2030 Olympics: Sky Lynx & First Aid vs Scourge & Thrust - Team HeavyWeight Round-1 (2009-08-12) by Sky Lynx - Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 8:59 PM Six lasers - Thrull Lava Pits Crazy Galvatron? Yeah that's our bad. Known galaxy-wide for their psychological "benefits", the lava pits range in size from ocean to "convenient hot tub shape". In fact, there are only a few places on Thrull that are not covered in lava. In the northern hemisphere stretches the largest of these "plains", hosting a modestly-sized Spaceport, and the newly-constructed Six Lasers (tm) Olympic Omni-Arena 5000.

  • 2030 Olympics: Sky Lynx & First Aid vs Scourge & Thrust (Team HeavyWeight Round 1)
  • 2030 Olympics: Sky Lynx & First Aid vs Scourge & Thrust - Team HeavyWeight Round-1 (2009-08-12) by Sky Lynx - Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 8:59 PM Six lasers - Thrull Lava Pits Crazy Galvatron? Yeah that's our bad. Known galaxy-wide for their psychological "benefits", the lava pits range in size from ocean to "convenient hot tub shape". In fact, there are only a few places on Thrull that are not covered in lava. In the northern hemisphere stretches the largest of these "plains", hosting a modestly-sized Spaceport, and the newly-constructed Six Lasers (tm) Olympic Omni-Arena 5000.
  • 2030(xsd:integer)
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  • Six lasers - Thrull Lava Pits
  • 2030 Olympics: Sky Lynx & First Aid vs Scourge & Thrust - Team HeavyWeight Round-1 (2009-08-12) by Sky Lynx - Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 8:59 PM Six lasers - Thrull Lava Pits Crazy Galvatron? Yeah that's our bad. Behold! The hellish lava pits of Thrull. A planet still in its initial stages of forming, Thrull's landscape is a churning mess of lava and molten rock. Volcanoes dot the landscape, spewing ash and smoke into the atmosphere. The central landing area has been made civilized via an outpost protected with a forcefield. The nearby area, consisting of lava pits, is conditioned to be safe to breathe. Known galaxy-wide for their psychological "benefits", the lava pits range in size from ocean to "convenient hot tub shape". In fact, there are only a few places on Thrull that are not covered in lava. In the northern hemisphere stretches the largest of these "plains", hosting a modestly-sized Spaceport, and the newly-constructed Six Lasers (tm) Olympic Omni-Arena 5000. More adventuresome tourists & gladiators can venture out beyond the safe areas to the magma rivers. Catechism arrives from the Six Lasers Solar System. Catechism has arrived. Broadside arrives from the Six Lasers Solar System. Broadside has arrived. Rising above the battlefield, Broadside assumes his giant robot form. First Aid has arrived. Fortress Maximus arrives from the Six Lasers Solar System. Fortress Maximus has arrived. Scourge takes to the air, becoming a deadly Sweepcraft. Thrust transforms into his mode. Sweep Spacecraft cruises over the lave-soaked wasteland, a far cry from the frozen landscape of his last battle. He cruises along on the thermals, the dull, red heat of the lava and magma reflecting a red glow on the underside of his hull. "THRUST, you conehaded moron, why must I be paired with YOU? The Nepsans will pay for this demeaning partnership." Thrust flies into the area and groans, "Yeah, you were supposed to /FIGHT/ me before but you backed down. I guess my feud with the Sweeps has to stop for now." He then asks, "So did you beat Halo yet?" Sky Lynx has read, and re-read, and checked the Olympic scheduling. He is perplexed why his hopeful choice in the Team Attack was not granted. But the mighty Lynx does know that he is more than a match for any opponent - even if he might be outnumbered. Since the opening ceremonies he has been offering his services transporting mechs, fleshies, and other aliens alike among the many planets and moons of the Six Lasers system. He has even been transporting Cons. Yes, Cons.. the Contrutians of Contrutia have made it to the Olympics this year to watch. What? You thought he would transport Decepticons? Never.. He arrives down on the lava planet of Thrull to where his combat match is to take place. He hovers in place over the magma pools letting the heat rise up and soothe his aching wings some while he waits for his two opponents. First Aid is walking through the same lava soaked wasteland that Scourge is flying over. The only difference is that First Aid is walking, and he has a tourist's map in his hands, which he is studying intently. "Ok so right around here should be the famous Mt. Lava Rock." He looks to the right, seeing the famed mountain. "Oooh, very nice. And just to the left should be the famous... Mt. Rocky Lava." First Aid looks to the left, seeing the other famed mountain. "Ahhh, very pretty." He looks back down at the map. "And just up here is the incredible Mt. Lava-Rocky-lava." He looks up, admiring the third famed mountain. He's too polite to mention how similar all these volcano-mountains look. Either way, First Aid has almost arrived at the match in order to watch Sky Lynx defeat a pair of Decepticons. Sweep Spacecraft fires a crackling beam from his Disintegration Blaster, sending the deadly, armor-ripping pulse across Thrust's bow. "CEASE your incessant prattling, Thrust! You have confused 'backing down' with me /letting you live/. One more comment like that and I WILL show you the difference." Thrust hovers and pauses. "Understood, but why are you /NOT/ playing Halo right now?" Fortress Maximus makes his way through the crowd of gathering spectators for the upcoming event. He has not attended many events since the race instead trying to forget the incident altogether. Still Sky Lynx has been around a long time and being a fellow old mech, Maximus has come to lend his support. He's even got a tiny Autobot flag to wave around. