| - Waferdanos is a member of the ruling council of Cronos in Guyver: The Bioboosted Armour. Among the Zoalords and even any form of life on Earth, he is truly a unique entity. His human form appears to be a large man of indeterminate race with pointed ears and a wild mane of dark hair. However, Waferdanos is not, and never was, human. He is unlike any other creature on Earth, an early product of the Ouranus before the creation of humanity and the Zoanoids, making him even older than Archanfel himself. His true form is that of a giant plant unlike any other kind of plant on Earth.
| - Waferdanos is a member of the ruling council of Cronos in Guyver: The Bioboosted Armour. Among the Zoalords and even any form of life on Earth, he is truly a unique entity. His human form appears to be a large man of indeterminate race with pointed ears and a wild mane of dark hair. However, Waferdanos is not, and never was, human. He is unlike any other creature on Earth, an early product of the Ouranus before the creation of humanity and the Zoanoids, making him even older than Archanfel himself. His true form is that of a giant plant unlike any other kind of plant on Earth. Waferdanos was essentially a sentient plant; his organism was enormous, very complex and highly adaptable. In his original form, he was in fact an entire forest, consisting of three interdependent components: an apparently normal forest, consisting of any number of trees; a species of mobile, humanoid plants, sometimes called the `Villus subjecti´; and a `King´, a large, sessile plant with a brain core and humanoid arms, physically connected to all the trees through an intricate root system and, telepathically, with the humanoids.