Położenie: Forty-seventh Street and Pine Street, #: (16-0705) Mall Association President: Paul Yamada : The Tacoma Mall is the oldest shopping mall in the city with some of the buildings dating back to the 1960s. Quaint enough to lack many of the modern conveniences, the mall and its stores are aimed mostly at the area's middle class families.
Położenie: Forty-seventh Street and Pine Street, #: (16-0705) Mall Association President: Paul Yamada : The Tacoma Mall is the oldest shopping mall in the city with some of the buildings dating back to the 1960s. Quaint enough to lack many of the modern conveniences, the mall and its stores are aimed mostly at the area's middle class families. >>>>>[The mall has several antiques stores that are good places to find pre-Awakening curios. One of them, the Naughty Nineties, also sells bootleg computer programs. That mall has a Body+Tech body shop whose chief doctor, Dr. Thomas Hennessey performs the occasional illegal operation.]<<<<<