| - Enil Aidem is a Brionac Lieutenant who is extremely harsh on herself, and has difficulty interacting with others. Although she lacks physical prowess in battle, her specialty is in psychological attacks. She is not only able to materialize her opponents' fears (Dark Whisper) but she also has the ability to shape shift, thus making her an ideal candidate for infiltration and espionage. Enil lures Jude and his party to Etemenanki by posing as Yulie's brother Kresnik to tempt Yulie to come over to Brionac's side. However, Jude does not fall for this, and Yulie eventually realizes that it's only an impostor and reveals herself and her powers as she engages them in battle. However, she loses this fight, lamenting over how they were able to defeat her despite trying to use their fears and doubts against them. Consequently, this battle makes Yulie overcome her fears. Enil is surprised to realize this, and comes to find that she had given shape to her own fears and was unable to trust anyone. After this, she gives up her own mission to chase down Yulie, wishing for the strength to fight her fears before she herself dies.