| - The Topaz Of Truth is a magic gem that appears in the episode "Smurf On The Run" which is used by the Spirit Of The Scales to maintain the balance between truth and lies along with the Diamond Of Deceit. If the topaz was destroyed, then the whole world will be full of lies, affecting everyone that is in the world. Also, whoever holds the topaz can only speak the truth. In the episode, Gargamel accidentally destroyed the topaz when he chased Sassette into the cave where the scale and the Spirit reside, though he blamed it entirely on Sassette. The Spirit, unable to determine who is telling the truth, cast both Gargamel and Sassette in shackles to be bound together until they found a replacement topaz in the Temple Of Hidden Truths. When they both found the topaz, Gargamel was ready to put it back on the scale when he revealed what he was going to do with Sassette after the whole thing was all over. Gargamel tried to convince Sassette otherwise, only to knock both gems off the scale, which he rescued at the cost of destroying the scale. By the end of the episode, Gargamel was forced to act as a balance for the gems until the Spirit Of The Scales restored the scale.