The story begins with Michel Ryo, a new arrival to Chimera City, "The City of Endeavours". In a life threatening duel he is saved by a strange divine entity known as the "Solar Gaurdian". With his life saved, the solar guardian informs him of the dangers ahead, The Banishers. From there on dark pasts and hidden truths are uncovered as Michel along with the help of his closest friend Cole Viceman who he unexpectedly runs into on the way to Chimera City. Along the way the two encounter four others who will assist them in their journey, the couple Bruno Sabastian and Lucy Farlight, along with the two sisters Sylvia Roseburg and Chloe Roseburg.
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| - The story begins with Michel Ryo, a new arrival to Chimera City, "The City of Endeavours". In a life threatening duel he is saved by a strange divine entity known as the "Solar Gaurdian". With his life saved, the solar guardian informs him of the dangers ahead, The Banishers. From there on dark pasts and hidden truths are uncovered as Michel along with the help of his closest friend Cole Viceman who he unexpectedly runs into on the way to Chimera City. Along the way the two encounter four others who will assist them in their journey, the couple Bruno Sabastian and Lucy Farlight, along with the two sisters Sylvia Roseburg and Chloe Roseburg.
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| - The story begins with Michel Ryo, a new arrival to Chimera City, "The City of Endeavours". In a life threatening duel he is saved by a strange divine entity known as the "Solar Gaurdian". With his life saved, the solar guardian informs him of the dangers ahead, The Banishers. From there on dark pasts and hidden truths are uncovered as Michel along with the help of his closest friend Cole Viceman who he unexpectedly runs into on the way to Chimera City. Along the way the two encounter four others who will assist them in their journey, the couple Bruno Sabastian and Lucy Farlight, along with the two sisters Sylvia Roseburg and Chloe Roseburg. During their journey they encounter what can only be described as a living demon, Lucifer Imorses. He is driven towards his goal is not about to let some rebleous teenagers get in his way. Will they be able to overcome the oncomming storm?