| - Finnish swearwords can be used as adjectives or adverbs with proper conjugation, just as the English swear words "fuck" or "shit" can become the descriptives "fucking" or "shitty." Finnish swearwords may also be used as subjunctive modifiers, where "motherfucker" and "shithead" may become "I will fucking shit on your mother's head" when spoken in the reverse order. The words often have old origins, and some have Pagan roots, which after Christian influence were turned from names of deities and spirits to profanity and used as such. Nowadays few Finns know of the origins and intended original use of the words, though you wouldn't know from how much they say them. The people in the neighboring countries to Finland often consider Finnish swear words harsher than their own, due perhaps to the phlegmatic hacking noise and violent head jerking that often accompany their use. Heavily mis-pronounced versions of them, most notably perkele, have been known to cause whiplash and Anal bleeding. Native Finns tend to consider the harshness exaggerated, while others use it to their advantage. (see chess)