He's helpless. ARJUNA Unless they call her in a rapati sungu. RAVI Rapati sungu? ARJUNA He must dance for her. KATE Dance for her? ARJUNA If he dances a song for her, she will hear him. If he dances well she will listen to whatever he says. HELEN Are you sure about this? ARJUNA Of course, I am to be a host when I am older. I've been training since I was very young. [The phone rings and Ravi goes to answer it] RAVI Infirmary, go ahead. [Ravi lowers the phone and turns to Helen] RAVI You have a visitor. [Helen leaves the infirmary] INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY MAIN ROOM [Wexford is sitting in a chair and Helen is standing nearby facing him] WEXFORD You took Bertha to the woods to kill her and you never pulled the trigger. The optics on that are... HELEN Oh to hell with the optics, Terrance. It was my choice not to kill her. If I thought it would be popular I wouldn't have kept it secret. WEXFORD Well, the only problem with lying is getting caught. [Helen sits on the couch] HELEN What are you saying? WEXFORD I'm saying that eighty...fifty years ago even, no one would have challenged you on this but things have changed. Helen, I'm sure you did what you thought was best and at the time, it probably was, but now... HELEN I couldn't have known about the makri or that someone would have figured out a way to control Bertha remotely. WEXFORD And I know you took every precaution but it still happened. Look, this isn't even about credibility. It's becoming about trust. You need to contain this situation quickly. HELEN We need to find whoever's controlling Bertha and sever the connection. Once I get her back into containment again, then I... WEXFORD Containment, Helen, Bertha is a threat to every living creature on this planet and you want to put her back in her box? HELEN This issue is far larger than you could possibly understand. Killing her is a last resort. The other heads of house agree. It would be far too reckless. WEXFORD Yes, some feel that way but not all...and Helen, the tides are turning. We've known each other for a long time and I owe you everything... but you need to rethink your stand on this. You're on thinner ice than you realize. INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY HALLWAY [Helen and Kate are walking down the hallway while Helen talks to Henry on her cell phone] HENRY There were about eighteen ships in the vicinity when Bertha was taken. Now, at first blush most of them check out. You got oil tankers, cargo ships, fishing trawlers. No connective tissue between any of them. HELEN But you found something. [Helen and Kate enter the office and Helen connects to a video link with Henry] HENRY Yeah. Hi! [Henry waves and Kate waves back] HENRY Yeah, I hacked into the databases of a few Fortune 500 companies and I cross-referenced their boards of directors. You know, those guys make a whole bunch of money for doing pretty much nothing? KATE And? HENRY And, well, one of the guys sits on the board of every company that had ships in the region where Bertha was hijacked. Here you go. This is Edward Forsythe. Now, he's a big player in the global geo-mining biz, okay. This guy owns half of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea Oil Project, all right? And he was in Mumbai when all this went down. HELEN I've met him before. He approached me at a conference years ago, asked all sorts of questions about abnormals in ancient mythology. HENRY Oh, sorry. It's a bit rough in here. So I don't know how he knows what he knows, yet, but he did buy a lot of ancient artifacts from museums over the last few years for like, insane amounts of money. HELEN What kind of artifacts? HENRY Totems, scrolls, ancient texts; it's all Shroud of Turin, Indiana-Jones stuff. He believes every abnormal can be traced to a certain region of Pangea going back like, millions of years. KATE The original super-continent. HELEN That's an interesting theory, but there's no proof. HENRY So what does a billionaire art collector want with an earthquake monster? HELEN Well, controlling Bertha's like having the ultimate nuke. I mean, he could be using her to leverage oil rights anywhere in the world; political blackmail for business contracts. Any coastal city is in jeopardy if he lets her loose. KATE No. That's a lot of risk for a little gain. I mean, the guy definitely doesn't need the money. HELEN Then what on Earth is he up to? INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Forsythe is looking out the window as he talks to Rheka] FORSYTHE Do you think they're onto me, Magnus and her crew? Eh, I think they're onto me. Not that it matters. They have no idea what I'm up to. They're probably digging up the auction sale from the Canopic jar of Shtabi from the London museum. They should've bought it from a numbered company. We're never going to be pals, are we? RHEKA Ha, you're afraid. You should be. ASIAN MAN Sorry about the delay, sir. Bertha's proximity is playing havoc with our navigation. FORSYTHE Yeah, well, we were about to start swapping puke stories. What's new? ASIAN MAN She's made good progress, sir. She's at the designated coordinates now. FORSYTHE So we're ready for phase two? Collateral damage? ASIAN MAN We anticipate major seismic activities associated with her actions. Coastal areas will be hit very hard. FORSYTHE That's a damn shame. Let's get it started. ASIAN MAN Right. FORSYTHE Come on, girl, let's go to work. WILL'S HALLUCINATION [Will is back in the large room looking around. Kali is in a large octagonal pool/bath] KALI Where have you been? [Will walks toward her] KALI Come. [Will strips and joins her] KALI You have been looking for me? WILL That depends if this is real or not. KALI I am real, Durga, as real as you. WILL Why do you call me that? Durga. KALI It is your name. Don't tell me you have forgotten mine as well? WILL Kali. KALI You should have not disappeared like that. Where did you go? WILL The thing that connects us was taken from me. KALI The makri? And you allowed this? WILL I didn't have much of a choice...but the other one that you're connected to is not your herald. KALI He calls me. WILL No... Kali, you need to stay. Don't listen to him. KALI I must go, Durga. I can't stay. WILL No... No, wait. KALI If you are my true herald, find me. WILL How? KALI Dance the rapati sungu. WILL Dance? KALI And you will find me. INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY INFIRMARY [Will regains consciousness and sits up] INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY HALLWAY [A medical alarm is beeping. Helen is running down the hallway into the infirmary. She sees Will is gone] INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY MAIN ROOM [Helen is passing out things to a large group of men. Kate is handing out photographs to the same men] HELEN I should have taken more precautions. His state of mind's been deteriorating lately. RAVI I've contacted the local authorities, given his description. HELEN Oh I'm sure they'll be a big help. KATE You'd think a white guy wandering the street screaming about Kali would get noticed. RAVI Not really. It's Mumbai. HELEN I want all abnormals with psychic and remote-viewing abilities activated as well. If Will's mind is still linked to Bertha there may be a way to track him using unconventional means. RAVI On it. [Wexford enters] WEXFORD Helen... HELEN Not now, Terrance. WEXFORD We need to get on a ship, lead the search for Bertha and end this. HELEN The search is ongoing. Finding Will is just as important. His link to Bertha may well be the key. WEXFORD I need five minutes. HELEN Take over. I'll be right back. KATE Got it. HELEN Come with me. EXT MUMBAI [Kate, Ravi and the men are on the streets questioning the people] KATE [Speaking Hindi then speaking English] Are you sure? [Kate approaches more people] KATE Hey... [speaking Hindi] Are you sure? [Kate holds out the photograph] KATE Look at it. [Speaking Hindi] No? Okay. [Kate moves away] KATE Damn it! [She yells at a young man] KATE Hey, buddy. [Speaking Hindi] Thanks for nothing. [Kate's frustration is showing as she keeps asking people] KATE Come on... [Kate has rejoined Ravi] KATE [sighs] Oh, God... These people are really, really unhelpful. No wonder we have no idea where he's gone. RAVI You're not really Indian, are you? KATE Excuse me? Dude... [in Hindi] I was born here. RAVI Yeah, but you didn't grow up here, that's for sure. KATE So? RAVI So you have no idea how to talk to these people. They want to help us. You're just not asking properly. KATE What, am I supposed to offer them money 'cause I have tried that; it doesn't work. RAVI Kate, it's entirely inappropriate to offer money to someone in their own home. You need to show politeness, gratitude. Would it kill you to have a cup of tea with them, for God's sake? They