| - Subzko (Zintonite: Subek) (Subzkoite Zintonite: S'ubzek) officialy know as the Federal City of Subzko, is the federal city in the Northren Coast of Zintonium, it's the capital of the Subzko Lagesku, Subzko has a population of 8 Million, it's one of the most tense cities. Subzko is an Alpha global City, its one of the most important financial centers in the Asian Continent, it's a medium-large city, and is localated in a Mountainous-plain area, its average C is 29 C, the city consists of 4 Bareskus (Bouroughs).
| - Subzko (Zintonite: Subek) (Subzkoite Zintonite: S'ubzek) officialy know as the Federal City of Subzko, is the federal city in the Northren Coast of Zintonium, it's the capital of the Subzko Lagesku, Subzko has a population of 8 Million, it's one of the most tense cities. Subzko is an Alpha global City, its one of the most important financial centers in the Asian Continent, it's a medium-large city, and is localated in a Mountainous-plain area, its average C is 29 C, the city consists of 4 Bareskus (Bouroughs). The estimation of the 2090 Population of the City is 8.9 Million, it has been growing past the years and the city has an Very High HDI of 0.875, it's one of the most wealthiest cities in the Socialist Republic and the Continent. Greater Subzko includes Subzko, Lagek, and other smaller cities, its GDP is of 811 Billion Dollars, Greater Subzko is the 2nd richest Region in Zintonium, the first being Zinton Metro, Subzko was founded in 2032 by Greek people from Attica fleeding, it was almot dsetroyed in 2034 in the Zintonite war of independence, the City was occupied many times, including the Kazakh Invasion, the Cold War, Zintonite-Turkish War, and others. The current governing party in Subzko is the Bolshevik Party, which governs the whole republic as well, Subzko has passed a wave of liberal parties, the Bolshevik Party took over the elections in 2050, the last years were governed by the Party of the Democratic Reovlution.