| - Nick mulls over his pessimism about Natalie's search for a cure.
- Catch-22 is a quest. __TOC__
- After seeing yet another set of flashes of the future which signal the arrival of a new addition to the island, Desmond leads Charlie, Hurley and Jin into the jungle to let the events unfold.
- "Catch-22" is the seventeenth episode of Season 3 and the sixty-sixth produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on April 18, 2007. When Desmond has a flash of a stranger arriving on the Island, he recruits Charlie, Hurley and Jin to join him in finding the person.
- "[[|]]" es el episodio número 17 de la tercera temporada de Lost y 66 de toda la serie. Desmond convence a Hurley, Jin y Charlie a que lo sigan en un viaje por la selva. Nuevos flashbacks revelan más sobre la vida de Desmond antes de llegar a la isla. Mientras tanto una desanimada Kate va en busca de Sawyer después de ver a Jack y Juliet juntos. Este capítulo fue visto por 11.8 millones de televidentes en Estados Unidos.
- "Catch-22" is the 15th track from Bleach Original Soundtrack 1.
- Catch-22 is the seventeeth episode of season 3 of Lost. Desmond Hume is featured in the episode's flashbacks.
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "Catch-22" foi o décimo sétimo episódio da 3ª Temporada e 66º episódio de Lost; foi ao ar em 18 de Abril de 2007. Desmond atrai Charlie, Hurley e Jin em uma viagem ao redor da ilha depois de vivenciar um de seus futuros flashes - mas estaria ele colocando Charlie em perigo? Enquanto isso, Kate volta para Sawyer depois de ver Jack sozinho com Juliet.
- "Catch-22" is de 17de aflevering van Seizoen 3 van Lost.
- Desmond was hot. Oh, and Charlie's gonna die. Or so we've been told so many times now that I find it really hard to believe that it will actually happen. Cut to the first scene and we find Des hacking his way through the jungle. It's pouring rain. Dang. Where's Jate when you need them? But Des in the rain's pretty sexy too, so I guess I'll settle. Hurley follows behind Des and then Charlie comes next with his guitar strapped to his back. Jin brings up the rear of the group because this time he's the one getting a nice view of Charlie's Badonkadonk. Charlie starts telling Hurley he's insane. Yeah, Charlie, we know. We learned that from his flashback in the institution. But Charlie is just arguing with him and telling him that Superman can fly around the planet in the blink of an eye. "Jack
- Catch-22 is a 1961 novel, a famous anti-war satire by Joseph Heller, later made into a film. It focuses on Yossarian, a USAAF bombardier on the Italian Front during WWII, who would very much like to not be on the Italian Front during World War II. It is considered one of the greatest books of the Twentieth Century and at the same time is often gut-bustingly funny. Classics can be fun to read; who knew?
- Hurley, Charlie, Jin i Desmond przedzierają się przez las. Rozmawiają o Supermanie i Flashu. Wtem Charlie stawia nogę na pułapkę i po kilku sekundach zatruta strzała ląduje w jego gardle. Desmond próbuje go ocalić, ale niestety Charlie umiera na miejscu. Na szczęście był to tylko kolejna wizja w głowie Desmonda. Kolejny raz będzie próbował ocalić Charliemu życie. Pod koniec filmu w głowie Desmonda widzimy Penny.
- Catch-22 refers to a logical conundrum, whereby whichever option one takes, the objective is defeated by having taken that path. The phrase was coined by the author Joseph Heller when the success of his book Catch-22 demanded a sequel to keep his fans happy. No sequel could ever live up to the original, and so by writing one, he could only disappoint his fans. Such was the dilemma, and the phrase lives on to this day: precisely. It is also used incorrectly more than any other Catch-phrase in the history of mankind. This includes classics such as Catch-5, Catch-19, Catch-394 and even Catch-1 itself. Use of the phrase beyond the 6th of January 2007, will attract severe punishment in most countries; and execution if uttered in international waters. Punishing usage is a Catch-22 in itself, ins