| - These strategies will work with any character, but high accuracy or bullet regeneration is recommended for the second: If at this point in the game the player has any Eridian weapons, equip them and use either them or an assault rifle to take down three of the four purple tentacles (leave one to stop the rest respawning.) Now just fire away while hiding behind the stone pillars for the duration of the eye attack; this should allow the player to kill The Destroyer with ease and without having to worry about ammo. An extremely effective weapon is the Eridian Thunderstorm. While one is recharging, equipe a second one or just use another weapon to take the purple tentacles down. Make certain to destroy the purple tentacles whenever they appear. Stand behind one of the large rocks that has a half circle removed from one side. Firing through the hole will grant shooting access to the eye. The player will only have to worry about the slam, as the beam will not be able to penetrate the rock, and The Destroyer is unable to aim for anything but the center of the characters body; which is behind a rock. The character will be safe, and have an easy avenue to The Destroyer. An extremely effective weapon against The Destroyer is The Boom Stick, especially if the character has an increased magazine size via class mods or skill tree. It's fast fire rate, high damage, make it extremely effective. It's spread is also somewhat negligible against this huge target. Another strategy is to move to the left side of The Destroyer itself, this will prevent it from attacking your character, making it very easy to kill if you have a means of ammunition regeneration. It has also been reported that running up and throwing multiple MIRV grenades into the destroyers mouth can result in an easy kill. This can also be done with a fast-firing rocket launcher or shotgun-rocket-launcher. In addition, using a scope to aim a Longbow grenade into the destroyers eye will result in the grenade critically hitting the destroyer, with seven grenades being able to take roughly a quarter of its life. The Simple Kill: When the battle begins, there is a rock on the right hand side very close to where the Destroyer will grab another rock when he spawns a set of new tentacles. This rock is not very close to the Destroyer. The character can crouch behind this rock and take out the purple tentacles. Once these tentacles are gone, hit the Destroyer until he spawns these new "grabbing" tentacles; one of which will be right in front of the character. Now, equipe any elemental weapons and simply shoot the tentacle until he dies. The elemental damage is taken whereas it seems the regular damage is absorbed. High speed elemental weapons work really well against the Destroyer.