| - It's another day on the Internet. Someone mentions a nation in passing, another person mentions something about that nation and how bad it is. Everyone takes sides, a heated argument ensues, and the original topic may never be mentioned again. Although it can be hard to distinguish them from the actual Single Issue Wonks, these types of arguments are often started by Trolls looking to rile everyone up. Like with most trolling, the best way to deal with it is to ignore it and hope it goes away. See also: Patriotic Fervor, Flame War, Single-Issue Wonk, Internet Backdraft, Cultural Posturing.
| - It's another day on the Internet. Someone mentions a nation in passing, another person mentions something about that nation and how bad it is. Everyone takes sides, a heated argument ensues, and the original topic may never be mentioned again. What is this force that divides Message Boards, derails discussions, and causes otherwise reasonable people to turn into frothing super-patriots? That's right, it's Misplaced Nationalism, the division of the Internet along national lines even though the Internet supposedly transcends borders. This generally comes hand in hand with the assumption that even though you may not agree with everything your country does, people from other countries are totally complicit in everything their country does. Don't like their leader? Insult them for it or, better yet, blame them for supporting that person (even when they didn't). Have a grudge on their country for something that happened decades or even centuries ago? Bring it up now, and blame the current generation for it! Hold a nasty prejudice against another country? Rag on them for it! If they insist you're misinformed, tell them they're lying, because you clearly know more about their country than they do. The typical result is that everyone else in the discussion (who up to that point had been nationless Internet entities) suddenly become flag waving patriots for whatever country they happen to be from (even if they don't actually take sides) or agree with. The argument will usually rage on until a moderator or the involved parties realize that they got along fine before they knew what country everyone was from. Usually, at least one person (often but not always the one who started it) will still be extremely bitter about the whole thing, and these arguments have been known to kill forums that couldn't deal with them. Although it can be hard to distinguish them from the actual Single Issue Wonks, these types of arguments are often started by Trolls looking to rile everyone up. Like with most trolling, the best way to deal with it is to ignore it and hope it goes away. When Misplaced Nationalism breaks out, it's not uncommon to see bouts of Cultural Cringe also appear from Boomerang Bigots, who are all too happy to agree with the vitriol aimed at their countrymen. Others may beg for belligerents to Stop Being Stereotypical, especially if they're acting out negative stereotypes. Expect to see plenty of Hypocritical Fandom and No True Scotsman fallacies in these situations as well. See also: Patriotic Fervor, Flame War, Single-Issue Wonk, Internet Backdraft, Cultural Posturing. Warning to Tropers: By its nature, this is highly controversial. Please note that if you do plan to add an example, and you might be right, due to heated and differing opinions on the subject please do follow the Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment before deciding to do so. Make sure the tone is neutral, unbiased, and will not easily incite people. Refrain from adding a Justifying Edit and Conversation in the Main Page as well. If you think it is wrong, remove it or discuss about it in the discussion page. And if you think an example deserves to be here and it gets deleted (or you just want to make sure you don't step on anyone's toes), take it to the discussion page and we can sort things out. Do not start an Edit War. Oh and another thing: We have no interest in having myopic nationalistic crusades on this wiki. It brings nothing but Flame Wars, breaks the Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement, and doing so can get you banned. Please also try to remove any nationalistic-related insults and rants you find across the wiki and report any tropers doing this to the moderators. Examples of Misplaced Nationalism include: Note: Examples are categorized according to what the "Misplaced Nationalism" is directed at.