| - Brom Van Brunt was the tertiary antagonist of Sleepy Hollow. When Ichabod Crane first came into Sleepy Hollow, He ran into Katrina Van Tassell. Brom saw this, he started to dislike Ichabod. To Intimidate Ichabod He dressed up as the Hessian Horse Man. About a week later the Horse Man was sent to kill the Killian family and succeeded. When Brom heard the screaming of young Thomas he rode off on his horse. When the Hessian rode off on his horse Brom shot him with his musket. Brom got off his horse and walked over to the Hessian. When the horseman got back up from the ground Brom tried to hit him with his musket, but the Hessian hit him with the handle of his sword. When Ichabod rode back from the woods, he saw that Brom grabbed two sickles. He ran up to Brom and told Him that the horseman was not after him but Brom didn't listen. Brom started fighting the Hessian and got cut in half. Brom was a tough and dashing man. He was in love with Katrena, and his determination to make sure she was in love with him went as far as Brom keeping other men from socializing with her. By all accounts; Brom loved Katrena for real, not just for her money. Brom was all brawn and no brains, and thusly was the head of a circle of go-lucky brutes that were respected by most people in the town. He imediatley became a problem for anyone who he felt threatened by, but was more of a nusance than a threat. Brom was also extremely couragous (and that combined with his stupidity resulted in his downfall). Inspight of being a jerk, Brom was not a bully, and would also help people in danger (which also resulted in his downfall). Brom has Brown hair, and has a Tan Jacket and a White shirt, and has brown eyes. And Brom is the strongest man in Sleepy Hollow.