| - Wilson Geary was an Immortal actor and villain. Wilson and Amanda met sometime between 1599 and 1642 in the Globe Theatre. Amanda said she was the only one who didn't threw tomatoes at him that time. In 1963, she met him at a bar in Chicago. Although they were not friends, Amanda tolerated him. After this encounter, Geary met Lucy Becker. During his visit at Amanda's apartment, he met Nick Wolfe and Amanda. He told a very different version of the story of Marco's death, where he protected Lucy for an angry husband. The truth was, of course, somewhere in the middle.
| - Wilson Geary was an Immortal actor and villain. Wilson and Amanda met sometime between 1599 and 1642 in the Globe Theatre. Amanda said she was the only one who didn't threw tomatoes at him that time. In 1963, she met him at a bar in Chicago. Although they were not friends, Amanda tolerated him. After this encounter, Geary met Lucy Becker. Lucy had been hurt by her immortal husbands reaction to his old friend Amanda, and may have been a bit jealous. Geary told her just the right things, she was deceived, going with him to his apartment. Wilson took advantage of it for a perfidious plan: He called her husband, Marco Becker, claiming that Lucy was dead. In his rage Becker stormed into his home, and was stunned finding Lucy alive. Geary ambushed the surprised actor and took his head without a fight. In 1998, Geary had a successful one man show called Methuselah's Revenge, at the Music Hall of Chicago. He was soon booked for Denver. After a presentation, Lucy Becker tried to behead him. Afterward, Wilson located her address by posing as her public defender at the local police station. During his visit at Amanda's apartment, he met Nick Wolfe and Amanda. He told a very different version of the story of Marco's death, where he protected Lucy for an angry husband. The truth was, of course, somewhere in the middle. Wilson finally kidnapped Lucy and tried to lure Amanda into a trap. He fought with Amanda at the Music Hall, and was beheaded.