don't like you. Stop being rude and they will help us. KATE I know all that. It's just that I've never bought into that whole...quiet, subservient Indian girl thing. RAVI Man, you have some serious hang-ups about your roots. This is the 21st century. You don't have to be a servant or a maid, you just have to show some respect. You can be likeable, even attractive when you let your guard down. Try that. KATE Did you...just make a pass at me? RAVI Warming up to it. Not that my parents would approve of you, of course. KATE [laughs] RAVI I'm joking. They'd love you. KATE Really? RAVI No. INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY OFFICE [Helen is sitting on the edge of the desk as Wexford paces] WEXFORD I know Will is tied into this but you're only going to dig yourself a bigger hole by taking your eyes off of Bertha. HELEN Believe me, this is the right strategy. WEXFORD No, it isn't! HELEN You are way out of line. WEXFORD You need to shift your focus on this right now. Lying about not euthanizing an extinction level abnormal would've gotten any other head of house suspended but because it's you, they're trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. HELEN Which they should.WEXFORD For how long! And now with this Forsythe character, who can control her by remote, what would you say if the shoe were on the other foot? HELEN There are extenuating circumstances. We don't know enough yet about her connection to the Earth. You don't destroy something that powerful without having all the facts. WEXFORD The fact is, she can destroy half of Europe when she's upset! You've taken us to the brink, Helen. How did you think the network would respond? You taught us to think like this. You said, "question everything". They're giving you 72 hours to contain the situation. [Helen sighs and nods. A beeping sounds from the computer. Helen goes and activates it and Wexford looks over her shoulder] HELEN It's Henry. HENRY Doc! Geosynchronous satellites detected major magnetic disturbances about four minutes ago. I'm sending you the data now. Look based on the resonance pattern this has got to be Bertha. HELEN Re-direct all search teams to the coordinates immediately. HENRY Yeah, we're closing in now and I know your next question...why would Forsythe send Bertha there? HELEN Tectonic plates. HENRY Because the tecton... yeah... right. HELEN It's a convergence point of three major tectonic boundaries in the southern hemisphere... the Indian, African and Arabian plates. Dear God, he's going to set her off. INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Forsythe is mediating and the Asian man is monitoring the computer] ASIAN MAN No change since the recent burst. FORSYTHE Nothing? ASIAN MAN No activity, sir. She's just sitting there. RHEKA [Laughs] [in Hindi] Some herald you are. FORSYTHE [in Hindi] I brought her here. She will do this. RHEKA You're not strong enough. You're not worthy of carrying the makri...and Kali knows it. FORSYTHE Really? Watch this. Fire the little spider up. Magnetic resonance burst, half power, just to get things started. [The Asian man gets the device that they used on Will earlier] ASIAN MAN Mr. Forsythe... FORSYTHE Shut up and do it. [The Asian man holds the device up to Forsythe's back] BOTTOM OF INDIAN OCEAN [Bertha becomes agitated and then her body glows] INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [The computer signals an alarm] ASIAN MAN Seismic readings coming from Bertha's position; she's active, it's starting. FORSYTHE Like I said, end of days. [Rheka looks scared] BOTTOM OF INDIAN OCEAN [Bertha sends a pulse down the fault] EXT MUMBAI [Will lies unconscious but suddenly wakes] WILL No! INT MUMBAI SANCTUARY HENRY I've got your long-range chopper at Shivaji Airport prepped and ready to go; should get you out here within six hours. HELEN Good. Is the weapon ready? HENRY Yeah, one VLF Bertha stunner ready to go. You get close enough the acoustic bullet should put her back to sleep. Just, the problem is... HELEN We have to get close enough. HENRY Yeah. HELEN All right, I'll get there as soon as I can. HENRY Okay, fly safe. WEXFORD You're using a long-range acoustic device against Bertha? HELEN With a clear shot, we could knock her out. Forsythe can't control an unconscious creature. WEXFORD What if it doesn't work? You need an alternative. HELEN I'm hoping it won't come to that. WEXFORD There's