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a Six Lasers official runs up to First Aid and exclaims, "You're red and white? You know what that means? If you fight as Sky Lynx's partner, we can do a giftset! And sell even more toys, since everyone who bought the solo Sky Lynx will have to buy him again now to get you. Go, join him!" First Aid chuckles in a good natured way at the Six Lasers official, carefully folding up his map and stowing it in a leg-trunk compartment. "Oh I'm not too worried about selling toys, Mr. Official. I'm just hoping that everyone has fun in the games. Also, I think I'm already in a gift set with the other Protectobots." Sky Lynx stares down at his much smaller partner and the official. "Toys? Giftset? What in tarnations are you talking about here? We have a fight on our hands, 'chap. And a most grievous one at that.." The Six Lasers' official tries to shove First Aid over at Sky Lynx, anyway, despite being much shorter than the Autobot, insisting, "But the version of you with Sky Lynx will have /slightly/ more accurate paint decos than the version of you with the Protectobots. Until we released with Masterpiece version, which will have more articulation and even better paint accuracy. Look, Lemonade, Sky Jinx, you're partners now!" The curved hull of the Sweepcraft glides smoothly into the designated arean area, where already a crowd of blood-thirsty onlookers have gathered to watch what will surely be a stunning match. Scourge dives in, using his enhanced sensor suite to scan the massive Sky Lynx for weaknesses, anything he can use to his advantage in the coming fight. Combat: Scourge analyzes Sky Lynx for weaknesses. Thrust happens to hover around the area and moves into position. He's not going to fire yet. First Aid looks up at Sky Lynx. "Wait, I'm in the match now? I dunno, this is highly irregular. I'm not sure if my insurance covers this..." Still, he's pushed along by the official into the combat ring. It dawns on First Aid that he's the only one here who can't fly, and thus the only one who has to deal with the lava on the ground. "Wait, you're making a Masterpiece version of me?" First Aid asks, obviously surprised. He doesn't have the ego that some other bots have when it comes to their action figures, but Lemona- I mean, First Aid can't help but feel a little embarassed that they'd go through all that effort for a toy of him. Maybe finally he'll no longer have a unifoot. Suddenly now in the battlefield, it takes First Aid several painfully long seconds to get his gun ready. He's at the Olympics. There's a truce, and he didn't (intentionally) enter any combat events. How was he to know he'd have to shoot something? Finally drawing his gun, he sees Scourge eying up his good friend Sky Lynx. "Sorry Scourge, but I see what you're doing there - but in a moment, you won't!" Combat: First Aid strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Photon Pistol attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily affected Sweep Spacecraft 's Accuracy. (Blinded) Sky Lynx flaps his magnificent wings and soars higher into the air. The immense techno-beast spots the incoming soapdish craft and can just feel the laser optical scan over his form. He shivers about, but continues his flight in the air. He soars through the area.. the sweep is not near enough for the combo form to divert his path. So he maneuvers to the next nearest opponent - the red seeker hovering over the area in front og him. Extending his claw out his slashes downward wih a taloned foot to strike at the 'bots wings. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Thrust with his Claw Swipe (Kick) attack! Sweep Spacecraft 's precision sensors and high-tech scanning equipment is blinded by the bright flash from First Aid's blinding Photon Pistol, sending the soapdish-like ship careening wildly. The ship continues to scan, however lining up Sky Lynx's weak points in his sights for a devastating strike. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft takes extra time to aim his next attack on Sky Lynx. Thrust takes a kick as he hovers in the air. This sets the navigation and the plans for Thrust's current attack to be tossed off guard. The hover-jet was planning on bombing Sky Lynx, but perhaps his payload gets lost! Combat: Thrust misses First Aid with his Cluster Bombs Area attack! Combat: Thrust strikes Sky Lynx with his Cluster Bombs Area attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Cluster Bombs" "Nice move, Sky Lynx!" First Aid calls out upon seeing his friend go after the Seeker. This unfortunately leaves him to deal with Scourge, but the Sweep seems to have been thrown for a loop, courtesy of his photon pistol. Still, he can make out what Scourge is trying to do - get that perfect shot on his partner. "Careful, Sky Lynx, Scourge is still on you. I'll see what I can do to deter Thrust." Clicking his photon pistol into damage mode, First Aid crouches behind a cooled molten rock, using it as cover. When the bombs come flying, however, he's forced to tuck and roll his way to safety, once again demonstrating why he's the dodge kind. The explosions kick up dust and debris, obscuring the doctor from view. All the F-15 will see are light bursts shooting up towards him. Combat: First Aid strikes Thrust with his Photon Pistol - Damage (Laser) attack! Sky Lynx lets out a squawking roar as he slashes the marroon jet with his claw. He is definitely filling the excitement already of this battle. A little too much so as the jet is quick to activate its thrusts and soar thru the sky to position itself over the mightly bird-lynx combo. Moments later his upper torso is getting bombarded.. explosions wrack his frame and even the air around him - the concussions of which alter his flight and bring him in line sight of the sweep. The attack has left him bruised, but not battered much. He roars out once more, and flies straight toward the sweep.. claws extended once more. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Dragon Claw attack! Sweep Spacecraft has aquirred all of the nesssary data, and now it's time to strike! Scourge is not normally so cautios, but when up against the huge Sky Lynx, caution is as asset. Sky Lynx's massive claws rip a chunk out of Scourge's hull, but as he Sweep streaks by, he blasts at Sky Lynx's frame with his special Disintegrator Beams, searing pulses of energy designed to destabilize even the toughest armor. