| - Batman: the King of Crooks is a 2017 American comic-book action superhero movie directed by Bryan Singer, produced by Steven Spielberg and starring Julian McMahon, James Earl Jones, Eddie Redmayne, Patrick Stewart and Rosamund Pike, among others. It tells the story of Batman, long after his battle with the Joker, coming face to face with the mob bosses of Gotham City, including the unscrupulous Black Mask, only to be faced with the lethal and dangerous Red Hood.
| - Batman: the King of Crooks is a 2017 American comic-book action superhero movie directed by Bryan Singer, produced by Steven Spielberg and starring Julian McMahon, James Earl Jones, Eddie Redmayne, Patrick Stewart and Rosamund Pike, among others. It tells the story of Batman, long after his battle with the Joker, coming face to face with the mob bosses of Gotham City, including the unscrupulous Black Mask, only to be faced with the lethal and dangerous Red Hood. It was released two years after the release of Batman: the Price of Victory. The role of writing the film was afforded to Christopher Nolan, who had also done the same for the prequel. Nolan agreed, surprised at the notion of a sequel to the film being made so early after the first one. The film, again, went through several script changes, before being released in 2017 after two years of script-writing and confirming locations for filming. Upon release, Batman: the King of Crooks received widespread acclaim from critics and audiences. It was praised for its action sequences, plot, character development and the performances of McMahon, Redmayne and Jones. It was, though, criticized for its duration, and its probably excessive bloody action. Nevertheless, it was a box-office success, grossing $1, 700, 000, 000 worldwide, which seconded only to its own predecessor. Awards that were won included Best Director (Singer), Best Cinematography, Best Score, Choice Movie Actress (Pike) and Best Action Movie of the Year.