A city in Wokistan
* Known for its magnificent Somash Temple
* Its population is 6,000 Source: Guide to Glorantha
Hunai(Hunese:東京都 Hyunniu)officially the Federal Republic of Hunai(FRH)(Hunese:浑南新区東京都 Nei-Konggat Zhonguan Guogini Hyunniu), is a large country located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It has an area of 6,031,420 square kilometers and 975 million people. Its capital is Shengzhou. Hunai is a giant continental landmass alomst the size of Australia. It has the seventh-largest area on the planet. It is divided into 30 admininstrative divisions (22 states, 6 municipalities, 2 Special Administrative Area(SAAs)).
A city in Wokistan
* Known for its magnificent Somash Temple
* Its population is 6,000 Source: Guide to Glorantha
Hunai(Hunese:東京都 Hyunniu)officially the Federal Republic of Hunai(FRH)(Hunese:浑南新区東京都 Nei-Konggat Zhonguan Guogini Hyunniu), is a large country located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It has an area of 6,031,420 square kilometers and 975 million people. Its capital is Shengzhou. Hunai is a giant continental landmass alomst the size of Australia. It has the seventh-largest area on the planet. It is divided into 30 admininstrative divisions (22 states, 6 municipalities, 2 Special Administrative Area(SAAs)).