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Sky Lynx with his Disintegrator Beams attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Disintegrator Beams" The Jet hovers in the air for a moment longer as it takes some more damage as it is struck with a pistol. The Seeker transforms into his robot mode and waves at his target. "Hello Autobot! An hour into the future, you meet your doom for fighting me!" He grins and opens fire with his own rifle! Thrust transforms into his Thrust mode. Combat: Thrust strikes First Aid with his Laser attack! "Er, actually since this is an Olympic match I don't think anyone's going to be doomed..." First Aid corrects Thrust. The Protectobot's instincts mess him up here, however. As Thrust waves to him, he starts to automatically wave back. Curses! This means he's not ready for Thrust to frag him with a rifle shot. Struck in the chest, First Aid tumbles backwards, neatly skidding along a crest that leads down to a river of lava. Arms folding into his chest, First Aid falls forward as his legs flip onto his back. Now in battle ambulance mode, First Aid aims... not at Thrust, but at a natural craggy tower of blackened rock. Blasting it at the base, the rock's structure weakens, crumbles, and threatens to collapse on the Conehead. First Aid falls forward, arms sliding in and legs flipping about, transforming into an ambulance. Combat: Ambulance strikes Thrust with his Trick Shot attack! Sky Lynx flaps his mightly blue wings and soars up into the air shaking his claws as the goes - fragments of pailish blue metal stuck in them from his latest assault. He swerves back around, slowly since he is not fast in this form like the sweep or jet opponents, and comes almost dino-bird beak to sweepcraft nose. He spots the energy buildup in the sweepcraft and reacts so quickly he in the flash of a neuron thought.. banking down and under the sweepcraft as the energy blast streaks the sky over him. As he passes under, he opens his large mouth and starts foaming flames. Curling up in the air he comes in behind the sweep and blasts away with his fire breath. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Fire Breath attack! Thrust coughs, as his body takes more damage than he expected, "Gee-So-Whiz!" is all he mutters as he bites down on his metal lip. He aims his arms at First Aid and tries his best to return fire while he begins to think that in normal combat, he would have retreated by now. "Scourge, I hope you have a better plan for this! I'm so done!" Combat: Thrust strikes Ambulance with his Air-to-Air Missile attack! Sweep Spacecraft 's smooth hull is scorched deeply by Sky Lynx's flame breath, andf as he flies he leaves a trail if inky black smoke. Scourge is not to be deterred, however, as he reels around for another attack, this time forgoing his fancy weaponry and instead going for a painful collision cpurse with Sky Lynx's body. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft strikes Sky Lynx with his Intercept attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Intercept" Ambulance 's shocks bounce as the recoil of firing the upgraded decrystallizer cannon and obliterating the rocky tower. ELSEWHERE, Crosshairs rolls over during his rest cycle; pausing. "Hrrh?" He asks as he awakens. "... what? I . . feel a disturbance somewhere. All is not right. Somewhere, the force is . . ." And he dozes again. OK BACK HERE NOW: Thrust seems to be on the ropes, but he manages to get off a quick shot on the ambulance. First Aid is sent skidding back towards the crest overlooking the river of lava. "Ack!" To avoid being sent careening over the edge, First Aid transforms back into robot mode even as he vanishes over the edge of the cliff. If/when Thrust or someone else comes looking, they'll see the doctor dangling by his fingertips over the rolling magma. Optics wide, First Aid looks down at the churning lava. He decides not to look down again. "...Sky Lynx?" he calls out. Ambulance 's front section folds back as a pair of legs and arms pop out, transforming into First Aid. Combat: First Aid takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] The Six Lasers' official scrubbles down notes on some yellow paper rather furiously. The notes seem to say something about 'Protectobot awesome' as a potential packaging burb. Sky Lynx is trying to dogdge the sweepcraft, Scourge, in the air. His fire breath must have ticked the already malcontent robot off even more. But he is not as fast in the skies in his combination form. The lynx-bird combo rises and dips trying to shake the sweep off his tail, but in the end the faster soapdish catches up to him and rams right into his aft section - talk about sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. He lets out a roar of protest as his tail is crushed into the blue armor of the Lynx form. These two opponents are not holding back any of their repetoir it seems to the mighty Lynx. So he decided not to also. Once more fire begins to brim around his mouth, but this time it almost envelops him head as it brews forth. Lynx soars up and around in the air and opens his mouth wide.. laying a fiery wall of destruction afore him at at both of his opponents. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Thrust with his Fire Breath Area attack! Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Fire Breath Area attack! Thrust manages to avoid Sky Lynx attack him as he tries his best to handle First Aid who passes up another attack on him. 'Huh?' thinks Thrust as he checks what weapons he has to use. His compressor guns seem like a nice choice. Hopefully Scourge can take out Lynx in time to help Thrust take down his target. Combat: Thrust strikes First Aid with his Compressor Guns attack! Once again Scourge's Sweepcraft mode(Scourgecraft?) is struck by a mouthful of flamebreath from Sky Lynx, peeling away enamels and reducing much of the rounded spacecraft's outer hull to molten slag. He transforms into his robot mode, his blackened wings spreading wide to reveal the deadly robot within. From his head-mounted laser, he fires a sickening green ray, an acidic laser beam that eats away at armor. The sleek Sweepcraft becomes Scourge, the tracker! Combat: Scourge misses Sky Lynx with his Acid Ray attack! Combat: Scourge (Scourge) used "Acid Ray" Sky Lynx roars out is pleasure as he at least hits once of his opponents. He is very pleased that it is also the 'Scourgecraft' that is once more set aflame. But it is this other maroon seeker that seems to be the bane at the moment in this fight - having avoided the wall of fire. The immense dino-lynx-bird thing banks once more to avoid some sort of ray fired from Scourge, and flies straight at the seeker - Thrust. All the fire breathing has made him hungry. His jaw opens wide flashing his robot sizes sharp teeth.. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Thrust with his Teeth Chomp (Punch) attack! First Aid continues to dangle from the cliff as Thrust shoots at him. The shots cause the entire cliff face to break apart and crumble, sending ash and cooled rock crashing down the side towards the river, carrying First Aid with it as well and threatening to bury him. The Protectobot's arm is the last thing one can see before the rocks crash into the river, blocking it off and creating a makeshift dam. Is First Aid under all that rock? Did he fall into the river? Is he buried but still alive, working to patch up his injuries? Combat: First Aid quickly patches up some of his minor injuries. Thrust swings over to where Lynx is as he avoids the mouth trying to eat him up alive. He cocks his arms and smiles as the missiles lock and he attempts to blow up Sky Lynx's mouth! "Hey ugly! Chew on this!" He's a bit concerned since First Aid seems to be pretty unstoppable right now. Combat: Thrust strikes Sky Lynx with his Air-to-Air Missile attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Air-to-Air Missile" Scourge's cold gaze watches as Sky Lynx swoops after Thrust, and while he isn't fond of Trust these days, he is glad the maroon buffoon avoids the attack. With the Sky Lynx distracted, Scourge hunts for First Aid. He catches a fleeting glimpse of the Protectobot's hand sinking beneath some rubble, but the ambulance-bot isn't out of trouble yet. Scourge levels his laser blaster rifle at the rocks, blasting down to vaposize both the rubble /and/ the Protectobot below. Combat: Scourge strikes First Aid with his Laser Blaster attack! The Sweep's vicious pursuit of his opponent results in the rubble across the lava stream shattering. Some of the rock is sent hurtling away, while others are simply vapourized on contact. Ash and smoke fills the air around the site, but with his keen sensors, Scourge will see a battle ambulance emerging from the rubble, sporting a horrible tear in his side. The decrystallizer cannon aims upwards as First Aid tries to ward Scourge off with a few well placed shots. First Aid falls forward, arms sliding in and legs flipping about, transforming into an ambulance. Combat: Ambulance misses Scourge with his Decrystallizer Cannon attack! Sky Lynx snarks, and snarls in protest. He must remember to have someone check his targetting system once these Olympics are over. How is it possible that he can not connect with his awesome attacks? Nevertheless he continues with the fight at hand for now.. the lastest assualt against him is a missile from Thrust that finds the target. The combo bird-lynx must have had a red target painted on his blue side because that is where it hits. Maybe it is this larger form he surmises. The missile explosion left a large dented mark on his armor, but did not break through or cause serious damage. Hovering to the ground the combo form splits apart into its two separate forms.. The dino-bord immediately taking flight to the skies while the Lynx pads the ground looking for a suitable platform. Spoting one the runs for it and leaps up off it rocketing into the air straight towards the Seeker. Sky Lynx transforms into his Dino-Bird & Lynx mode. Combat: Dino-Bird & Lynx misses Thrust with his Lynx Leap attack! Scourge fears no ambulance, equipped with gratuiously-oversized cannons or not! The experienced warrior uses his higher, aerial position to his advantage to avoid First Aid's blasts from his Decrystallizer cannons, and returns fire with a second blast from his laser blaster. Combat: Scourge strikes Ambulance with his Laser Blaster attack! Thrust coughs up some swallowed mech fluid. Anti-freeze? Maybe. "SCOURGE! Scourge! We are winning! We made them BOTH miss!" The Lynx is very fair game now in Thrust's optics as he pulls out the compressor guns and smiles, "Oh, if I get this hit in, I AM KING OF THE WORLD!" He smiles gracefully as he doesn't even look when he takes his shot. Hopefully it does some damage! Combat: Thrust misses Dino-Bird & Lynx with his Compressor Guns attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Compressor Guns" Ambulance is in a shooting match with Scourge, and it is not one that he relishes. Still, he reasons, it could be worse. It could be fisticuffs. Or video game playing. Scourge's laser hits First Aid from above, striking the decrystallizer cannon itself. Although First Aid's roof nearly crumples from the blow, he weathers it better than one might expect. "Sky Lynx, lets switch! I think we were having better success with our other partners." The battle ambulance takes off, rumbling up a path that leads from the bottom of the cliff back up to the main part of the battlefield. As he goes, he tries to ward Thrust away from Sky Lynx with a few double barreled shots. Combat: Ambulance misses Thrust with his Double Barreled - For Her Pleasure (Disruptor) attack! Sky Lynx thankfully is more agile in his separate forms. As the Lynx falls back to the ground, his claws empty from swiping at air, the Seeker fires off some rapid gun blasts at it. The dino-bird thankfully was near by and in a valiant rescue swoops in to knock the lynx out of the way of the blasts. The dino-bird caws and flies through the air seeking out Scourge once more to lend aid to First Aid in this battle. The large beak opens as he draws near to bite at the sweep-Bot. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Dino-Bird & Lynx misses Scourge with his Teeth Chomp (Punch) attack! Scourge can, of course, easily HEAR Sky Lynx coming, what with the dinobird being huge and rather noisy as he flies around. Scourge whirls around, as the massive chompers narrowly miss taking a bite out of him, and Scourge then backs /away/ from Sky Lynx instead of attacking. Combat: Scourge sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Scourge takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Thrust flies up into the sky and attempts to ignore all possible fire at him as he is now going for a daring move. He's sparking pretty badly and he knows that if he gets taken out before Scourge, he will never live it down. Also, he knows that he cannot fail this move since he is trying his best to give Scourge a reason to believe that Thrust should be the king of the Sweeps. Thrust transforms into his mode. Combat: Thrust sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Thrust misses Ambulance with his Cluster Bombs Area attack! Combat: Thrust strikes Dino-Bird & Lynx with his Cluster Bombs Area attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Cluster Bombs" Ambulance is unaware of Thrust's ambition to being king of the Sweeps, but he is aware of the bombs being dropped down towards him and Sky Lynx in a wide pattern. Taking a deep mechanical breath, the battle ambulance skids and veers, showcasing some fine combat driving on this inhospitable molten terrain, arriving back up to the top of the cliff. Tires squealing, First Aid skids to a halt in order to line up this next shot. "Thrust," the ambulance says as he aims upwards, "I think we've all had enough bombs for one day." Combat: Ambulance strikes Thrust with his And So The Pacifist Doctor Blows Away His Enemies attack! Dino-Bird & Lynx takes the opportunity of Scourge simply hovering away from him to steady himself. The Dino-Bird flies towards Scourge just as Thrust is unleashing yet *another* bomb attack. This time is hits only his Lynx form down on the ground below. Roars of protest and anguish are released from the Lynx's mouth as its body is wracked by the explosions. Hurt badly, the Lynx portion tries to find a place to take cover and hide. The Dino-Bird continues its attack at Scourge flying towards him and banking up slashing out with his claws as he does so. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Dino-Bird & Lynx misses Scourge with his Claw Swipe (Kick) attack! Scourge has no idea Thrust wants to be king of the Sweeps. Which is good, because otherwise Thrust would be murdered in his sleep. Scourge watches as Sky Lynx swoops in for another deadly melee strike, and the bearded Sweep dodges yet again, before returning to his Sweepcraft mode. He flares his Unicronian-designed engines, and dives in at Sky Lynx for another crushing collission. Scourge takes to the air, becoming a deadly Sweepcraft. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft strikes Dino-Bird & Lynx with his Intercept attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Intercept" There's a pause as Thrust ponders his next move. He does his best idea and that is to target First Aid with his best missile set he has. "Sorry, Autobot, but you will be joining Optimus Prime! You see, when we attacked Autobot City, he attacked me first! I was there for the JAZZ HANDS alone!" The jet then transformers into the Seeker and strikes a pose to show off his hands! Combat: Thrust strikes Ambulance with his Air-to-Air Missile attack! Thrust transforms into his Thrust mode. Sky Lynx seems to be outmatched by both his opponents speed. The Dino-Bird is almost a flightless bird now as the once again transformed Scourgecraft rams him a new whole.. literally - in his right side of his body. The damage is taking it's toll on the techno-beast forms. But he is not giving up just yet! Trying to muster his weakened strength in both is forms he launches another assault against both of his opponents. The Lynx on the ground comes out of his covered hiding and makes a spot on the ground under the Seeker and leaps once more.. while the Dino-Bird soars around and slashes out at the sweet. Hopefully the dual attack may catch his opponents off guard enough to sway the battle in his and First Aid's favor. After the attacks are made, both forms return to near First Aid on the ground for a more strategic plan. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Dino-Bird & Lynx misses Thrust with his Team Attack Area attack! Combat: Dino-Bird & Lynx misses Sweep Spacecraft with his Team Attack Area attack! Ambulance shifts into robot mode, jumping just as the missile (the best one Thrust has, no less!) lands at his feet, exploding. First Aid's jump upwards only partly absorbs the damage. His legs are racked with burn marks and shrapnel. He lands in a three-point crouch, facing downwards towards the ground. He thus does not get to see Thrust's jazz hands. "Optimus Prime was defending his friends," he tells the Seeker, "If it makes you feel any bettter, I'm sure he dealt with whatever Decepticon happened to be in his way first." First Aid finally rises again, this time carrying the greatest, most devastating weapon at his disposal. Sprinting over to Sky Lynx with his medical kit and surgical laser fingertips, the Protectobot works to seal up the injuries given to Sky Lynx by Scourge's recent attacks. He's focusing most on the wings to get the bird form airborne again. Ambulance 's front section folds back as a pair of legs and arms pop out, transforming into First Aid. Combat: First Aid quickly patches up some of Dino-Bird & Lynx 's minor injuries. The sleek(but severely scorched) Sweepcraft manages to avoid another painful clawing from the white dino-bird half of Sky Lynx, flaring his thrusters to escape being torn apart. As Sky Lynx convenes on First aid to recive some battlefield repairs, the Sweep dives in, firing bursts of machinegun fire on the armoured hide of Sky Lynx. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Dino-Bird & Lynx with his Pistol attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Pistol" Thrust watches gracefully as his target is down repairing the Autobot. "Hm, too easy!" The compressor guns hum silently for a couple minutes as the Seeker plots his next move. He then smiles as he drops to to the ground. "Nnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyaarrrrrrggggghhhh!" Thrust begins to fire all over the place at First Aid. "DIE DIRGE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Pent up anger anyone? Combat: Thrust misses First Aid with his Compressor Guns attack! Grimlock arrives! He tromps up towards the edge of the melee...and grunts. "Hnn. Me Grimlock want fight! Stupid fighty schedule thingie. No let me Grimlock get punchings done." he grunts, and then looks up as Thrust opens fire. "Haw haw haw! Him loser." First Aid breaks away from the bird and lynx, "You're good to go, Sky Lynx!" The quick triage centre is now under attack as Scourge and Thrust open fire on the area. First Aid sprints away from the machine-gun fire, only to run into a field of compressor shots zipping all around him, leaving potholes in the heavy rock. it's a dangerous spot, and First Aid retaliates by aiming his fist towards Thrust, firing a single surgical laser beam from his fist. The contrast between Thrust's wild compressor spray and the single laser shot should be obvious, and the Protectobot barely has time to even register that Thrust called him Dirge. Combat: First Aid misses Thrust with his Surgical Laser (Laser) attack! Both the Dino-Bird and Lynx components are in bad shape. They clawing attacks verse both the Sweep and the Seeker utterly missed. The intense heat of the magma flowing from the volcano's, combined with the ash in the air must have blinded Sky Lynx's sight. Having landed near First Aid, the medic helped to seal up the giant holes in the side of the bird, and aft section of the lynx.. at least temporarily. The two components launch once more into action afterward. Some blasts from Scourge send the Bird twisting in the air.. but as it rights itself it comes to land once more on top of the Lynx combining into its great form. A gun port on the beasts neck opens up and fires at the Scourgecraft. Dino-Bird & Lynx transforms into his Sky Lynx mode. Combat: Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Sweep Spacecraft with his Disruptor attack! "RAMJET! STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!" retorts Thrust after missing his attack on First Aid. He charges up his side mounted missiles and guns on his arms and as they glow with pure power. "OH, BABY I GOT A FUSE THAT'S BEEN LIT!" Thrust grins, "I will NOT LOSE TO YOU RAMJET!" The moronic Seeker charges again at his target and attempting to fire everything he has to take down First Aid. Combat: Thrust misses First Aid with his Air-to-Air Missile attack! Sweep Spacecraft 's banks a hard left, leaving Sky Lyn'x disruptor to blast through empty air. Thrust is busy being a complete /moron/ leaving all the hard work up to Scourge. Typical. The sweep scans Sky Lynx again, looking for chinks in the huge draconic Autobot's armor. Combat: Scourge analyzes Sky Lynx for weaknesses. "Oh sonuva..." First Aid exclaims as Thrust increases his firepower by breaking out the missiles and machine guns to go along with the compressor cannons. Well that's enough to make the Protectobot reconsider. Sprinting, First Aid can feel the shells and explosions a mere split second behind him until he leaps behind a blackened rock for cover. He'll wait for the insane amount of firepower Thrust is pumping out to subside. First Aid taps his foot. It... it /is/ going to subside, right? Thrust can't keep it up forever. Right? Right?! Unable to leave his protected area due to a concern that he'll get shot, and thus unable to retaliate for a moment, First Aid sees Scourge flying overhead, chasing after Sky Lynx. He takes a photon pistol shot at him. Combat: First Aid misses Sweep Spacecraft with his Photon Pistol - Pain (Laser) attack! Sky Lynx is excited, nay.. extactic that no one has attacked him recently. He watches the missile from the Seeker miss his ally in this fight, thankfully. And that once more Scourge flies away from him. But he can still feel that penetrating feeling over him.. like he is still being watched. Seeing that First Aid takes up a new stance and fires at the Sweep leader, Lynx flies towards the Seeker once more. a pistol port opens on his claw as he is flying and fires. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Thrust with his Pistol attack! Thrust doesn't even care that his weapons have failed him and that he has taken some more damage from First Aid. "Fleet! Shut up! You're yellow and greenish!! Starscream, you're dead! I saw Galvatron kill you! Catechism, you're crazy!" He pants, "Boomslang, I don't even really know you! Fusillade, you bring all the Bots to your bomb bay! Dredclaw, you're a crazy Sweep." He then snarls, as his hands tremble. "SUNDER! I WILL RIP YOU APART WITH MY JAZZ HANDS MYSELF!" The compressor guns take aim once again at Sky Lynx. Combat: Thrust misses Sky Lynx with his Compressor Guns attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Compressor Guns" Sweep Spacecraft 's carefuil observation of Sky Lyn'x weakpoints is interupted by First Aid's photon pistol(this seem familiar), and since the moron on red has already gone after Sky Lynx, Scourge has few options available. Diving down towards the Protectobot, returning fire with lasers of his own. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft strikes First Aid with his sweeplasers! (Laser) attack! "Yikes, Thrust has really lost it..." First Aid says. "Er, ref? Ref? Maybe we should call the match so Thrust can get medical attention?" But the ref is no-where to be seen. Additionally, no ref is going to accept the word of one side to call the match in their favour, even if First Aid really is sincere about Thrust's mental instability. This distraction is enough for the Sweepcraft to swoop down and barrage the area with lasers. More than a few strike at First Aid, wounding him and knocking his photon pistol out of his grasp. Acting on desperation, he transforms into ambulance mode and cuts loose with what little energy he has left. First Aid falls forward, arms sliding in and legs flipping about, transforming into an ambulance. Combat: Ambulance strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Decrystallizer Cannon attack! Sky Lynx dips and rises with the air currents passing over his enormous wings. The heat rising into the air from the magma pools helps to stabilize the currents allowing him to maneuver now a bit more easily. Especially this time as gun blasts from Thrust streak his way. Lynx continues on his general course, and stretches a leg out to swipe at the Seeker once more with his claw. