| - Control Magic is a magic based skill that prevents your spells from hitting your allies. This also applies to many types of spell-like effects and Special Actions, such as the blast of a grenade. When Control Magic takes effect, you will see the message "the (name of effect) passes through (character name)" and the character will not take damage. The chances of the skill working seem to go down with the power of the spells or abilities in question - even with level 1 Control Magic, a level 1 fire ball can be cast safely upon your pets, especially in the rain, so long as you don't have items that empower your spells. The only way to train control magic is to actually have your allies in the area of effect of a spell or ability. You train the skill more quickly if you have more allies in range. If that's not an option, consider just using a highly element-resistant pet like a fire hound or loading a pet up with element-resistance-boosting equipment, and pounding them constantly until your Control Magic starts to train. It takes a surprisingly low amount of effort to train Control Magic up to levels where you can rely upon it, relative to the effort you will need to spend on the other magic-related skills, like Casting, Literacy, or Memorization.