| - Gretti was a young man on board a spaceship in an ancient caravan of "space gypsies". The caravan was threatened by a black hole that bridged the gap between the Anti-Matter Universe and ours. The Green Lantern of Uxor, known as the Green Man, had come to close the hole and save the travelers. Although they could not save themselves, the people of the caravan refused the Green Lantern's help. In accordance with the ways of their ancestors, no one outside of the group was allowed to aid the caravan. The gods had placed the evil in their ancient path, and they must meet it bravely and alone. In order to help the caravan, the Green Lantern gave Gretti a power ring. The young man was arrogant and impatient, but after the Green Lantern showed him what to do, Gretti closed the hole and saved his
- In order to help the caravan, the Green Lantern gave Gretti a power ring. The young man was arrogant and impatient, but after the Green Lantern showed him what to do, Gretti closed the hole and saved his people. They returned to the caravan, with the young man regarded as a hero. The Green Lantern of Uxor left Gretti under the watchful eye of his grandmother.
| - In order to help the caravan, the Green Lantern gave Gretti a power ring. The young man was arrogant and impatient, but after the Green Lantern showed him what to do, Gretti closed the hole and saved his people. They returned to the caravan, with the young man regarded as a hero. The Green Lantern of Uxor left Gretti under the watchful eye of his grandmother. While traveling with his people, Gretti continued to serve the universe as a Green Lantern even after the Green Lantern Corps was reestablished after its destruction. However, he was never compliant with its rules that he patrol his assigned sector. He patroled wherever his people's caravan took him, which was well beyond his assigned sector, Sector 2828. The idea of remaining in one place was simply against everything he believed. Because he did continue to serve well as a Green Lantern, his wandering ways were overlooked by his superiors. His ways did add to the frustrations of his partner Green Man and of Stel, who acted when needed as Green Man's partner in Gretti's persistent absence.
- Gretti was a young man on board a spaceship in an ancient caravan of "space gypsies". The caravan was threatened by a black hole that bridged the gap between the Anti-Matter Universe and ours. The Green Lantern of Uxor, known as the Green Man, had come to close the hole and save the travelers. Although they could not save themselves, the people of the caravan refused the Green Lantern's help. In accordance with the ways of their ancestors, no one outside of the group was allowed to aid the caravan. The gods had placed the evil in their ancient path, and they must meet it bravely and alone. In order to help the caravan, the Green Lantern gave Gretti a power ring. The young man was arrogant and impatient, but after the Green Lantern showed him what to do, Gretti closed the hole and saved his people. They returned to the caravan, with the young man regarded as a hero. The Green Lantern of Uxor left Gretti under the watchful eye of his grandmother.