| - Although everyone knows that there were four IG-88's, and an IG-72, few knew that there was an IG-13, so named because of its unlucky streak in the laboratories. IG-13 was started on a short time before the IG-88 droid was started. At first the droid performed better than expectations, although that was not to last. The droid was continually in the wrong place at the wrong time, and after many malfunctions and breakdowns the droid found itself in the scrap heap. The droid, with his weapons all removed, escaped its destruction from the furnace. With nowhere to go and no friends to speak of, the droid stole a ship and began to explore the galaxy. It did small favors for many small businesses but demanded a high amount of secrecy and credits, the main reason why he was unknown to most of the
| - Although everyone knows that there were four IG-88's, and an IG-72, few knew that there was an IG-13, so named because of its unlucky streak in the laboratories. IG-13 was started on a short time before the IG-88 droid was started. At first the droid performed better than expectations, although that was not to last. The droid was continually in the wrong place at the wrong time, and after many malfunctions and breakdowns the droid found itself in the scrap heap. The droid, with his weapons all removed, escaped its destruction from the furnace. With nowhere to go and no friends to speak of, the droid stole a ship and began to explore the galaxy. It did small favors for many small businesses but demanded a high amount of secrecy and credits, the main reason why he was unknown to most of the galaxy. IG-13 made many changes to his structural form, adding many new weapons into his hardware. He even built and old lightsaber into his right arm, because of his increased reflexes the droid could even block a small amount of blaster fire with it. With his new hardware he began to steal and buy weapons from across the galaxy. Eventually having built up a weapons supply of a small planet, IG-13 began recruiting droids to become part of an organization of droids. The droids would do any work as long as the client paid handsomely. IG-13 witnessed C-3PX's destruction in the droid arena. After the droids parts were sent to the scrap heap, IG-13 grabbed the droid's head. He then rebuilt the rest of the droid from the ground up, replacing every single weapon and hardware the droid lost. This droid was the first of IG-13's droid organization. After finding no other worthy candidates for a while IG-13 and C-3PX built another droid. Using an old, unremarkable R5 astromech shell, they crammed as many illegal weapons and hardware as could possibly fit into the little droid. They even added a vocabulator. After finishing the droid they painted it a blood red and black, and dubbed it R5-Z9. The little droid built a unique personality very quickly. The droid was almost like an attack dog always wanting to continue killing and killing. If IG-88 hadn't built in a restraining bolt into the droid, that only he could control, the little droid would have gotten his wish very easily with all the weapons at its disposal. IG-13 built up a healthy supply of contacts in the months that followed R5-Z9's creation. He eventually heard that there was an auction for a partially running A-series assassin droid. IG-13, under the guise of a man called Kire Akdar, bid on, and won the droid. Unfortunately, another band of smugglers wanted the droid, so they decided to confront this "Kire Akdar" and forcibly remove the droid from his possession. The droids got their first real challenge while killing the smugglers. The droids completely ripped them all apart. Leaving their remains in the alley the smugglers ambushed them in. The droids took the assassin droid to have it reprogrammed. The droid was renamed A 66. It was painted a jet black that seemed to almost absorb light. A 66 became the organization's reconnaissance droid. Silently killing anyone in its way and gathering the necessary information to complete its mission. The droids decided they needed a better spacecraft to tinker with. They stole a Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport and modified to almost beyond recognition. Fourteen total laser cannons and seven total ion cannons are part of the ships armament. A third projectile launcher was added to the top of the ship. They even created two holders on either side of the ship to hold two droid uglies to defend the ship against other fighters. The ship was christened the Basilisk. After some years a droid that resembled 4-LOM joined the group. He was the only member that came to the group, instead of vice-versa. He brought a lot of experience to the rest of the relatively new organization. The droids frequently separate for times and take on different bounties, but on exceptionally difficult missions the droids team up to take down the victim. When the Yuuzhan Vong War started the droids took down many a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, but always in secret, for they still did not want the New Republic finding out too much about them and trying to eliminate them. Although the droids liked their anonymity the droids couldn't properly fight the Yuuzhan Vong with the right software. They contacted Lando Calrissian and bought a newly furbished YVH droid for a cool million credits. YVH 9, as he was so designated, helped the droid organization exponentially. The droid had some of its hardware changed to better suit its life as a bounty hunter. The droid had a blood red skull painted on its chest. The droid added reason to the group. He was the cool head, instead of blindly running in, guns blazing, he helped the droids formulate better and more sophisticated plans. After the Yuuzhan Vong invasion the droids disappeared. They are presumed active, armed and dangerous. The droids will probably resurface at a time when no one expects it.