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* I just realized something. Orihime, for all rights and purposes, should be invincible, just like Aizen. I think the only think keeping her from being invincible is the total lack of offensive capabilities. Think about it. She was planning to "undo" the Hogyoku. What's stopping her from "undoing" you?
* I'd like to think that the more powerful something is, the harder it is to undo. I bet undoing the Hogyoku itself would've been an extremely hard feat for her. Maybe she could stop a regular human from existing, but it's very unlikely she'll do such a thing in the first place.
* The scene where Grimmjow wants Orihime to heal Ichigo and she says "no, you're just going to make him fight you." If Ichigo had a broken arm or something, this would make sense. But he doesn't. Ulquiorra punched a gigantic hole in his chest and left him to bleed out. Her options are to let him die, or fix him so that he has a chance to beat Grimmjow, and her first reaction is no. What the heck is up with that?
* He was no longer dead at the time, and I'm pretty sure he was conscious since he talked to Nel and Orihime a few pages (maybe a chapter?) beforehand. That, and he could stand on his own and had enough strength to stop Grimmjow from choking Orihime, so he was not in top health, but he was definitely alive and kicking.
* Why is Uryuu still in hospital after being attacked by the Fullbring guy? Why hasn't Orihime healed him? For that matter, is Yamamoto still missing an arm? Arm-healing is Orihime's fricking speciality, surely there ought to have been a panel or two that showed her restoring it, or at least offering to and getting refused.
* Its because he was put in the hospital first so nurses, other patients, and the surgeons who were most likely with his dad have seen him arm-less. Therefore it will seem a bit odd if his arm were to just magically regrow according to their perspective. However if you think about if this makes the future a bit scary, how will he get a new arm, and go through recovery to gain full control over it.
* Similarly, what about Soifon? Then again, it's suggested that, as in Momo's case, the doctors in Soul Society can replace organs.
* Manga has explained this, now. Strangely enough it seems that Ishida still had his arm (?), which now bugs ME, but eh. Evidently Ishida initially refused her offer to heal him.
* Riddle me this. Orihime's powers are supposedly to bend time and space to the point where she can reject anything from reality. If that's true...couldn't she simply, I don't know, reject Ichigo's loss of powers? Like, reject that the powers are lost after using Mugetsu?
* Consider that she's not capable of healing all wounds, blocking all attacks, or even fighting effectively. Aizen explained the nature of her powers, but not the extent of them. They're still growing.
* Even if Tsukishima cuts Orihime with his fullbring, isn't her power at least slightly autonomous? We see that she sent one of her fairies to heal Chad during the Hueco Mundo arc, so we know that they're essentially capable of operating under their own power. So why is it that when she's brainwashed, her power, which most likely functions with its own memories and personality, doesn't stop working when she tries to do something stupid?
* Inoue's powers are highly tied in with her emotions, so now that she has an emotional connection to Tsukishima, however fabricated it may be, she would not allow her powers to do anything to harm him and instead sees him as someone she needs to protect. She is also at the point and has been for some time where she does not need to call out to her fairies to summon them. She knowingly and purposely sent one to Chad, she just didn't have to say the incantation. Ultimately, she controls her powers, so even if on some level they disagree with her decisions, which has not been documented as of yet, they still have no choice but to do as she wishes.
* What the heck are Orehime's powers? They've been described as being shinigami-like, as opposed to Chad's hollow-like Fullbringer powers, and nobody in the Fullbring arc has called her a Fullbringer, so that would imply that they're something different, but nobodies offered any explanation yet. Are living humans with unique supernatural powers common, maybe?
* Hachi says her powers are closer to a Vizard's than a Shinigami's, so its likely there's some Hollow in their. My guess? Its a Fullbring that has been "officially" called that.
* Hacchi didn't really say that because he was focused on comparing her barrier abilities to his barrier abilities. It was mostly the other Visoreds that somewhat ambiguously viewed it as that. Hacchi said her hairpins were more like a zanpakutou and was puzzled by her abilities. He also couldn't heal Ichigo's hollow-caused wounds because Visored powers were hollow-influenced and would only make it worse. Even being around the Visoreds was damaging to Ichigo's recovery yet Orihime healed his wounds in the blink of an eye with none of the Visored problems which also displays a big difference between hers and Hacchi's powers. Whatever Orihime's powers are, we haven't been given any answers yet. Ryuken said that her powers are "human powers" rather than "shinigami powers" or "hollow powers", but since he listed Sado's powers, Ginjou's powers and Quincy powers under the same category, that doesn't tell us anything either. The Quincy back story does tell us that the quincies formed from magic-hunters that got together to develop their powers into a form that mimicked the shinigami and Yamamoto said the human world did have a history of spirit-rich regions where humans with spiritual abilities tended to gather. It does seem that magic-wielding humans do exist in the Bleach-verse even if we haven't seen much of them in the story.
* During the Hueco Mundo Arc, Aizen shows Orihime the Hogyoku to show that he's telling the truth about his plans, but all to indirectly troll with Orihime's mind so she would eventually develop a bit of trust in him (this doesn't happen). Then when she leaves by herself, she resolves to devise a way to get the Hogyoku herself with the powers she's been practicing beforehand, now that she knows where he's keeping it. ...THIS NEVER COMES UP AGAIN. Is there some excuse for this other than Kubo's habit of leaving plots dangling?