| - Dur Gejjen, son of the famous Nov Gejjen, was escalated to Corellian Five World Prime Minister and Corellian Chief of State after Thracken Sal-Solo's death in 40 ABY, during the war with the Galactic Alliance. Gejjen ordered Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka, and her young daughter Allana killed in order for the Hapans to enter the war on Corellia's side. Also, he ordered Admiral Bera Cai'ka to attack Coruscant, where they successfully kidnapped Chief of State Cal Omas. When Omas was taken to Corellia, Gejjen beheaded him live on the HoloNet.
- Dur Gejjen was a Human male from Corellia and a politician at the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. Starting out in politics at a young age, he organized a coalition of Corellian political parties who opposed Corellian President Thrackan Sal-Solo, and drew up plans for a coup against Sal-Solo. This plan was made a reality with the help of Corellian ex-smuggler Han Solo and his wife, former New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo. Gejjen then opportunistically filled the ensuing power void, becoming Corellian president, and quickly expanding his grip to include all five worlds of the Corellian system.
- Dur Gejjen fue un humano de Corellia y un político por la época de la Segunda Guerra Civil Galáctica. Inició su carrera política desde muy joven, organizando una coalición de partidos políticos corellianos que se oponían al Presidente corelliano Thrackan Sal-Solo, y preparó un golpe de estado contra él. Este plan se hizo realidad con la ayuda del excontrabandista Han Solo y su mujer, anteriormente Jefe de Estado de la Nueva República, Leia Organa Solo. Aprovechando entonces la oportunidad, Gejjen ocuparía el vacío de poder resultante, convirtiéndose en presidente corelliano para expandir su dominio e incluir a los cinco mundos del Sistema Corelliano.