| - This is a base defense auxiliary item.
- The Transformer is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It can morph into an enemy species in its attack range.
- A Transformer is a robot that either protects or destroys. Transformers are also the main characters in the TV series, Transformers.
- A transformer is
- Transformers are tall can-like enemies with red lids with faces, blue shoes, and cylindrical, slot machine-like bodies with a green "?" in front.
- This story takes place between the time when Bluekit was a kit (way before that), and after the time that Owlstar ruled. It's set in the old forest. After this, you won't be hearing from me. When text appears in italics, and there's an entire section dedicated to it (for example, Let's stop for a moment and smell the horror radiating from the audience is a good one), then the main character, Water, is speaking to you. You should listen. She's got a lot of important stuff to say. Forestpaw13
- A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy from one electrical circuit to another by magnetic coupling without using any moving parts. It is often used to convert between high and low voltages and for impedance transformation. The transformer was an important element in the development of high-voltage electric power transmission and central generating stations.
- The designation "Transformer" stems from the species' generally-shared ability to "transform", to change their bodies at will, rearranging their component parts from a robotic primary mode (usually, but not always, humanoid) into an alternate form; generally vehicles, weapons, machinery, or animals. In some continuities, this ability to transform is innate to all members of the species, in others it was a wartime innovation that was adopted by most, but not all, of the populace.
- Penunjukan "Transformer" berasal dari spesies umum-berbagi kemampuan untuk "mengubah", untuk mengubah tubuh mereka di akan, mengatur bagian-bagian komponennya dari modus utama robot (biasanya, tapi tidak selalu, humanoid) ke bentuk lainnya; umumnya kendaraan, senjata, mesin, atau hewan. Dalam beberapa kontinuitas, kemampuan untuk mengubah adalah bawaan untuk semua anggota spesies, di lain itu adalah inovasi masa perang yang diadopsi oleh sebagian besar, tapi tidak semua, dari rakyat.
- A transformer supposedly can transform from an autobot into a car, which is ALREADY pretty stupid, if you ask me. Supposedly, a transformer can transform into some kind of object. Yes. Sure, let's go with that, because transformers are for little kids and you should not, absolutely not be obsessed with them because if you are, you should know that you can't be a transformer when you grow up. It's nothing else and will never be anything else, so yeah.
- Die Transformer sind die Hauptspezies im Universum von Transformers. Dabei handelt es sich um lebendige Wesen aus Metall, die sich zu Fahrzeugen wie Autos oder Flugzeuge beliebig transformieren können. Des Weiteren existiert der Begriff Cybertronier, der im Zusammenhang ihres Heimatplaneten Cybertron steht. In vielerlei Universen existieren andere Versionen zur Entstehung und Geschichte der Transformer. Im Hauptfokus steht jedoch immer der Krieg zwischen den zwei Konfliktparteien der Autobots und der Decepticons.
- A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical network to another through inductive coupling conductors — the transformer's coils or "windings". Except for Transformer Cores transformers, the conductors are commonly wound around a single iron-rich core, or around separate but magnetically-coupled cores. A varying current in the first or "primary" winding creates a varying magnetic field in the core (or cores) of the transformer. This varying magnetic field's electromagnetic induction a varying electromotive force (EMF) or "voltage" in the "secondary" winding. This effect is called mutual induction.
- The transformer principle was demonstrated in 1831 by Faraday, though practical designs did not appear until the 1880s. Within less than a decade, the transformer was instrumental during the "War of Currents" in seeing alternating current systems triumph over their direct current counterparts, a position in which they have remained dominant. The transformer has since shaped the electricity supply industry, permitting the economic transmission of power over long distances. All but a fraction of the world's electrical power has passed through a series of transformers by the time it reaches the consumer.
- The Transformer was a massive generator built by Megabyte's virals that works similar to a battery, specifically designed to drain and store the very energy of the System Operating Core. The whole chamber relies on two anti-gravity discs to keep it suspended and not only operates as an electrochemical cell - it also converts the Core energy into a "liquid state". In this state it is not filled with so much lethal radiation, but is still obviously dangerous to fall into. Underneath the cylindrical vessel the base features four hydraulic grapplers to keep it attached to the super structure below.