too much at stake, Helen. HELEN I agree and if there is absolutely no alternative then I will destroy her. EXT MUMBAI KATE [in Hindi] Ma'am, sorry to trouble you but we are looking for a friend. A white man. He is ill and needs help. Many blessings upon your house for your good will. Thank you. RAVI Suddenly such a delicate flower. KATE Oh, bite me. RAVI It's actually quite breathtaking. EXT SHIVAJI AIRPORT [Helen is about to take off in the helicopter and Wexford is leaning in the door. Henry is standing near the helicopter preparing some device] WEXFORD We'll monitor you from here! Maintain radio contact! HELEN Do nothing unless I order it! WEXFORD Of course. [Henry gets in helicopter] HENRY Ready! EXT MUMBAI [Will is running and hallucinating. He sees Kali] WILL Kali! Kali, what are you doing? No! No, you must stop! No... [Will sees Bertha and what she is doing] WILL Kali! The end...the end of days! The great flood! The great flood is coming! ABOVE INDIAN OCEAN HELEN We're almost at the coordinates. Anything yet? HENRY Yeah, reports of seismic activity in the area, low-grade but pretty constant. I'd say we've got to be getting pretty close. I'm just getting some weird mapping data here. Okay, that's just crazy. HELEN What is it? HENRY I'm cross-checking with our nautical charts. Just hold on. Okay, either we're totally off course or...Doc, I'm reading a chain of islands dead ahead but there's nothing in the charts indicating any land mass just open ocean. HELEN That's because it's new. HENRY She's not making earthquakes. HELEN She's making land! HELEN [INTO RADIO] This is Magnus. We have a complication. Are you getting these images? [Wexford is on the leading Sanctuary vessel monitoring] WEXFORD Yes, we are. Sonar indicates tectonic plates are diverging rapidly. We're also detecting a smaller vessel approximately six miles West of your position. HELEN What do you want to bet it's Forsythe? CAPTAIN This is the captain. We're moving to intercept. HELEN Don't! He's got control of Bertha. If we try taking his ship there's no telling what he'll do. That's why he's out here alone, he has the ultimate bodyguard. WEXFORD If she keeps building land at this rate... HELEN ...it'll cause massive destruction to the entire region, I know. We're circling around trying to get a better lock on her position. WEXFORD Copy that, standing by. [Wexford holds his hand over the microphone and speaks to the captain] WEXFORD Ready deployment of all depth charges; if she can't finish this, we will. CAPTAIN Yes, sir. EXT MUMBAI [Ravi is talking to a woman as Kate runs up] KATE Ravi! RAVI People are saying there's something happening a few streets over. ABOVE INDIAN OCEAN HELEN Henry? HENRY I can't get a shot. We didn't anticipate her making islands and they're kind of in the way. HELEN Dammit. HENRY What do you want me to do, doc? HELEN Target Forsythe's ship. HENRY Forsythe's ship? HELEN If we can't get a shot at Bertha we might be able to use the LRAD to sever his connection to her. HENRY Oh, man... EXT MUMBAI [Will is yelling and a crowd has gathered around him] WILL Kali! Kali, you must stop! The end of days... I must... I must find her. How can I find her? Dance... [Laughs] I can dance! [The people look at Will as if he is crazy as he starts to dance] WILL I can dance! [dances] Kali! [dances] Kali! [Will dances and in his hallucination he sees the people joining him. Kali appears in the crowd watching him and Will sees her] INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS FORSYTHE Damn, I'm losing her. ASIAN MAN Mr. Forsythe, we're tracking a lone helicopter closing in on our position. Mr. Forsythe...Mr. Forsythe? FORSYTHE It's Magnus. Shoot her down. [A hatch opens on the ship] ABOVE INDIAN OCEAN HENRY Doc! We have a weapons lock on our position! He's got missiles? HELEN Of course he does. [missiles fire] Deploying countermeasures. Hang on! HENRY [Laughs] Yeah! Nice move, doc! HELEN Get ready to fire the weapon! INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Forsythe is still mediating to regain control of Kali] CREWMAN We have missed the target. 