| - 順序:じゅんじょ: the sequence of steps in a proceedure.- the order of books arranged by a certain system, (i.e. Dewey Decimal). 順番 : じゅんばん:order of people in a line (take a number!) - order of bands on a live show.
- This section lists the actual phases of the turn.
- Unintentionally, the effect will also remove the halved shield penalty in ice hazard mission types, causing players to regain full shields after it procs.
- Sequence is the bit of code that determines how an Actor reacts to a Trigger. No other point to hook this in, so i made this article, because it seemed like it was becoming more and more necessary... This corresponds to the Action called for by skills, states, etc, in RPG Maker VX Tankentai SBS. Example: Self-healing Kneel
- A sequence is an ordered set of objects. A sequence that goes on forever is called an infinite sequence, whereas one that does not is called a finite sequence. The sum of a sequence is called a series. Sequences are usually denoted as with being the term number and being the bounds of the series. An example would be Sequences described with the previous terms are called recursive sequences. For instance, the Fibonacci numbers can be described as Two common types are arithmetic and geometric sequences. Arithmetic sequences have a given difference between each term. For example,
- Sequence is a compilation album featuring collaboration works between producers and illustrators and was first released at THE VOC@LOiD M@STER 16. It contains 42 tracks, featuring vocaloids and UTAU's.. The album is split into three discs: DISC 1 過去-past-, DISC 2 現在-present- and DISC 3 未来-future-. The album website can be accessed here. The illustrator is first, then the composer/lyricist, followed by the Vocaloid. A crossfade of the album can be heard on Nico Nico Douga: Disc Past, Disc Present and Disc Future. The album is purchasable on Amazon.
- Sequence is a derived statistic in Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. In Van Buren and J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG it was renamed to Combat Sequence. After the surprise turn, characters with higher sequence act earlier than those with lower sequence, though everyone has a turn before anyone goes again. Because everyone must have a turn before a character can have another, the main benefits to having a high sequence are:
* The Kamikaze trait increases sequence by 5.
* The Earlier Sequence perk increases sequence by 2 per rank.
- Sequence is a Quantonian from Quanton. The Quantonians are a very powerful alien race. They are tall, with white bodies, black hands, yellow eyes. Quantonians have two personalities: themselves and their conscience. Quantonians' abilities include:
* acquiring information about an object by touching it
* travelling back in time to a specific event by touching an object involved with the event
* super-strength
* super-speed
* the ability to read minds
* can see a little into the future
* can cause unlikely things to happen (probability manipulation)
- One simple example of a sequence in the 23rd century was the use of locking sequences on doors aboard Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "Observer Effect") The Xindi weapon had numerous sequences as part of its programming including an arming sequence, firing sequence, inversion sequence, and activation sequence. (ENT: "Countdown", "Zero Hour") Similarly, the Son'a collector had an activation sequence. (Star Trek: Insurrection) Other objects and activities that involved sequences included: