| - In the future, no life insurance agency will ever cover Teleporter Accidents. Why? Well to start, it may accidentally send you to Alpha Centauri instead of Mars in a mis-jump, or if you slip you could suffer a Portal Cut and end up cut in two, then again if it's not there you'll suffer a Portal Slam as you hit the concrete, which is still far less painful than being teleported into solid matter and suffering a Tele Frag. All of which pales in comparison to what could happen when the teleporter itself malfunctions. If the Heisenberg compensators are misaligned, then you could come out as an inert mass of carbo-hydrates (or a screaming mass of carbo-hydrates), or it might hiccup and create an Evil Twin of you. Then again, the device may work by taking a "short cut" through Hell, so everyone who uses it will Go Mad From the Revelation... and/or come out with an Eldritch Abomination on their heels. The possibilities are endless, and more often than not they are irreversible. Compare and contrast with Teleportation Sickness, where the process is merely uncomfortable... or at least whatever effects it has, even if bad, are not caused by it malfunctioning. (And yes, there is an overlap in a minority of cases.) Related to Came Back Wrong if you subscribe to the theory that a teleporter kills the original and recreates a perfect quantum copy at the chosen location. For purposes of trope differentiation, teleporter related mutations caused by beaming with or into another organic being go in Tele Frag. If it's because of the beaming itself, it goes here. Not to be confused with a Porting Disaster. Examples of Teleporter Accident include: