Willow casts a spell to heal her broken heart, with disastrous (and funny) results.
* Air Vent Passageway: Homaged by Spike when he says he got out of the Elaborate Underground Base that way.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: Lampshaded by Buffy, who worries that a relationship with a decent guy would lack the intensity.
* Amusing Injuries
* Bait and Switch: D'Hoffryn looks like he's going to be angry over Willow's refusal to become a vengeance demon, but he just leaves his 'card' instead.
* Batter Up: Anya's first use of a baseball bat, but not the last.
* Be Careful What You Wish For
* Big Damn Kiss: After Buffy accepts Spike's marriage proposal they kiss with the rising music and the rising...music.
* Brain Bleach: Xander witnessing Spuffy smoochies. "Can I be
Attributes | Values |
| - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4 E9 Something Blue
| - Willow casts a spell to heal her broken heart, with disastrous (and funny) results.
* Air Vent Passageway: Homaged by Spike when he says he got out of the Elaborate Underground Base that way.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: Lampshaded by Buffy, who worries that a relationship with a decent guy would lack the intensity.
* Amusing Injuries
* Bait and Switch: D'Hoffryn looks like he's going to be angry over Willow's refusal to become a vengeance demon, but he just leaves his 'card' instead.
* Batter Up: Anya's first use of a baseball bat, but not the last.
* Be Careful What You Wish For
* Big Damn Kiss: After Buffy accepts Spike's marriage proposal they kiss with the rising music and the rising...music.
* Brain Bleach: Xander witnessing Spuffy smoochies. "Can I be
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| - Willow casts a spell to heal her broken heart, with disastrous (and funny) results.
* Air Vent Passageway: Homaged by Spike when he says he got out of the Elaborate Underground Base that way.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: Lampshaded by Buffy, who worries that a relationship with a decent guy would lack the intensity.
* Amusing Injuries
* Bait and Switch: D'Hoffryn looks like he's going to be angry over Willow's refusal to become a vengeance demon, but he just leaves his 'card' instead.
* Batter Up: Anya's first use of a baseball bat, but not the last.
* Be Careful What You Wish For
* Big Damn Kiss: After Buffy accepts Spike's marriage proposal they kiss with the rising music and the rising...music.
* Brain Bleach: Xander witnessing Spuffy smoochies. "Can I be blind too?"
* Buffy-Speak: Willow uses "sparkage", "unbendy" and "grievey".
* Cake Toppers
* Chekhov's Gun: Willow uses D'Hoffryn's talisman three years later in "Selfless".
* Completely Missing the Point
* Continuity Nod: Buffy mentions "seeing Angel for five minutes" -- a reference to how time was rolled back to make her forget the 24 hours she spent with him in "I Will Remember You".
* Cradle of Loneliness: Willow smells then clasps one of Oz's shirts to her chest. Later when she goes back to his apartment she's devastated to find the place cleared out as Oz has sent for his stuff.
* Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: Bound!Spike to Buffy
* Drowning My Sorrows: Xander and Buffy are surprised how light-hearted Willow is over Oz's departure, until a beer bottle falls out of her jacket.
* Do Not Taunt Cthulhu
* Eureka Moment: Xander realising that Willow is behind it all.
* Expository Hairstyle Change: Buffy has the same crinkly hairstyle that she has in other episodes where she's Not Herself.
* Foe Yay: Lampshaded re Spuffy
* Funny Background Event: Willow changes Rat!Amy into a Naked on Arrival human, then back into a rat without even realising it.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Buffy to Spike moments before they fall in love.
* Green-Eyed Monster: Spike doesn't like Buffy mentioning the Angel word.
* Hilarious in Hindsight / Harsher in Hindsight: Depending on your point of view. The episode was largely made in response to the Buffy/Spike shippers, to point out how ridiculous a relationship between them would be. Less than a year later, the show bowed to the pressure and began to move toward pairing them up for real.
* Holding Hands: Xander and Anya are rather puzzled as to why Buffy/Spike are doing this.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: Drunk Willow riffs on the poem "Not Waving but Drowning" by Stevie Smith.
* I Need a Freaking Drink: Giles reaction to Spuffy smoochies.
* "Just Joking" Justification
* Kissing Under the Influence
* Lame Comeback
* Make-Out Kids: Lovestruck Spike and Buffy can't keep their lips off each other.
* Moment Killer: Sadface!Willow turning up at Buffy and Riley's picnic.
* Mood Whiplash / Kissgusting: When Buffy and Spike wake up from the spell and realise they're smooching.
* My Card
* Old New Borrowed and Blue
* Parental Substitute: Giles is (momentarily) moved when Buffy asks him to give her away at the wedding.
* Ragtag Band of Misfits: The Scoobies naturally; lampshaded by Spike.
* Silly Love Songs: Spike embarrasses Buffy by telling the Scoobies she wanted "Wind Beneath My Wings" played at her wedding.
* Smash Cut
* Suspect Is Hatless
* Tempting Fate: Buffy sulking.
* Too Much Information: Buffy has just told Riley she's marrying Spike.
* Why Don't You Marry It?: A distraught Willow, looking for a shoulder to cry on, is angry when Buffy has to leave her to go chase Spike. She makes the inevitable comment and Hilarity Ensues.
* You're Insane!: Riley's reaction to Buffy playing off her earlier spell-induced antics as a joke.