| - Stanley Owana Laanui (1892?-1943) nominally ruled over the short-lived Kingdom of Hawaii established by the Empire of Japan after they conquered the islands in 1942. Although he was a descendant of a Hawaiian royal family, Laanui's claim to the throne was tenuous at best. Indeed, he was the Japanese government's last choice for the office. After the rest of Hawaii's royalty turned down Japan's offer of the monarchy, Laanui was quite happy and ambitious to be a puppet-ruler under Japanese control, as he felt a great deal of resentment toward the haole who ruled Hawaii before the Japanese invaded. Laanui's coronation took place in July, 1942. He gave a speech attacking the United States for deposing the Hawaiian monarchy, and affirmed his friendship with the Empire of Japan. While reigning, he resided in Iolani Palace in Honolulu. His wife, a haole named Cynthia, was crowned queen. (He did not recognize the dual ironies that he gave his speech denouncing the Americans in English while standing next to his haole wife.) The opinions on Stanley's coronation from the native Hawaiians was mixed: a minority expressed a level of disapproval for the puppet king as demonstrated by the absence of many native Hawaiians of royal blood, such as Abigail Kawananakoa, from the coronation. Generally, King Stanley had very little to do. He did insist on an armed and combat-ready Royal Hawaiian Army, as well as a Royal Hawaiian Air Force. The Japanese government initially didn't take King Stanley's demands seriously, but did supply these military forces with functional yet outdated technology. He was aware that Cynthia began an affair with Japanese Commander Minoru Genda in 1943, but kept quiet. In the summer of 1943, the United States launched its successful invasion to retake the islands. Stanley went into a state of panic after hearing the news of the Americans' return and consumed substantial amounts of alcohol throughout the fighting. Finally taking refuge in Iolani Palace with his wife and several Japanese military personnel, including Genda, Stanley, realizing what could happen to him if the U.S. captured him, shot Cynthia in the head and then shot himself.