| - Sometime around 7000 BBY, the birth of Alvalleborai Del Iishi occurred. At the time, Alvalleborai's homeworld was not even present in the galaxy the Old Republic governed. Additionally, this unnamed homeworld had an average year that lasted almost a century long, and the native 'Voidlings' had no written records. Due to these reasons, the date of birth of Alvalleborai Del Iishi can only be roughly guessed at best. Alvalleborai was born into a house of nobility, the highly esteemed and influential house Iishi. Unlike other houses of nobility, almost all members of the house Iishi were Force Sensitive. However, young Alvalleborai was special even amongst his house in terms of power. By the reasonably young age of a standard century, Alvalleborai had already mastered many of the 'menial' powe
| - Sometime around 7000 BBY, the birth of Alvalleborai Del Iishi occurred. At the time, Alvalleborai's homeworld was not even present in the galaxy the Old Republic governed. Additionally, this unnamed homeworld had an average year that lasted almost a century long, and the native 'Voidlings' had no written records. Due to these reasons, the date of birth of Alvalleborai Del Iishi can only be roughly guessed at best. Alvalleborai was born into a house of nobility, the highly esteemed and influential house Iishi. Unlike other houses of nobility, almost all members of the house Iishi were Force Sensitive. However, young Alvalleborai was special even amongst his house in terms of power. By the reasonably young age of a standard century, Alvalleborai had already mastered many of the 'menial' powers that placed him above the commoners and the slaves house Iishi hired. By his Republic-time bicentennial, Alvalleborai was named the House Seer, officially labeled most skilled with the Force in his entire household. As Seer, however, Alvalleborai was required to make changes in his life. Firstly, he was derived the pleasure of assuming his natural, most comfortable form, and as the prime example of Iishi House's changeling abilities, Alvalleborai was to venture to alien worlds and learn to assume the forms, powers and cultures of these creatures. In hindsight, Alvalleborai realized that this tradition was merely a way to test the Seer, to make sure that the Seer truly was as powerful as his people expected him to be. Unfortunately, things turned poorly for Alvalleborai. An electromagnetic storm destroyed his primitive craft's hyperdrive and navi-computer, and he was forced to travel blind at sublight speeds. The epic journey of Alvalleborai lasted roughly three thousand years, and the Ancient Voidling became the first sentient being to travel from one galaxy to the next. General assumptions of how Alvalleborai survived that time are that once his provisions ran out, he shapeshifted into larger forms and proceeded to devour his own self, then hibernate for many years in recovery.