| - Frogpaw's brown eyes blazed as he lept at his opponent, his claws slashed through thin air, though, as Finchpaw rolled away. "Use the time that Finchpaw takes to get back on her paws to attack!" Shiningpelt, Frogpaw's mentor, called across the training-area. Frogpaw took his mentor's advice and as his littermate, Finchpaw, was regaining her balance, he lept, and pummeled her on the side of the head. "That's enough for now," Finchpaw's mentor, Voleblaze, called, "very good, Frogpaw, you've improved greatly, and Finchpaw, as you stood you were more vunerable."
| - Frogpaw's brown eyes blazed as he lept at his opponent, his claws slashed through thin air, though, as Finchpaw rolled away. "Use the time that Finchpaw takes to get back on her paws to attack!" Shiningpelt, Frogpaw's mentor, called across the training-area. Frogpaw took his mentor's advice and as his littermate, Finchpaw, was regaining her balance, he lept, and pummeled her on the side of the head. "That's enough for now," Finchpaw's mentor, Voleblaze, called, "very good, Frogpaw, you've improved greatly, and Finchpaw, as you stood you were more vunerable." The apprentices nodded, and though Frogpaw tried to control himself, his chest puffed out with pride. Finchpaw noticed, and rolled her eyes, sometimes her brother could be so full-headed! Cats called him imprudent, somehow the name fit Frogpaw. He was bold, sometimes too bold, and he thought a lot about himself. "Come on," Shiningpelt said, jarring Finchpaw from her thoughts, "Let's go back to camp." Frogpaw and Finchpaw nodded and followed their mentors back to camp.