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- See town for town amenities.
- Acquisti: Flamini Borriello Abbiati Zambrotta Antonini Ronaldinho Cardacio Viudez Shevshenko Senderos Cessioni: Gilardino Gourcuff Cafù Serginho Aubameyang Ronaldo fiori Simic Paloschi Brocchi Digao Oddo
- Home > List of rides > Italy > Milan Look up on Google / Wikipedia Critical mass ride in Milan is every thursday, meeting is around 10 pm in Piazza dei Mercanti (titled Piazza Graziano Predielis). Other in Italy (articles only)
- Milan is the second-most populous city in Italy.
- Milan, or Milano, is a city of about 1,300,000 people in northern Italy. It was the host of the 1934 World Championship and the 1994 World Championship.
- Sternensystem: MilanLokalität: Alkari (Bündnis)
- Milan is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Feudal Monarchy.
- Milan is the second-largest city in Italy and the capital of Lombardy. The city proper has a population of about 1.35 million, while its urban area is the 5th largest in the EU and the largest in Italy with an estimated population of about 5.2 million. The massive suburban sprawl that followed the post-war boom of the 1950s–60s and the growth of a vast commuter belt, suggest that socioeconomic linkages have expanded well beyond the boundaries of its administrative limits and its agglomeration, creating a metropolitan region of 7 to 9 million people. According to Eurostat the Milan metropolitan region contains a population of 8,071,271 people in 2011.
- Mirano Kantsuo (美良野(みらの) 管津夫(かんつお)), also known as Milan (ミラノ), is a scout character.
- Milan is one of Zeus' many children. He is able to see the future.
- The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics.
* Information on Critical Mass bicycle rides in Milan at Critical Mass Wikia.
- Milan is a city in Italy. During the 2011 convergence, Milan was one of the cities where anomalies opened. (Episode 5.5)
- (UK) IPA: /miˈlæn/, SAMPA: /mi"l{n/ (US) IPA: /ˈmaɪ.lən/, SAMPA: /"maI.l@n/
- Milan was a Roman city, and was the capital of the Western Roman empire until it was moved to Ravenna.
- Die Milan ist ein Transportschiff aus dem 24. Jahrhundert, das hauptsächlich Passagiere befördert. Im Jahr 2368 trifft sich das Raumschiff im Orbit von Bilana III mit der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), um einige Passagiere an die Enterprise zu überstellen. Unter ihnen befinden sich auch Worfs Sohn Alexander Rozhenko und dessen Großmutter Helena Rozhenko. (TNG: )
- De MILAN (Missile d’Infanterie Léger ANti-char) is een Frans-Duits antitankwapen en bestaat uit een afvuurpost die een draadgeleide missile kan afvuren. De missile bevindt zich in een kunststof buis voor eenmalig gebruik die op de afvuurpost vastgeklikt wordt. Na het afvuren wordt de missile door de operator tot op het doel geleid via de afvuurpost en een enkele draad die zich achter de missile uitrolt.
- Milan might refer to:
* Milan, Italy, a city in Italy
* Milan, a Federation transport
* Milan, a scientist who studied radiation sensitivity in Humans
- Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Nebencharaktere Kategorie:Gestüt Kaltenbach Kategorie:Reiter Kategorie:Männlich Milan ist ein Nebencharakter der Ostwind-Reihe.
- Milan is a large opponent featured in a few Age of Empires II campaigns. It is a city in Northern Italy.
- Milan of the Elven House of Scribes was a member of the Alliance. He recorded the events of the Second War in the The Annals of the Great Alliance.[1] He had been given the supreme honor of inscribing the Annals in preparation for the impending invasion of the Orcish Horde. It was the first time in long history, that the Great Alliance of Lordaeron brought together humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes under the same banner to remove their common enemy from the face of the world. When he started on the Annals he did not know if they would describe the Alliance's victory or defeat, but it was his hope that the Alliance's descendants would read and learn from the pages, whatever the outcome. For that reason, he concentrated on the military aspects of the Alliance endeavors — so that future lead
- Mientras Milan, Ciel, Passy y otros reploids avanzaban, un pequeño grupo se quedó atrás protegiendo a los demás de droides X, los que eliminan a esos pocos reploids, forzando a casi todo el pelotón, excepto Ciel, Passy, Milan, y otro reploid, a quedarse atrás combatiendo. Es entonces cuando son activados 3 golems para acabar con sus enemigos, llegando el primero frente a los reploids, disparando su rayo y eliminándolos a todos.
