| - At nearly four miles long, a half-mile wide and nearly as much thick, this is a truly massive spacecraft. Once it cruised the void, flashing lights and radio broadcasts proclaiming it to be The Kill Zone, mighty corporate flagship of Total Carnage Entertainment. The docking bay towards the rear of the ship is hanging open, its air shield holding the atmosphere inside, and a number of emergency lights serving to illuminate its location. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
| - At nearly four miles long, a half-mile wide and nearly as much thick, this is a truly massive spacecraft. Once it cruised the void, flashing lights and radio broadcasts proclaiming it to be The Kill Zone, mighty corporate flagship of Total Carnage Entertainment. These days have ended, and now the once-mighty craft lays lifeless upon Earth's moon like some massive sea creature, beached and dying. But is it truly lifeless? Perhaps not. The ridge of broadcast antennae down its back still give off their steady stream of signals, but no longer do they advertise brutal violence and cold drinks. The massive screen on its port side, having escaped the impact that ruptured the one on the starboard, flickers to life, and announces the craft now as Autobot Communications and Entertainment, formerly The Kill Zone and apologizes for breaks in programming, as it is experiencing technical difficulties. The docking bay towards the rear of the ship is hanging open, its air shield holding the atmosphere inside, and a number of emergency lights serving to illuminate its location. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.