| - These are all prepared from metallic oxides, ground down with fluxes or fusible glasses. When painted, the porcelain is placed on the enamel kihi (moufle), when the fluxed colours melt and fasten to the glazed surface, forming coloured glasses. (See "Kiln.") Blues - are made from cobalt, varied by the addition of the oxides of tin and zinc. Green- Oxides of copper. Pine greens from protoxide of chrome. Red- Nitrate of iron, chromate of lead, and muriate of manganese. Pink- Subchromate of tin Rose- Colour Gold and tin (precipitate of cassius) with a little silver. Brown- Chromate of iron or antimony, lead and manganese. Orange- Antimony and tin. Yellow- Antimony, tin and lead, and chromate of lead. Black- Oxide of platinum or iron, cobalt, nickel and antimony. White- Arsenic and tin. Gold- is applied to china in the state of amalgam, ground fine in turpentine, with a metallic flux, and afterwards burnished with agates.