| - Rare tallsword signifying a knight's nobility.
- (with Haggle 0)
* Buy: 7D
* Sell: 3D 5T
- Longswords are medium speed slashing weapons used in melee combat. While they have a slower attack speed than scimitars, longswords are able to hit higher in a single attack. Many players prefer them to two-handed swords both because a shield can be equipped with a longsword, and because longswords have a faster attack speed. Scimitars, however, have been proven to deal more damage over the course of fights due to having higher attack speeds than longswords. Like all slashing weapons, longswords are good against cloth and leather armour. Their interval is 3 seconds.
- A sturdy and dependable iron blade used by cavalry forces throughout the land. == Who Can Use? ==__NOEDITSECTION__ == How To Obtain ==__NOEDITSECTION__
- [Source] A longsword was a type of sword used by the Nagai species, whose warriors preferred to employ bladed weapons in combat situations. In Nagai society, fighting exercises were a daily ritual, and longswords—along with Swiftcut foils and Tehk'la blades—were used in some of these exercises. Participants fought both as a form of meditation and in attempts to claim victory and earn social status among their fellow Nagai.
- Longsword is a RuneScape player with a total level of 2,496 as of 20 May 2012.
- Longsword is the second weakest sword with Golden Sword being the weakest. It is used by Onion Knight, Knight, Dark Knight, Red Mage, Warrior, and Freelancer. It can be found in Altar Cave x3 and in Ur x1, and can be bought in Ur for 100 gil. It has an Attack of 10.
- +1 Attack Bonus Image:Buy.gif for 360 gold. Image:Sell.gif for 9 gold. Usable by Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Swordmage, and Warlord.
- A longsword is a type of sword that appears in Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable II.
- Longswords are melee weapons in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They are the melee weapon for Strikers, and can be further mastered through the Samurai Gunner and Duelist classes. Longswords are also the melee weapons used by Gwin, Frye, and Nagi. Certain Tyrants can drop uniquely-named longswords.
- Longsword is an item in MARDEK. It can be equipped in the Weapon slot by Mardek and Vehrn.
- It once belonged to a warrior of great courage.
- The longsword is a type of sword used by soldiers during medieval times. A longsword resembling the binary sword was first seen in Madness Avenger. A grunt managed to block a couple of Hank's bullets with the sword before getting shot. It is also a usable melee weapon in Madness: Project Nexus 2.
- The Longsword's class name in save files is "com.watabou.pixeldungeon.items.weapons.melee.". __TOC__
- The late medieval longsword, also colloquially referred to as bastard-sword or hand-and-a-half sword, is a type of straight-bladed European sword. Contemporary terms included Langschwert ("long sword") in German, spadone ("large sword") in Italian and montante in Portuguese. Use of these swords lasted from roughly 1350 to 1550, declined in the late 16th century, and they were obsolete by the early 17th century.
- The Longsword is an artifact from Heroes of Might and Magic IV that gives heroes +3 Melee Attack and Defense. It costs 500 gold from a Blacksmith. Even though the bonus is insubstantial, it is better than nothing. For a small price, the Longsword is a good deal, but there is no need to keep it after better weapons are found.
- Longswords are medium speed slashing weapons, with a more effective stabbing attack than the scimitar. They deal slightly more damage per strike than a scimitar, but with a slower rate of attack. Slashing weapons are good against cloth and leather armour. NOTE: The Blurite sword and Silverlight can sometimes be counted as longswords. Longswords from bronze to rune are popular weapons, as all are available in Free-To-Play stores.
- The longsword is a recurring sword weapon in the Star Ocean Saga and a low-level weapon of several male protagonists.
- Longsword, eli pitkämiekka auttaa vähän isku bonuksessa, mutta muuten on niinkuin tavallinen miekka. Longswordia voit käyttää yhdessä kädessä, joten voit käyttää kilpeä, toisin kuin kahdenkäden miekalla. Longswordia ei enää nykyään käytetä melkeimpä koskaan, sillä sapeli, ja sotakirves ovat parempia.
