| - File:Fallowfern.kittypet.png - To be honest, the colors on the kittypet are pretty different from the loner and the rogue and the shading could be thickened. I suppose it could be a tweak, but it might save us some grief to just redo it. 01:17, August 28, 2013 (UTC) Image:Vote-yay.png May I have this if it passes? 01:18, August 28, 2013 (UTC) Image:Comment.png Kittypet's not being used due to a lack of a cite. Image:Comment.png Maybe this could be changed for the warrior? The warrior seems to have the same issues. I'd like it, should it be changed. 01:25, August 28, 2013 (UTC) Image:Comment.png Warrior, queen, and loner all match in the coloring. I did the warrior and queen and Sheepy did the loner, which she got the colors from me. Image:Vote-nay.png 1:28 Wed Aug 28 2013 Image:Vote-nay.png 01:32, August 28, 2013 (UTC) Image:Vote-nay.png 04:39, August 31, 2013 (UTC) Image:Vote-nay.png 12:02, August 31, 2013 (UTC)