The Coup, also known as the April Fools War, is an event named that way after three separate coup is launched in three different countries but at the same time. It happened on April 1, 2200 and occurred in Indonesia, Singapore, and China. All the coup attempt failed and it is later known that this is not a separate coup. Instead, it is later known that the coupers had planned this event but the lack of coordination failed it.
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| - The Coup (Scenario of Indonesians)
| - The Coup, also known as the April Fools War, is an event named that way after three separate coup is launched in three different countries but at the same time. It happened on April 1, 2200 and occurred in Indonesia, Singapore, and China. All the coup attempt failed and it is later known that this is not a separate coup. Instead, it is later known that the coupers had planned this event but the lack of coordination failed it.
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| - The Coup, also known as the April Fools War, is an event named that way after three separate coup is launched in three different countries but at the same time. It happened on April 1, 2200 and occurred in Indonesia, Singapore, and China. All the coup attempt failed and it is later known that this is not a separate coup. Instead, it is later known that the coupers had planned this event but the lack of coordination failed it.