| - The Horde HQ of The Blasted War.
- Stonard is the lone Horde outpost located in the Swamp of Sorrows. It was originally established by the Horde during the First War, along with a nearby base known as Rockard, as a preliminary base for the invasion of the Kingdom of Azeroth. It was abandoned in the aftermath of the Second War, but has since been re-established as an outpost with the formation of the new Horde and the orcs' renewed interest in the area. Regular patrols are sent out, and a number of small orcish encampments have been established nearby to further strengthen the Horde's control over the region. This southern town lies just off the swamp's only road. While populated mostly by orc warriors, some orcs do follow their calling as shamans. It is protected by 8-foot walls, and sentries watch every gate. Although there is little traffic through the swamps, the orcs must guard against Alliance attacks. They send caravans to their allies in Stranglethorn Vale to trade for supplies twice a year, though the town does boast several weapon-smiths who create beautiful weapons with the ore they trade for. (LoC 59) Stonard is a center of operations for any adventurers who seek to enter the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, and it is also the closest Horde outpost to the Dark Portal, which is located in Blasted Lands. Stonard is the home of hunter, warlock, and warrior trainers, as well as some profession trainers. Most notably it is the location of the horde master alchemist and one of the only Horde shaman trainers in the Eastern Kingdoms, while the other being in Silvermoon City (the other Shaman trainers being the Alliance ones; Farseer Umbrua in Stormwind and Farseer Javad in Ironforge). Also, mages with sufficient skill (level 52) can learn to teleport or open a portal to here.