Set on the mythical world of Tienne Earth, Mortal Half is a high-fantasy Web Comic that follows the trials and tribulations of a mysterious young woman named Mirra, the bearer of a cursed blade, and the unique individuals she meets throughout the course of her adventures. The first 185+ pages of the story were uploaded during the site's first week of launch.
* Launch date: 31 October 2011
* Style: B/W, with some colored pages
* Genres: Fantasy, action, drama, comedy, romance
* Rating: NC-17 for some mature content.
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| - Set on the mythical world of Tienne Earth, Mortal Half is a high-fantasy Web Comic that follows the trials and tribulations of a mysterious young woman named Mirra, the bearer of a cursed blade, and the unique individuals she meets throughout the course of her adventures. The first 185+ pages of the story were uploaded during the site's first week of launch.
* Launch date: 31 October 2011
* Style: B/W, with some colored pages
* Genres: Fantasy, action, drama, comedy, romance
* Rating: NC-17 for some mature content.
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| - Set on the mythical world of Tienne Earth, Mortal Half is a high-fantasy Web Comic that follows the trials and tribulations of a mysterious young woman named Mirra, the bearer of a cursed blade, and the unique individuals she meets throughout the course of her adventures. The first 185+ pages of the story were uploaded during the site's first week of launch.
* Launch date: 31 October 2011
* Style: B/W, with some colored pages
* Genres: Fantasy, action, drama, comedy, romance
* Rating: NC-17 for some mature content. Mortal Half is written/illustrated by J.H Harrington. It currently updates Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.