| - When Eko died and whispered his final words to Locke, he announced them as "we're next." As confirmed in the November 6th podcast, Eko's final words to Locke were "you're next." This provides some ambiguity, though: Eko, in saying, "you're next," may have just been referring to Locke. If Eko meant "you all are next," Locke's interpretation would be correct - it refers to the Losties as a whole, or the group who went on the expedition to the Pearl.
| - When Eko died and whispered his final words to Locke, he announced them as "we're next." As confirmed in the November 6th podcast, Eko's final words to Locke were "you're next." This provides some ambiguity, though: Eko, in saying, "you're next," may have just been referring to Locke. If Eko meant "you all are next," Locke's interpretation would be correct - it refers to the Losties as a whole, or the group who went on the expedition to the Pearl.
* Locke has misinterpreted a message before, Christian told Locke HE had to move the island, Locke told Ben 'WE have to move the island'. The same thing could have happened here; Eko says 'You're next', Locke tells everyone that 'We're next'.This also hints into the coming speech ben makes by saying that Locke's last words were I don't understand,which sort makes sense considering MIB/monster John talks about dead John as being a man who has always been since being on the island confused and LOST. Whereas MIB/monster has knowns many things about the island and has "found"its true meaning and purpose.
* It is possible, as Hurley suggested, that his last words were referring to Nikki and Paulo who were the next people to die on the Island.
* It was also confirmed Nikki was bitten by a creation of the smoke monster rather than real spiders. if you watch the clip you can clearly hear the monster around her as she looks around, then the spiders appear. so this would tie in with the monster/Eko's warning of who's next.
* From the way he said it, it looked like the words were meant for John and John alone, so I doubt it had anything to do with the other losties.
* He could refer to Locke as the next leader of the Others, the next guy who would be Jacob's spokesman, and that was who "the Monster said to Mr. Eko before killing him.
* Further to this point, Eko could have been the Monster's first choice to do his bidding by overthrowing Ben, and when Eko "didn't work out" so to speak, he made his comment to alert John that he was the Monster's second choice for the job.
* I have a feeling that Eko, as a man of faith himself, was in consideration, but in the end the Monster didn't like the idea. I don't know if Locke was a second choice, considering how much effort the Monster had put in through time.
* His last words may refer to the Monster's next victim, a.k.a. Nikki she was bitten by the Monster's manifestation of a medusa spider.
* Eko realized that the Island would never forgive him of his past crimes and he knew the Island would never stop until he was dead. So when he said, "You're next" to John he was saying that Island would focus on him now.
* It could be that the entity (or person) that showed himself to Eko in the form of Yemi was Jacob's nemesis trying to gain influence over Eko. Its failure led to the death of Eko and the entity instead turned towards John. We know now that Jacob's nemesis needed a loophole in order to kill Jacob and perhaps the last words, 'You're Next,' uttered by Eko to John meant that the nemesis began focusing his plan upon John.
* The Spiders are not manifestations, but rather part of the Monster itself, which would support this theory further.
* Eko was referring to John's replacement of Ben as the Island's caretaker.
* "You're next" was not Eko's last words. Locke lied about what he said for a yet to be revealed purpose.
* Eko was telling John that he would be next to be judged by the island. He soon faces his biggest fear, his father, as Eko faced his sinful past.
* Eko actually mouthed, "I saw the devil." This would coincide with John's earlier question of, "What did you see back there?...I saw a beautiful light." Eko responded by saying, "I saw the devil." The writers eventually changed it to make it more dramatic.
* Perhaps Eko knew, as a result of an encounter of the monster which flashed images to him, of MiB's plan to have John killed so he can duplicate him. "You're next" refers to John in this context.