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Thrust with his Claw Swipe (Kick) attack! "WHY DO I SUCK SO MUCH TONIGHT?" shouts Thrust as he misses yet again. He arms his laser and looks at First Aid. "Oh, I am so going to have to use this to take you down. Ain't that pathetic? Huh?" Thrust snarls and looks back at Sky Lynx. "This is so going to not be my day!" He attempts to use a simple laser blast at First Aid and ignores Lynx, thus evading the hit! Combat: Thrust strikes Ambulance with his Laser attack! Sweep Spacecraft is running critically low on Energon, but of course so much the other combatants. One thi Scourge has that they don't however, is a fresh supply of sensor data waiting to be exploited. The Sweep has o time to bother repyling to Thrust on the radio, an instead focuses on getting the job done; Mudering Sky Lynx. More gunfire rings out as he blasts at the massive Autobot with a fresh magazine of hot lead. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Sky Lynx with his Pistol attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Pistol" Ambulance is immobile and badly injured, but still alive. And while he's still alive, he continues to fire. Thrust's laser tears into his roof mounted weapon, ripping one of the barrels clean off. The remaining barrel still works, however, and First Aid shoots at the Seeker with his diminished capacity. Inwardly, First Aid can't help but think that all of this effort and all of this struggling is odd given how low the stakes are. Still, he appreciates that nobody is truly in danger. "Thrust, you need help," he emits. Combat: Ambulance strikes Thrust with his Single Barreled - For His Pleasure (Laser) attack! Sky Lynx just can not believe his emormous bad luck.. or his obviousely failing targetting sensors and system. He had not scored a hit on his opponents since the start of the match. Peculiar.. isn't it. Anyway.. as the pistol fire rains down the not-so mighty Lynx is still able to use the new change is air currents to avoid the blasts, and soars around and up to strike back at the Scourgecraft. He angles himself in flight so that he can close the distance more quickly.. and snaps out with his beak ah craft. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Teeth Chomp (Punch) attack! "NO! I HAVE BEEN HIT!" curses Thrust as he flails in the air. His own lasers hum and attempt to hone in on First Aid. "Autobot, give my regards to Optimus Prime! You'll be seeing him /REAL/ soon!" He grins and attempts to fire off with the last of his weapons before they need to cool down. Combat: Thrust misses Ambulance with his Laser attack! Sweep Spacecraft is caught in the vice-like grip of Sky Lynx's jaws, his hull buckling under the enormous pressure. The leader of the Sweeps isn't going down without a fight, however, and he breaks free of the huge toothed maw, swinging around and firing at Sky Lynx's long neck with a burst of lasers. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Sky Lynx with his Laser attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Laser" "Thrust, we've been over this!" First Aid calls out, "This is just an Olympic match. Nobody is in danger here! At least not /physically/. Mentally I think you need assistance, though." Unable to adequately move on his blown tires, First Aid evades Thrust's lasers by transforming into robot mode and hitting the dirt. It is from here, laying prone, that he shoots at Thrust with one of his surgical finger lasers. Ambulance 's front section folds back as a pair of legs and arms pop out, transforming into First Aid. Combat: First Aid misses Thrust with his Surgical Laser (Disruptor) attack! Sky Lynx lets go of the sweepcraft having getting a bad taste in his mouth after biting down. He flies off as more laser fire streaks over his wings from the Sweep. Banking around another port on the side of the lynx opens up and fires a laser blast back at Scourge. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Sweep Spacecraft with his Laser attack! Pulling out a simple pistol, Thrust lowers his head. "I hope I even have bullets for this! Jeeze, you'd think I'd be smart enough to pay attention!" Thrust holds the Cybertronian version of the Glock in his hands and takes aim at First Aid! He swings his fists right at the Autobot and is attempting to use the pistol to bludgeon him! Combat: Thrust strikes First Aid with his Punch attack! Combat: First Aid falls to the ground, unconscious. The latest barrage of lasers from Sky Lynx strike Scourge's engines. A small, muffled explosion goes off in one of his thrusters, and the Sweepcraft crashes down, trailing smoke and careening towards Sky Lynx. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Sky Lynx with his oops crashing attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Intercept" First Aid broken and battered, with half a decrystallizer cannon, is finally put down by Thrust, who totally missed an opportunity to do the Dirty Harry Lucky speech. The pistol-whip crashes through First Aid's windshield, and with a sad warbling sound, his systems begin to shut down. "Oooooh...." he says in sickly tone. His headlights turn off, and it is clear that First Aid is out of the match. It all rests on Sky Lynx's shoulders now! Sky Lynx roars in rage as his ally and compatriot falls in battle. "Nooo!" he roars out having failed once again to help save his allies. "How can this be? How can do you act so nefariously!?" he exclaims. Soaring higher into the air as the Scourgecraft descends down at him. He manuevers around the craft without much thought. But then on instict, without hesitation, his mouth once more opens up and breaths forth a weakened blast of fire. The Lynx sweeps across the area with it pointing it from sweep to seeker. