Theater in Harlem, famous for it's Amatuer Nights. This article is a stub, it needs work.
The Apollo Theater was a rundown, old theater in Piraeus. It was where "Gabrielle and Xena: A Message of Peace" was performed.
The Apollo Theater was a famous building in Harlem, New York City where a variety of music and other forms of entertainment was performed. Benny Russell had heard stories of the times when Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith shared the same stage at the Apollo. (DS9 novelization: Far Beyond the Stars)
Theater in Harlem, famous for it's Amatuer Nights. This article is a stub, it needs work.
The Apollo Theater was a rundown, old theater in Piraeus. It was where "Gabrielle and Xena: A Message of Peace" was performed.
The Apollo Theater was a famous building in Harlem, New York City where a variety of music and other forms of entertainment was performed. Benny Russell had heard stories of the times when Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith shared the same stage at the Apollo. (DS9 novelization: Far Beyond the Stars)