| - Ranald is a god of the Old World. He is his the God of Tricksters and Luck. His cult is popular with paupers and rogues. Ranald is thought to be a god who receives the pleas of his faithful and always answers them. To the more sceptical this is a source of great irony, as virtually all of Ranald's worshippers are from the poorest of society. Ranald's symbol is 'X' sometimes expressed as the lucky crossed fingers. His totomic beasts are the crow, the magpie and the black cat.
- Ranald is the romantic pairing of Randy Marsh and Gerald Broflovski. See also:
- Ranald is the Tir Chonaill combat teacher and can be located on the school lawn next to the training dummies. A native of Tir Chonaill, Ranald is said to have been a legendary warrior. Tales of his courage against mobs of thieves and dungeon monsters have earned him an extraordinary amount of respect as a combat teacher. Ranald is very self-conscious about the scar on the right side of his forehead, and has grown out his hair to cover it. With his exaggerated mannerisms and big talk, Ranald is openly courting priestess Endlyon, although the feeling is not mutual. Once a heavy drinker, Ranald is loved by everyone in town...when he's sober.
- Ranald was a young officer in the army of Araluen at the time of the second war against Morgarath.
- Ranald is the Trickster god, a patron of rogues and gamblers. He is generally portrayed as a Human male, a charming rogue who is an incomparable thief and con man, but can also take the form of a crow, magpie, or black cat. He is a roguish trickster rather than being evil or malicious and is ruled largely by his irrepressible sense of humour. It is said that his interest in larceny stems from his joy in the discomfiture of pompous and self-important merchants, rather than from avarice. Ranald abhors violence of all kinds and would never condone violent crime, murder, or torture. The perfect crime in his eyes is the crime which leaves no trace and which is only discovered weeks or months later.
- Part of Ranald’s curious nature stems from the fact that this God has a several different aspects. To most, he is known as the Night Prowler, God of Thieves and patron of thieves and rogues. Venerated by the criminal elements in the Old World, his symbols and sayings serve as the foundation for much of the secret language used by thieves.[1a]
- Titolo: Dio dell'Inganno - Dio dei Ladri Allineamento : Caotico Neutrale Classe : Ladri Razza : Umani Seguaci: Ladri e furfanti. Sacerdozio: Non esiste ufficialmente, ma esiste una associazione dei fedeli di Ranald. Ogni ladro affiliato all'associazione deve dare il 10% del suo bottino alla chiesa. Domini da Chierico: Inganno, Aria - Nota: tutti i chierici di Ranald hanno almeno un livello da ladro Templi: Altari dedicati a Ranald sono comuni nei covi dei banditi, portano fortuna.
| - Ranald is a god of the Old World. He is his the God of Tricksters and Luck. His cult is popular with paupers and rogues. Ranald is thought to be a god who receives the pleas of his faithful and always answers them. To the more sceptical this is a source of great irony, as virtually all of Ranald's worshippers are from the poorest of society. Ranald's symbol is 'X' sometimes expressed as the lucky crossed fingers. His totomic beasts are the crow, the magpie and the black cat.
- Titolo: Dio dell'Inganno - Dio dei Ladri Allineamento : Caotico Neutrale Classe : Ladri Razza : Umani Seguaci: Ladri e furfanti. Sacerdozio: Non esiste ufficialmente, ma esiste una associazione dei fedeli di Ranald. Ogni ladro affiliato all'associazione deve dare il 10% del suo bottino alla chiesa. Domini da Chierico: Inganno, Aria - Nota: tutti i chierici di Ranald hanno almeno un livello da ladro Templi: Altari dedicati a Ranald sono comuni nei covi dei banditi, portano fortuna. Descrizione: Ranald è descritto come il dio della furbizia, della fortuna, dei commercianti, dei ladri, degli scommettitori, dei criminali non violenti, e di tutti coloro che vivono grazie alla loro astuzia. E' una divinità molto popolare sebbene manchi una diffusione ufficiale del culto, che è in genere disapprovato dall'autorità. Essendo un dio criminale e disonesto, Ranald si oppone all'autorità tradizionale, alla legge e tenta di sovvertire l'ordine sociale. E' ritratto come un avventuriero affascinante con un sorriso maligno, sempre pronto a trarre vantaggio dalla situazione. Diversamente da molti altri dei di Warhammer, Ranald è descritto come un dio che può intervenire nella vita della gente, nel bene e nel male. Un altro tratto inusuale per l'ambientazione è che Ranald viene descritto come una divinità non violenta che trova disgustosi l'assassinio e l'aggressione. I simboli di Ranald sono due dita incrociate, la X, il corvo, il gatto e altri simboli di fortuna. Chiunque desideri il favore di Ranald, ovvero la buona sorte, dovrebbe indossare abiti con uuna X sopra, e ciò è così comune da non essere una cosa sospetta.
- Ranald is the romantic pairing of Randy Marsh and Gerald Broflovski. See also:
- Part of Ranald’s curious nature stems from the fact that this God has a several different aspects. To most, he is known as the Night Prowler, God of Thieves and patron of thieves and rogues. Venerated by the criminal elements in the Old World, his symbols and sayings serve as the foundation for much of the secret language used by thieves.[1a] Ranald is also the Deceiver, watching over, or rather inspiring, charlatans and tricksters. In this way, Ranald is something of a force of nature, the personification of irony but also illusion — hence Ranald’s appeal to Grey Wizards. As well, Ranald is the patron of gaming, gambling, and more than anything, luck. It is in this form that Ranald is upheld by the Empire folk and to curry favour with the God, Old Worlders employ a dizzying array of superstitious sayings and gestures to ensure they retain or acquire the God’s attention.[1a] Of all the forms Ranald assumes, though, none is more brutally oppressed than his role as the Protector. The symbol of freedom from tyranny, liberation from despots, and the symbol of revolution, this aspect of Ranald is embraced by agitators, demagogues, and even a few politicians. In fact, Ranald in this role is a rallying force for the democratic movement that persists in the Empire’s largest cities.[1a]
- Ranald is the Tir Chonaill combat teacher and can be located on the school lawn next to the training dummies. A native of Tir Chonaill, Ranald is said to have been a legendary warrior. Tales of his courage against mobs of thieves and dungeon monsters have earned him an extraordinary amount of respect as a combat teacher. Ranald is very self-conscious about the scar on the right side of his forehead, and has grown out his hair to cover it. With his exaggerated mannerisms and big talk, Ranald is openly courting priestess Endlyon, although the feeling is not mutual. Once a heavy drinker, Ranald is loved by everyone in town...when he's sober.
- Ranald is the Trickster god, a patron of rogues and gamblers. He is generally portrayed as a Human male, a charming rogue who is an incomparable thief and con man, but can also take the form of a crow, magpie, or black cat. He is a roguish trickster rather than being evil or malicious and is ruled largely by his irrepressible sense of humour. It is said that his interest in larceny stems from his joy in the discomfiture of pompous and self-important merchants, rather than from avarice. Ranald abhors violence of all kinds and would never condone violent crime, murder, or torture. The perfect crime in his eyes is the crime which leaves no trace and which is only discovered weeks or months later. Ranald has four aspects: Ranald the Night Prowler, the patron of Thieves and other Rogues; Ranald the Deceiver, the patron of Tricksters, Charlatans, and, by implication, Illusionists; Ranald the Gamester, the patron of gambling and luck; and Ranald the Protector, who protects his worshippers from official interference, oppression, and tyranny.
- Ranald was a young officer in the army of Araluen at the time of the second war against Morgarath.