20 seconds to reload. EXT MUMBAI [Will walks toward Kali] KALI Namaskarr, Durga. WILL [Breathless] Namaskarr, Kali. INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS ASIAN MAN Sir, Bertha's slowing down. Her rate of volcanic activity is decreasing. FORSYTHE Come on, stay with me. ABOVE INDIAN OCEAN HENRY I have a shot! HELEN Take it! INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [The pulse from Henry's weapon hits the vessel and everyone collapses] EXT MUMBAI RAVI He was here. People saw him only a few minutes ago. KATE I know, I got the same story and something about a... RAVI dancing, and apparently, quite well. KATE Will dancing? Pull our people back. RAVI What? KATE The dance, the rapati sungu. He's trying to reach Bertha. Get our people away from him. RAVI [Speaks Hindi into radio] EXT MUMBAI WILL It worked. You heard me. KALI You summoned me. WILL Kali... Please, stop what you're doing. [Ravi and Kate rush into where Will is talking to Kali but stop and watch] WILL The makri is telling me that there is danger. KALI You said your makri was taken from you. WILL I know, but...I can still feel you. What you're doing... KALI Is what I am asked to do. WILL If you don't stop millions of people will die. KALI Then they will die. WILL But this herald...he doesn't respect you. He's only using you for his own gain. KALI You are different? WILL Yes! I respect you. Your power is incredible but killing innocent people is not what you're meant to do. KALI I have heard this from other heralds in the past, a request for leniency, for mercy. WILL People are stronger now. If you hurt them, they'll hurt you back. KALI I only wish to be left alone. ABOVE INDIAN OCEAN HELEN What's Bertha doing now? HENRY Scans indicate... She's inactive! I think it worked! WEXFORD Magnus, did you hit the target? HELEN She's quiet. WEXFORD But still conscious? HELEN Yes. We should be able to guide her back to her containment area. I'm heading back to the ship. We'll regroup for the next phase. WEXFORD Understood. INT LEAD SANCTUARY VESSEL [Wexford takes off his radio] WEXFORD Captain... Deploy all depth charges to Bertha's position. Target her with everything we have. Right now. CAPTAIN Yes, sir. Ready all ordnance. All charges, maximum depth. CREW MEMBERAVI All charges max depth. Aye, sir. WEXFORD And cut off all Magnus' radio communications with the other ships. EXT MUMBAI KALI Why was I asked to make land? WILL Oh, I don't know but you don't have to do what he says. Please... KALI You danced well for me, Durga. WILL [Laughing] Well, I...I didn't have much of a choice. I had to get your attention, didn't I? ABOVE INDIAN OCEAN [Helen has approached the ship in the helicopter] HELEN No! Depth charges? Terrance, what the hell are you doing? [Helen gets feedback] HELEN Damn it! BOTTOM OF INDIAN OCEAN [The depth charges explode around Bertha hurting her] EXT MUMBAI [Kali suddenly clutches at her stomach and collapses] WILL What? What is it? KALI You said you would leave me alone! WILL What happened? KALI You betrayed me! [Kali's eyes have gone black and she looks at Will in anger. Will collapses in pain] KATE Will! Will! [Ravi and Kate rush to Will] INT SANCTUARY LEAD VESSEL [Helen opens the hatch and enters in anger] HELEN What the hell are you playing at? She was calm! WEXFORD We had a window of opportunity. It had to be done. HELEN Captain, please escort Mr. Wexford to the brig pending my orders. CAPTAIN With all respect, ma'am, I can't. I received a coded message on the secure network frequency. Mr. Wexford... WEXFORD ...by unanimous consent you are hereby relieved of your command of the Sanctuary network, effective immediately. HENRY Dude, you cannot be serious. WEXFORD Don't interfere... dude. I'm in charge of operations now. You're remanded to custody pending further disciplinary action. HELEN You had this planned all along. WEXFORD My orders were to take over if you failed and by letting Bertha live yet once again, you most certainly have. I'm sorry, Helen. You gave me no choice. INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Forsythe regains consciousness] INT LEAD SANCTUARY VESSEL HELEN You have no idea what you've done. WEXFORD I saved lives. I did what you refused to do. [An alarm sounds throughout the ship] HELEN No, Terrance, this is what you've done! [Helen exits the bridge and looks out over the ocean] INDIAN OCEAN, INT RESEARCH VESSEL ANTARDIS [Forsythe has moved to the deck of his vessel and is looking out over the ocean] FORSYTHE [Chuckling]: Oh... Oh, she's mad. ON NEWLY MADE ISLAND [Bertha stands on top and lowers her body to the ground. A large tidal wave builds up extending outward from the island in all directions] TO BE CONTINUED...