| - Alpha 5 is a character that appeared in BADASS NEW POWER RANGERS. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- In the early days of the series he often acted like a younger brother to the Power Rangers, always wanting spend time with them and learn things (such as learning "hip-hop-kido" from Zack). He matured slightly as the series progressed, but always remained a naive, child-like assistant. Residing in the Command Center with Zordon, he served as the Rangers' technician, constructing weapons for them to use against the forces of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. It has been revealed that Alpha was constructed on the planet Edenoi by Kin Lexian, the grandfather of the Masked Rider.
- This platform was created to test new stabilization systems for the Azure League scientists. One momentous day, the Azure League was able to stave off a fleet of pirates by causing the platform to spin rapidly in place, crushing the small ships with its massive rotating bulk.
- Alpha 5 appeared in A Friend in Need. See full entry of Alpha 5 at Power Rangers Wiki
- Alpha was a fully-sentient multifunctional automaton robot built by King Lexian on the planet Edenoi. He is the second Alpha automaton to be in the service of Zordon, succeeding Alpha 4. Alpha 5 assisted Zordon in the creation of the original Power Rangers as well as the Command Center. Alpha was an advisor, mechanic, tech-wizard, and overall friend to the Power Rangers, and dearly loved by them and Zordon. He helped Eltar begin rebuilding, but soon returned to Earth to salvage what he could from the Power Chamber.
- Alpha 5 (Alpha for short) was the robotic assistant to the rangers during Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Power Rangers Zeo, as well as the first few episodes of Power Rangers Turbo. Alpha was an important factor in the Power Rangers' battle against evil and acted as a secondary mentor to them, under his friend, the wise sage Zordon of Eltar. Alpha would use the exclamation "Ai yi yi" in moments which invoked emotions of any kind, from panic to elation (most commonly panic); in more extreme situations, the exclamation could contain four "yi"'s, five "yi"'s or, in rare cases, six or seven "yi"'s; this has become a well-known catchphrase for most of the Alpha robots. He worked in the Command Center most of the time, only getting out on a few occasions, and almost always obeyed every comman