| - Die Mini-Map befindet sich im oberen rechten Teil des Bildschirms. Neben der zoombaren Darstellung der Karte finden sich dort diverse Buttons, um Einstellungen vorzunehmen oder in andere Bereiche des Interface oder der Einstellungen zu gelangen. Die Mini-Map kann auch mit Addons den jeweiligen vorlieben des Benutzers angepasst werden, da das Basis-Interface des Spiels nur wenig Möglichkeiten zur individualisierung des Spiels zu lassen. Mehr hierzu findest Du in der Kategorie Addons
- The mini-map is the small display seen in the upper right corner of your screen. This display shows other players that are close (white dots), mining nodes which are ore rocks (yellow dots), herbing nodes (green dots), wood / lumber from tree nodes (cyan dots), NPCs (magenta dots) and any NPC that has a quest for you or is waiting for you to turn a quest in. You can minimize and restore this window by pressing the P button on your keyboard. This will cause the miniatue graphical map of the area surrounding your character to vanish leaving behind only the scene name you are currently in.
- The mini-map in Anarchy Online is a very handy tool that can be used both indoors and outside. It provides a local map of the zone you are in. To activate it press CTRL + 6 or select mini-scroll bar option 6. The map will should appear along the right side of the screen. Outside you can use it avoid mobs and find mission locations. Details shown on the mini-map makes traveling outside quicker and safer. You can avoid areas of high level mobs and find ways around blocked areas.
- A portable, hand-sized device, the technology piece provides the player with a limited view of their environment using a series of representative symbols over a projected map of their location. In addition to the radar, the device also allows the player to receive communications from their mentor through a visual communication screen. The Mini-Map can also hack into other broadcasting signals; able to receive and listen in on public broadcasts, radio announcements, radio transmissions and private telephone calls. Through an ingenius design, the Mini-Map can also link with Meta or Magical transmissions.
| - Die Mini-Map befindet sich im oberen rechten Teil des Bildschirms. Neben der zoombaren Darstellung der Karte finden sich dort diverse Buttons, um Einstellungen vorzunehmen oder in andere Bereiche des Interface oder der Einstellungen zu gelangen. Die Mini-Map kann auch mit Addons den jeweiligen vorlieben des Benutzers angepasst werden, da das Basis-Interface des Spiels nur wenig Möglichkeiten zur individualisierung des Spiels zu lassen. Mehr hierzu findest Du in der Kategorie Addons
- The mini-map is the small display seen in the upper right corner of your screen. This display shows other players that are close (white dots), mining nodes which are ore rocks (yellow dots), herbing nodes (green dots), wood / lumber from tree nodes (cyan dots), NPCs (magenta dots) and any NPC that has a quest for you or is waiting for you to turn a quest in. You can minimize and restore this window by pressing the P button on your keyboard. This will cause the miniatue graphical map of the area surrounding your character to vanish leaving behind only the scene name you are currently in.
- The mini-map in Anarchy Online is a very handy tool that can be used both indoors and outside. It provides a local map of the zone you are in. To activate it press CTRL + 6 or select mini-scroll bar option 6. The map will should appear along the right side of the screen. Outside you can use it avoid mobs and find mission locations. Details shown on the mini-map makes traveling outside quicker and safer. You can avoid areas of high level mobs and find ways around blocked areas. Inside you can plan how you are going to complete a mission. Inside dungeons and buildings it shows rooms, doors, and mobs. Looking at the door locations, you get an idea of how big and complicated the dungeon or building is. Security droids are shown with the areas they are currently scanning. To earn tokens as a mission reward, many times to need to kill all the mobs insure a 100% chance of getting the token. The map will show you all the mobs and npc's. So you if you’re going for tokens, you can find and kill all the mobs before collecting the reward. If you’re blitzing a mission, it helps by showing you where the mobs are and what rooms you have already been in.
- A portable, hand-sized device, the technology piece provides the player with a limited view of their environment using a series of representative symbols over a projected map of their location. In addition to the radar, the device also allows the player to receive communications from their mentor through a visual communication screen. The Mini-Map can also hack into other broadcasting signals; able to receive and listen in on public broadcasts, radio announcements, radio transmissions and private telephone calls. Through an ingenius design, the Mini-Map can also link with Meta or Magical transmissions. The device is also linked with the player's Personal Data Assistant, alerting the player when they have Mail pending, their Equipped items are broken, their Inventory is full, or if they are currently On Duty.