Genna Delpin was a female Human who served as an admiral in the Corellian Defense Force, where she was considered a rising star in the Corellian military. She led the assault fleet at the Battle of Hapes.
Genna Delpin era una almirante en la Fuerza de Defensa Corelliana, considerada una estrella en ascenso en las fuerzas armadas corellianas. Ella dirigiĆ³ la flota de asalto en la Batalla de Hapes.
Genna Delpin was a female Human who served as an admiral in the Corellian Defense Force, where she was considered a rising star in the Corellian military. She led the assault fleet at the Battle of Hapes.
Genna Delpin era una almirante en la Fuerza de Defensa Corelliana, considerada una estrella en ascenso en las fuerzas armadas corellianas. Ella dirigiĆ³ la flota de asalto en la Batalla de Hapes.
Genna Delpin was a female Human who served as an admiral in the Corellian Defense Force, where she was considered a rising star in the Corellian military. She led the assault fleet at the Battle of Hapes.