| - Born about 15 years before the Battle of Yavin, Adele Myullmar is a young, Mon Calamari politician who has, until late, been known only in local Mon Calamarian circles. He was born to a middle-class Mon Calamari family on one of the smaller floating cities (largely undamaged by the first Imperial invasion), and both his parents were traders who mostly did business with the ocean dwelling Quarren.From an early age, Adele was trilingual, fluent in Mon Calamari and Basic, as well as conversant in Quarren. As he entered his education his professors were astonished at his linguistic skills.In school he quickly mastered Bothese, Huttese, and Sullustese to add to his repertoire. His prodigious skills earned him a scholarship to , where he finished his degree in Xenocentric Studies in 5 ABY at the
| - Born about 15 years before the Battle of Yavin, Adele Myullmar is a young, Mon Calamari politician who has, until late, been known only in local Mon Calamarian circles. He was born to a middle-class Mon Calamari family on one of the smaller floating cities (largely undamaged by the first Imperial invasion), and both his parents were traders who mostly did business with the ocean dwelling Quarren.From an early age, Adele was trilingual, fluent in Mon Calamari and Basic, as well as conversant in Quarren. As he entered his education his professors were astonished at his linguistic skills.In school he quickly mastered Bothese, Huttese, and Sullustese to add to his repertoire. His prodigious skills earned him a scholarship to , where he finished his degree in Xenocentric Studies in 5 ABY at the age of 20.He then started work for the major embassies around Coral City while finishing a second degree in Galactic Government which was completed 8 ABY shortly before the 9 ABY attacks on Mon Calamari. The following years saw Adele employed in various governmental positions, mainly to secure and maintain firm relations with the Quarren.During the Dacan Pandemic he was used largely in the capacity of a translator between scientists, medical personnel, and often times the victims themselves. Both of his parents and a sister perished in the Pandemic, along with countless others.The subsequent destruction of the Mon Calamarian shipyards and invasion of the planet itself caused widespread panic. Adele helped to unify rebel cells of both Quarren and Mon Calamari to shake off the Imperial threat.He was jailed several times, and eventually scheduled for execution. Luckily, Imperial occupation ended after the destruction of Death Star III and the combined Rebel, Mon Cal, and Quarren forces overthrew the Empire, freeing Adele and other prisoners. Most recently he has used in his linguistic capacities in the convening of the brief stint of the Senate on Mon Calamari.He also worked with Coruscani refugees on Dac to make sure that they were properly cared for. For this work he was recognized and brought to Ord Mantell to fill diplomatic positions left vacant by rampant violence of 15-16 ABY.