- The longsword is an extremely common and very versitle weapon. It is typically of western design, though all Faerûnian cultures exhibit weapons of similar design and intent. The classic, straight blade is a favorite of many paladins. It is generally laid out in a cruciform pattern with four major sections; the blade, the crossguard, the handle, and the pommel. It has a long, straight, double-edged blade and is typically wielded with one hand by creatures of roughly human size. Some varying designs have a handle large enough for two hands, or at least most of the second hand, which allows warriors who use two hands to wield a longsword to put additional attack power behind their blows.
- Blades of this type hail from the workshop of Raegik Hammerhold, a Rashemar smith who refused to reveal the secrets of his craft to any but his chosen apprentice. It is unknown how many Angurvadal blades may exist, but it is certain there are no more being produced. Raegik discovered his student dealing with the Red Wizards of Thay, and is believed to have died in the ensuing battle.
* Damage bonus: +d6 fire damage
* Enhancement bonus: +2
* Required level: 11
- This is the standard longsword in Dragon Age: Origins.
- This item can be purchased for 87File:Silver.png44File:Copper.png from:
* Charles Seaton in Tirisfal Glades
* Brenwyn Wintersteel in Dun Morogh
* Brak Durnad in Wetlands
* Gunther Weller in Stormwind City
* Gavin Gnarltree in Duskwood
* Marda Weller in Stormwind City
* Ott in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Veenix in Stonetalon Mountains
* Merelyssa in Teldrassil
* Shoma in Durotar
* Xai'ander in Ashenvale
* Ariyell Skyshadow in Teldrassil
* Kard Ragetotem in Mulgore
* Kareth in Durotar
* Ven in The Exodar
- The longsword is the weapon most commonly associated with knights and their like. There are many variations in the blade, but all are approximately 35 to 47 inches in length. The longsword mold requires 2 metal ingot. For the properties of exotic metals, see the Materials page.
- A longsword (also spelled as long sword or long-sword) is a type of steel sword characterized as having a cruciform hilt with a grip for two-handed use and a straight double-edged blade of around 85 to 110 cm.
- Longswords were the typical gaijin swords, a straight shaft of metal mounted on a hilt.
- The longsword is the weapon most commonly associated with knights and their ilk. There are many variations in the blade, but all are approximately 35 to 47 inches in length. __TOC__
- Longswords zijn stab wapens met een gemiddelde snelheid. Longswords overtreffen scimitars op het gebied van stab aanvallen. Longswords stellen spelers in staat om een schild te dragen wat een groot voordeel is ten opzichte van een two-handed sword.
- Adept Blade, Baneblade, ChickenBlade, DragonBlade, Firesteel Blade, Necroblade, Pumpkin Blade, Sword
- The Longsword is a lengthy weapon that has a good damage range. This sword can be found on the bodies of many types of enemies. This also is not a very good weapon to use, however, it is popular among the newer players. The reason this is a poor weapon choice is that slash damage is the most blocked damage on average across all monsters in Initium. It is sufficient against non-armoured early monsters like trolls, but will soon become obsolete with such low damage ranges.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Longsword File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Longsword File:Longsword.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Common Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 3 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Common File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png Cruel and elegant steel
- The Longsword is the fifteenth weapon in the Sword Class. It can be found beginning on Level 38 of the Dungeon. Merchants will sell it beginning at Level 8. It has a value of 6880 and a rarity of 900. Attack radius is 7.5; strike radius is 9.5. It takes up 2 x 1 inventory space. The artifact version of the Longsword is Ribsticker.
- The Longsword is a type of European sword used during the late medieval and Renaissance periods, approximately 1350 to 1550 (with early and late use reaching into the 13th and 17th centuries, respectively). Longswords have long cruciform hilts with grips over some 15 cm (6 in) in length (providing room for two hands), straight double-edged blades often over 90 cm (35 in) in length, and weigh typically between 1.2 and 1.4 kg (2½ to 3 lb), with light specimens just below 1 kg (2 lb), and heavy specimens just above 2 kg (4½ lb).
