Detective Fish is a City of Heroes contact located in the Seven Gates neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (28.5, -160.5, -301). Detective Fish is a Police Band contact. He is located inside the Paragon Police Department. He functions as the Safeguard Mission contact as does Detective Miller. Detective Fish's name is a reference to Detective Phil Fish, a character played by Abe Vagoda on the TV shows Barney Miller and Fish. Detective Fish and his partner Detective Miller are the only two Safeguard Contacts whose appearance are not modeled after the TV Characters they are named for.
Detective Fish is a City of Heroes contact located in the Seven Gates neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (28.5, -160.5, -301). Detective Fish is a Police Band contact. He is located inside the Paragon Police Department. He functions as the Safeguard Mission contact as does Detective Miller. Detective Fish's name is a reference to Detective Phil Fish, a character played by Abe Vagoda on the TV shows Barney Miller and Fish. Detective Fish and his partner Detective Miller are the only two Safeguard Contacts whose appearance are not modeled after the TV Characters they are named for. Det. Fish is reputedly modeled after Sean Fish, a writer for CoH. __TOC__