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- PANDEMIC is an American South Park blog and fanfiction archive run by Figure.10. The site was launched in June 2010.
- A mutant
- Pandemic is a passive core warlock ability learned at level 90. It allows warlocks to add any remaining periodic damage effects to the same refreshed effect, with a maximum of 50% of the base duration.
- Special Part(s): GD_GrenadeMods.A_Item_Legendary.GrenadeMod_Exterminator GD_GrenadeMods.A_Item_Legendary.GM_Pandemic GD_GrenadeMods.Payload.Payload_Exterminator GD_GrenadeMods.Material.Material_Vladof_5_Legendary [Pandemic Variants] Pandemic is a legendary Area of Effect grenade mod manufactured by Vladof. Pandemic is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Mortar located in Sawtooth Cauldron.
- Normally there is a patient zero or it starts as a bioterrorist attack or in the case of the Living Dead series the cause is unknown.
- A Pandemic is is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide. It is used as a technical term, and so should not cause panic when health orgnaisations and officials refer to swine flu as a potential pandemic.
- Pandemic (感染列島 Kansen Rettō) is a Japanese movie.
- other uses A pandemic (from Greek παν pan all + δήμος demos people) is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through human populations across a large region (for example a continent), or even worldwide.
- Welcome to the Portal Page for the Pandemic ATL This timeline explores the global history after The First Infection- January 12th, 1983. A strain of the flu virus mutates to become heavily contagious, resistant, and lethal. To add to this, AIDS goes unchecked and spreads around the world/ A worldwide pandemic caused by a series of viruses obliterates much of human civilization. This ATL covers everything from the first infection up to the present worldwide situation.
- A pandemic is an epidemic that spreads over a very large geographic area, typically several continents. Many infectious diseases often spread rapidly through a population, but also die out very suddenly. For example, cholera epidemics are still fairly common, but tend to be geographically limited to a single city or it's surrounding area.
- Pandemic gives the player the opportunity to take control of their own disease. Inspired by real world events and diseases such as SARS, Pandemic simulates the release of a deadly virus. Players are able to modify their virus by adding new symptoms and attributes. The goal of Pandemic is to exterminate mankind as fast as possible. Pandemic features: 8 different regions that can be infected. Governments that's will attempt to stop the progress of your disease. 21 unique disease attributes that modify infectivity, lethality and visibility. Turn-based game play that allows you to plan out your perfect virus. Vaccines that are developed after a period of time.