- A longsword, also known a "hand-and-a-half sword," is a slender blade, usually double-edged for multiple styles of fighting. The hilt is designed to be wielded with either one hand or two, depending on user preference and the situation. Gilan trained with and used a longsword.
- ================================================================================ Name: Longsword Model: Longsword Type: Melee weapon Mods: STR+2D damage, maximum 6D. Difficulty: Moderate ================================================================================
- A 3-Cell Line attack that pushes you away from the target and may push the target away as well.
- The Longsword is a type of sword. It can be purchased from Harnquist in Hydlaa.
- Due to their speed, they have a higher auto-attack damage output than faster weapons to compensate for their speed. This is effectively equalled out when using abilities.
- While Longswords offer higher damage bonuses, they are one tick slower than scimitars. There is a 3 second delay between blows with a Longsword, whereas with a Scimitar, the delay is only 2.4 seconds. This equates to 20 attacks per minute with a Longsword as compared to 25 attacks per minute with a Scimitar. The extra 5 blows per minute usually outweigh any damage or accuracy boost a longsword will give. However, the extra five hits, due to the lower damage bonus of a scimitar, may be 0s or low hits, as opposed to more accurate or stronger hits with a longsword. Conducting accurate tests to compare the two weapon types, although attempted, have never brought about conclusive evidence of superiority due to the many factors that must be accounted for, such as enemy defence and Attack level.
- The Longsword (長柄刀 Nagaetō, also known as the Zanbato in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) is a sword that has concurrently appeared in several titles across the Fire Emblem Series. This blade is most notable for possessing the ability to inflict effective damage against mounted horseback units, with the exception of individuals assuming the Troubadour, Valkyrie and Mage Knight classes. Such an effect is enhanced by the fact that this sword boasts stats that are particularly high in the Might and Hit Rate departments, although said merits are offset by its low Durability and heavyweight nature. The Longsword is analogous to the Horseslayer and the Halberd.
- The Longsword is a type of European sword used during the crusades. Longswords have lengthy cruciform hilts with grips over 15 centimeters, 6 inches, in length, providing room for two hands, straight double edged-blades often over 90 centimeters, 35 inches in length, and weigh typically between 1.2 and 1.4 kilograms, 2 1/2 to 3 pounds, with light specimens just below 1 kilogram, 2 pounds, and heavy specimens just above 2 kilograms, 4 1/2 pounds.
- Atributos: Atk: 17, Def: 14 Mãos: One-Handed Peso: 42.00 oz. Valor: 51 gp. Dropa de: Beholder, Elder Beholder, Dragon, Elf, Elf Scout, Orc Leader, Quara Constrictor, Quara Constrictor Scout. Compra de: Shanar (Ab'Dendriel) 160 gp Ulrik (Greenshore) 160 gp Vende para: Hardek (Thais) 51gp Shanar (Ab'Dendriel) 51gp Uzgod (Kazordoon) 51gp H.L. (Outlaw Camp) 8 gp Notas: Bom para léveis baixos. Skill vs Criaturas vs Jogadores
- A longsword is a versatile weapon, so medium characters may wield it two-handed to deal 1 extra damage. Small characters must wield it two-handed, and they deal no extra damage for doing so. Ardents, avengers, barbarians, battleminds, fighters, paladins, rangers, wardens, and warlords are proficient with all military melee weapons, including the longsword. Assassins and swordmages are proficient with military heavy blades, including the longsword. Bards are also proficient with the longsword. Eladrin gain proficiency with the longsword as a racial trait.
- In short, scimitars have better DPS against most monsters than longswords and are better suited for PvM and training melee stats. Longswords have slightly higher strength bonuses which gives them higher possible maximum hits. This makes longswords better suited for PvP than scimitars. Overall, it is recommended to get a scimitar over a longsword whenever possible. Comparing the two weapons, the scimitar will hit 25% faster in exchange for 1 damage to the max hit. This makes them better to use than the longsword in most situations.