| - Here you can list and keep the unfolding events of your characters life. Keep everyone up to date on the latest actions of your character by posting them here.Background
Andreas was born on Kiffu, and with those rare Kiffar he had an ability that he wished he didn't; psychometry. He didn't like having it because he could see things and read things from objects that he sometimes had to try and forget. So he wore gloves a lot of times just to keep it hidden and so it wouldn't affect him so much. As a young teen his mother had his tattoos inked into his skin. A red and green wave going across his cheeks under his eyes. His father had taught him how to hunt and fish like most things that young men learned. When fishing with his dad, he saw a young girl his age drinking from the stream. Smiling, Andreas walked over to her and started a conversation. A conversation that became friendship. Then blossomed into a relationship. They were happy with one another. Young love and during the three years before they became adults they lived peacefully three houses down from one another. But, her father had gotten a better job so she and her family moved to another town farther away from him. It saddened him that he couldn't see her as much as they used to, but, when Andreas turned 18 he went to college, as did she. Both of them going to different colleges they kept in touch through holo and that sated the relationship. Once in a while they would see one another in a nearby city and spend time together. In love just the same as they were when they were young. It was graduation day and they were both happy to finally be done with school! Both of them were going to one's commencement ceremonies dressed in garb as they both graduated with honors. But there was something that Andreas had hid behind her back. That he'd cheated on her multiple times while they were together as young teens and even to that moment. Feeling guilty about it he finally had enough of the terrible secret he'd been hiding and when their commencements were over he finally had her alone in his apartment. They spent the night together and she remarked how his hair had been like a muscians that she'd seen a week prior. Laughing he took his gloves off and then embraced her. They wrestled on the bed for a while laughing and playing before her keycard then fell off the side table. He then grabbed it to put it back onto the table and he had a psychometric vision. It was of her dying in a speeder crash. Andreas found it strange that he had that vision and shook it off. Next morning he then woke her up and then told her flat out that he'd been cheating on her when they were together. Shocked by the news she stood up and grabbed her keycard for her own apartment. Taking her things she screamed at him that she never wished to talk with him again. That he broke her heart and that their relationship was over. Amaretta stormed out of his apartment and he could hear her speeder engine starting up. The young man ran towards her but it was too late...she'd already sped off. Nothing to do now, Andreas sat alone in his room contemplating everything he'd done and said to her. Realizing he needed help he figured that he would maybe see a therapist in the future. The man sat at home and contemplated his future. The next day in the late afternoon he was relaxing at home, or trying to anyways, when he got a call on his comm. Answering it he then asked who it was calling and the voice on the other side said that she was a coroner. He asked why a coroner would call him. With a pause the woman said that there was an accident in the city where Amaretta lived and a speeder crash had occurred and that Amaretta had died in that crash. They figured that she was distraught and that she hadn't been paying attention and hit another speeder resulting in the crash. Taken aback by what he'd just heard Andreas said that he would be there and identify her. Speeding to the morgue in the city, it took a half hour before he got there. Walking in there she was laying on the table. Drenched now in tears, he then asked to be alone with her for a moment. Which the coroner agreed. Taking his glove off, the man walked and caressed her cheek before he saw her face which was not a pretty sight. Although he knew it was her because of the pendant that was next to her. Seeing a vision and reading her face as he touched her he could see the events before the crash. Her emotions and everything she'd experienced before she'd died. It pained him and his untrained use of the Force made him experience utter pain for the first time in his life. His head burned like someone set his whole brain on fire. Anything he felt when she died he'd experienced like it was him instead. The Force then granted him one last chance to say goodbye. When he fell to the floor he heard someone say to him, " It's okay Andreas...I know you loved me...you wouldn't have told me if you didn't...it's okay...don't blame yourself..." He then looked up and saw her in an ethereal form and he then looked up with tears in his eyes. Then she faded away and he didn't see her again and he reached out for her and screamed, "DON'T LEAVE ME AMARETTA!" Sitting with his knees to his chest he said out loud, "I'm sorry..." Rocking back and forth they had to carry him out and out to his speeder. Sitting for a moment he then went back home. The funeral was hard on him since he had to be there with her parents which he told them what he'd done. Of course they screamed at him and blamed him which he wasn't surprised because he felt the blame for her death. He broke her heart before she died and he would feel that guilt for the rest of his life. When they lowered her casket he then fell forward and cried. Again, his untrained potential in the Force blossomed and the crane lowering her casket suddenly stopped. Like someone was holding it there. It strained and groaned as Andreas didn't wanna bury her. The irony was that before he told her everything she had congratulated him on his degree in Criminal Justice. Finally he let go of it without knowing he did so. The others around him backed away like he was some kind of freak. Her parents had people toss him out of the rest of the funeral. Going to his apartment he then dyed his attire black placed his gloves on and then sat down on his bed looking at old holo films of them. Looking at everything they experienced together and he also looked at her degree in arts. Smiling, he then cried more as he held it. Holding onto the pendant that he'd bought for her he then got the imprints of when she'd thrown it to the seat beside her. Because it had touched his bare skin that was how he got the imprint vision. He could tell that she'd loved him even though he'd broke her heart. She was willing to give him a second chance. It would have just taken time. For days and months on end he just grieved over her not going outside or into the public. Some threw rocks at his window and shouted that he was some kind of freak.Family
Meridian Bierdoux was his mother and who's family he got his red and green wave tattoo from. She was kind, much like him and fought for justice whenever someone was being served injustice they didn't deserve. Though his mother fought for saving lives when losing only some would benefit all. When she had stood up in a town meeting when a flu virus was killing those infected. She had said that some loss of a few would benefit all. Androssian Bierdoux was a strong and stern man who believed that people got what they deserved and fought for his family. He had worked as a laborer for a good portion of his life and when he got the opportunity to manage he always harbored a trust in the ones under him and knew that if he kept those happy that they would be productive. He knew what their pain was at times and he fought for better pay. Though at times he skimmed off the surface of money from the company he worked for. But Androssian had always had a good relationship with his co-workers.