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Thrust with his Fire Breath Area attack! Combat: Sky Lynx misses Sweep Spacecraft with his Fire Breath Area attack! "NEFARIOUS? Sky Lynx, you act surprised, but you would do /no different/! You seek to win just as strongly as we do, so why is our desire to win less worthy than yours?" Scourge replies, as his already battered ship deftly banks around the billowing flames. As Sky Lynx gapes his mouth to spew the acetylene-breath, Scourge fires his disruptors right into the toothy maw. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Sky Lynx with his Disruptor attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Disruptor" Thrust grabs the knocked out Autobot and grins. HOSTAGE! Just as he does that, Sky Lynx breaths fire at the two Decepticons so Thrust uses First Aid as a shield. Now, with his own shield wall, Thrust charges through the air and lands on the back of Sky Lynx, a spot that he probably can't hit Thrust on now. So the Seeker uses the body of the fallen Autobot as a steel chair and attempts to bang Sky Lynx's neck to oblivion. "I FOUND A USE FOR AN AUTOBRAT!" Combat: Thrust misses Sky Lynx with his Kick attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Kick" Sky Lynx careens about in the air.. avoiding energy blasts left and right.. but in the midst of that turmoil the Seeker comes and lands on his back. He easily shakes off Thrust before he can use the poor medic as a blunt object. As they both fall off, Lynx attempts to grab the medic in his claws to carry him to safety. While doing so the disruptor gun port on his neck swivels and directs its aim at the Seeker. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Thrust with his Disruptor attack! Thrust holds on to the knocked out medic since it's his trophy! "No! This goon is mine!" He then attempts to punch into Sky Lynx as hard as he can. He knows he's going to drop soon but he might as well give a great fight! Combat: Thrust misses Sky Lynx with his Punch attack! Combat: Thrust (Thrust) used "Punch" The Sweepcraft is barely functional, and struggles to keep itself airborne. Black smoke and feeble sparks flllow in it's wake as Scourge flies above the lava-strewn battlefield, and he dives in again, firing small bolts of disruptors at the massive Sky Lynx. Combat: Scourge sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Sweep Spacecraft misses Sky Lynx with his Disruptor attack! Combat: Sweep Spacecraft (Scourge) used "Disruptor" As far as Sky Lynx is concerned, the Seeker is in the process of sliding off his back. But as the maroon bot falls he punch thrown out is way off mark and misses. More blasts come from above as Scourge makes another pass. The immense techno-beast dodges the blasts, and swings his neck around to snap at the falling Seeker as he slides off from all the maneuvering about. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Thrust with his Teeth Chomp (Punch) attack! Combat: Thrust falls to the ground, unconscious. Sweep Spacecraft uses Thrust's demise as a distraction, and the crippled Sweepcraft splits to reveal an equally battered Sweep. Scourge brandishes his claws, and swoops towards Sky Lynx's godl optic band, lashing out with his last ounce of strength. The sleek Sweepcraft becomes Scourge, the tracker! Combat: Scourge misses Sky Lynx with his Clawed Assault attack! Combat: Scourge (Scourge) used "Clawed Assault" Sky Lynx rips a red wing off of Thrust as he tears back his teeth and mouth. Crunching on metal almost like he was a Terrorcon, he is surprised when Scourge shows up in his face clawing at his viewing display, ie optics. He quickly snatches his head out of the way of the raking claws, which miss, and raises his own claw to swipe the Sweep away from him so he can try to get First Aid safely to the ground. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Scourge with his Claw Swipe (Kick) attack! Scourge still has enough fight left in his to avoid the huge Sky Lynx's claws one last time. Afterall, Lynx's power nd strength come at he cost of size, and that size makes him slow compared to regular sized robots. Nearly dead, and with no energon, Scourge still has one last trick up his sleeve; He retrieves a compact explosive charge from a hip compartment, and glowers at Sky Lynx under heavy brows. With a mighty heave, he throws the fragmentation charge in a high arc, but it should be enough to catch the huge Lynx in it's blast. Combat: Scourge misses Sky Lynx with Fragmentation Charges's Fragmentation Charges attack! Combat: Scourge's Fragmentation Charges is destroyed! Combat: Scourge (Scourge) used "Huge Explosion #9378" Sky Lynx is flying near to a volcano. It seems to be inactive at the moment, so he gently settles First Aid down on the rocky surface away from any magma pools or hot air vents. He lifts off and circle back around to the other side of the volcano where Scourge is awaiting his arrival.. a devilish device in hand. A pump, a heft, and a throw brings the device towards Lynx! A bomb it must be, and the immense beast reacts and angles upward into the air using more warm air currents to excelerate his turn. Just in time.. the bomb misses him and falls hitting the volcano's side creating a crevice deep into it from which magma/lava starts flowing. This maneuver puts Lynx above Scourge in the air, so he flies back towards the sweep and attempts to wrap his tail around the Sweep's torso and take him for a ride.. possibly to dump him into that crevice. Combat: Sky Lynx misses Scourge with his Lynx Pounce (Grab) attack! Thrust mutters something while being offline. "I still function." He then hisses, "I used to be a man!" Scourge is broken and drains, and doesn't have the strength left to fight back as Sky Lynx wraps that huge red tail around his body. He scratches and rips at the armoured appendage, but can do little to free himself until he is ungraciously deposited into the gaping chasm, plummeting away into the depths of the volcano. Sky Lynx drops Scourge down into the bubbling crevice in the volcano's side allowing him to drown in the magma flow. He flies back around to the other side of the volcano and picks up First Aid in his claws and flies off to the medical tent for the injured.. leaving the Decepticons to their fiery and lavarific demise.
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