| - Power building involves using the most efficient methods in building a town to result in a quick growing population, but also maintaining a well balanced town to provide maximum productivity. Power building works best after you gain access to a wine and marble town. There is no "right" way to power build, but there are certain methods that provide the largest gain in the shortest time. The general idea in power building is to keep your Growth per Hour (GPH) as high as possible. To do this, you must keep happiness levels up by upgrading the Tavern. However, don't forget that once the maximum occupancy of the town is reached, population will stop regardless of the GPH. The objective is to time the builds in such a manner where there are no idle growth periods. A dedicated player can increase their Town hall level to 7 in one day. Also keep in mind that Ikariam, as many other MMO games, has an easy path and a more difficult one, before you engage in player x player combat. The easy path is just raising 5 or 6 towns, a reasonable sized army, then starting to attack your small and medium sized neighbours for resources. The longer, more difficult path takes time, but it is the way of the power builder. By being patient with attacks you will suffer at the beginning of the game, and building 7, 8 or 9 colonies, you will be able to field a larger army than your warring neighbours. It takes time and patience to achieve, but if you do that, you will be a force to be reckoned with.