- Milan (en italien, Milano, du latin Mediolanum, en Lombard Milan [mi'lã:], comme en français) se situe au nord de l'Italie. Capitale de la région de Lombardie, au centre de la plaine du Pô, la ville compte 1 548 580 habitants, et forme la plus grande agglomération du pays (4 millions d'habitants). Avec ses 7,5 millions d'habitants, l'aire urbaine de Milan est la cinquième d'Europe, après Moscou, Paris, Londres et Istanbul. Elle est le siège de la bourse italienne et représente un grand pôle d'attraction pour les sièges administratifs de diverses multinationales. Ainsi, Milan est une ville mondiale (au même titre que Chicago, Francfort, Singapour, Los Angeles et Hong Kong). Centre industriel, commercial, financier et universitaire, elle est considérée comme la principale ville du nord de l'
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- Crosstime Traffic established a gaming shop called The Gladiator in the Milan of an alternate where the Soviet Union won the Cold War. Crosstime Traffic had hoped that with stores like The Gladiator, it could quietly introduce capitalist ideas and gradually push for a counterrevolution in that alternate. One of the most popular games the store sold was Rails across Europe, which soon proved so popular that The Gladiator hosted several tournaments for its customers. However, the Security Police of the Italian People's Republic learned of the store's purpose (but not its origins), and shut the store down.
- When released on Earth in order to fight the Flashman, The Zobalda encountered Sara, although appearing to crush her, it mysteriously abducts her before turning back into Milan where he heals her wounds. The male reasons with Sara that he abducted her believing that she was his abducted little sister and that they were finally reunited, however he hides and locks himself away when he starts changing back into The Zobalda, leaving Sara both a photo and instructions regarding how to defeat him. (which she merely believed was a picture of the Beast Warrior drawn on the photo)
- Milan is a city in Italy and the capital of the region of Lombardy and of the province of Milan. The city proper has a population of about 1.3 million, while its urban area, roughly coinciding with its administrative province and the bordering Province of Monza and Brianza (created in 2004 splitting the northern part from the province of Milan itself), is one of Europe's largest with an estimated population of over 4 million spread over 1,980 km2 (764.48 sq mi), with a consequent population density of more than 2,000 inhabitants/km²
- After the Romans took possession, Mediolanum became known for its schools and imperial buildings; it became the seat of a prefecture and eventually the Western Roman Empire. After Christianity became the dominant religion, Mediolanum spawned an important heresy. Milan is the source of the coffee engine modified by Agatha.
- Milan, a northern Italian city, stands in the centre of the large Lombardy plain, between the Po, Adda and Ticino river valleys. Like many cities of its kind located on a plain, the city radiates out,in a regular pattern from its nucleus, the ancient city centre. This large and lively city is an important financial centre, a creative fashion workshop and a place rich in artistic and cultural sights. The Piazza del Duomo, is recognised as the official centre of the city. The square is flanked by a long line of porticoes and on the square's left side, the entrance to the Vittorio Emanuele II. The two Arengario buildings facing the gallery from across the square, indicate the access point to Piazza Diaz. The irregular shaped square in front of the Royal Palace stands to the left of the Arenga
- In 1476, Galeazzo Maria Sforza of Milan, and Lorenzo de' Medici of Florence formed an alliance, strengthening their own positions, and undermining Templar efforts to claim the cities. As such, Sforza was assassinated by three Templar agents - Carlo Visconti, Gerolamo Olgiati and Giovanni Lampugnani - during the festival of Santo Stefano. Having learnt of this plot through the interrogation of a captured soldier, the Assassin Giovanni Auditore da Firenze travelled to Milan to prevent the assassination, although he ultimately failed.