| - Die Koagulasenegativen St. gehören zur normalen Mundflora und können höchstens Plastikinfetionen ausbilden. Sie setzen sich an kanülen und kathetern fest und können einen Biofilm ausbilden.
* Staphylococcus epidermidis
* Staphylococcus saphrophyticus
* Staphylococcus haemolyticus
* Staphylococcus capitis
* Staphylococcus simulans Sind alle Staphylokokken zur Toxinbildung u Ä befähigt, wie Staph aureus???
- The Staphylococcus genus includes at least 40 species. Of these, nine have two subspecies, one has three subspecies, and one has four subspecies. Most of the species are harmless and reside normally on the skin and mucous membranes of humans and other organisms. Found worldwide, they are a small component of soil microbial flora. Most of the species are remarkably hardy and can survive dry environments, hot environments and salty conditions that would kill most baceteria and even some viruses. As such, when a patient develops a staph infection, it is usually from bacteria that they have been carrying around for a considerable period of time on their skin, clothing or inside their nose. Several species are a common cause of infections of the skin, blood and stomach of humans. The immune system, in most cases, can easily deal with staph infections. It is easily killed outside the body by antiseptics or even soap and water. However, it can be remarkably opportunistic even in an otherwise healthy individual. It can infect even the smallest puncture or scratch in the skin and, when established, can multiply rapidly. It is a common hospital acquired infection particuarly among the immunocompromised, individuals who have had surgery or people with an intravenous line. Hospital acquired infections are more common than those acquired outside hospitals. Good hygiene practices can effectively reduce the chance of hospital infection. Transmission of staph infections from person to person is a healthy population is rare and it cannot be considered contagious. However, it can spread from an infected person to other patients in a hospital environment through health care workers, visitors or contaminated surfaces (including clothing such as ties and lab coats). A staph infection usually starts with an abcess, usually just below the surface of the skin. Although these abcesses are often self-limiting, the infection can spread from the abcess into the bloodstream, where it can spread throughout the body. Typical symptoms include high fever and clotting. At this point, the growth of the bacteria can often continue unabated and can result in the death of the patient unless they are treated promptly. Luckily, the majority of infections can be treated with common antibiotics although in many cases, abcesses will have to be drained. However, resistant strains are becoming more common and can only be treated with a single very expensive antibiotic - vancomycin. such infections were once restricted to hospital acquired infections, but due to overuse of such powerful antibiotics, they are now becoming increasingly common in non-hospital acquired cases. One common complication is that in addition to the bacteria themselves, many species also secrete a toxin that can be fatal in and of itself. This toxin is also what causes food poisoning in staph infected foods. Staph can manifest in many different ways in humans and, as such, several diseases where the underlying cause is a staph infection are often used for diagnostic purposes. However, in the vast majority of cases, it can be diagnosed solely by visual examination of the affected area without blood cultures.
- Staphylococcus is a mysterious disease that occurs when one's humors are the victims of bacterial terrorists.
- Staphylococcus was a gram-positive bacteria that was carried by Humans and other organisms. It was generally harmless to humanoids but devastated the Phylosian population when Stavos Keniclius carried the bacteria to Phylos. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan")