| - He and Ximus were sent to recruit the Massassi to Vesanus' cause, while the Sith Lord went to get himself a third apprentice. Ximus and Uzlagna fought with the Massassi on Yavin IV, but managed to stop the attack and negotiate an agreement. When Vesanus returned, not only did he have a new apprentice but an entire fleet and army at his command. After picking up his allied Massassi warriors, he proclaimed that he was going to attack Coruscant. Uzlagna immediately declared it folly, but Ximus managed to convince Vesanus to attack and to leave him and Uzlagna behind. They soon received word of his defeat and death, making Ximus the Lord of the Furian Empire, the name of Vesanus' army. They waited for a year, and during that time, Uzlagna was made a Sith Lord, allowing for the use of the name Darth Uzlagna. After the year, Ximus attacked the Outer Rim worlds, but the Republic quickly swept in and once again defeated the Furian Empire, killing Ximus on Korriban. After torturing captured Republic soldiers, Uzlagna learned of Ximus' death and fled to Dromund Kaas, where he began bribing men to join his cause. For twenty years, he bought or otherwise convinced men to join the Furian Empire, rallying them behind a symbol as something less abstract as the idea of the empire itself. After twenty years, he prepared to attack. However, three Jedi who had crashed on the planet came to his home and asked for help. He agreed to let them stay the night and while they were asleep, he traveled to the main settlement. He picked up a set of black armor and told his men to be ready. Upon his return, he found the three Jedi dead and a man waiting for him. The two had a lightsaber duel, ending with the man draining the life energy out of Uzlagna. The Sith Lord's attacker crushed Uzlagna's armor, killing him.